Number of records found: 2109
Vieira De Castro L (2019) Properties of quasi particles on two dimensional materials and related structures. 79 p
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Heyne MH (2019) Chemistry and plasma physics challenges for 2D materials technology. 167 p
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Fatermans J (2019) Quantitative atom detection from atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy images. 155 p
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Azimuthal and radial flow patterns of 1g-Geldart B-type particles in a gas-solid vortex reactor”. Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Kulkarni SR, Vandewalle L, Perreault P, Goel C, Heynderickx GJ, van Geem KM, Marin GB, Powder technology 354, 410 (2019).
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An experimental and numerical study of the suppression of jets, counterflow, and backflow in vortex units”. Kulkarni S, Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Nuñez M, Schuerewegen C, Perreault P, Goel C, Heynderickx GJ, Van Geem KM, Marin GB, AIChE journal 65, e16614 (2019).
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Process intensification in a gas–solid vortex unit : computational fluid dynamics model based analysis and design”. Vandewalle LA, Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Perreault P, Van Geem KM, Marin GB, Industrial and engineering chemistry research 58, 12751 (2019).
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Experimental methods in chemical engineering : mass spectrometry –, MS”. Perreault P, Robert E, Patience GS, The Canadian journal of chemical engineering 97, 1036 (2019).
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Special issue on Microscopic and ultratrace x-ray fluorescence analysis: 2”. Janssens K, Journal of trace and microprobe techniques 14, 461 (1996)
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Van der Donck M (2019) Excitonic complexes in transition metal dichalcogenides and related materials. 224 p
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Screen versus cyclone for improved capacity and robustness for sidestream and mainstream deammonification”. Van Winckel T, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Bachmann B, Sturm B, Wett B, Takács I, Bott C, Murthy SN, De Clippeleir H, Environmental Science: Water Research &, Technology 5, 1769 (2019).
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Van der Paal J (2019) Generation, transport and molecular interactions of reactive species in plasma medicine. 237 p
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An innovative air purification method and neural network algorithm applied to urban streets”. Boumahdi M, El Amrani C, Denys S, International journal of embedded and real-time communication systems 10, 1 (2019).
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3D Eulerian-Eulerian modeling of a screw reactor for biomass thermochemical conversion. Part 1: solids flow dynamics and back-mixing”. Shi X, Ronsse F, Roegiers J, Pieters JG, Renewable energy 143, 1465 (2019).
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A spatial approach to identify priority areas for pesticide pollution mitigation”. Quaglia G, Joris I, Broekx S, Desmet N, Koopmans K, Vandaele K, Seuntjens P, Journal of environmental management 246, 583 (2019).
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Imaging secondary reaction products at the surface of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring by means of macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, van Loon A, Gonzalez V, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 67 (2019).
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The scaling relationships of leaf biomass vs. leaf surface area of 12 bamboo species”. Huang W, Su X, Ratkowsky DA, Niklas KJ, Gielis J, Shi P, Global ecology and conservation 20, e00793 (2019).
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Revealing the distribution of metal carboxylates in oil paint from the micro- to nanoscale”. Ma X, Beltran V, Ramer G, Pavlidis G, Parkinson DY, Thoury M, Meldrum T, Centrone A, Berrie BH, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 58, 11652 (2019).
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Combined Micro- and Macro scale X-ray powder diffraction mapping of degraded Orpiment paint in a 17th century still life painting by Martinus Nellius”. Simoen J, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, De Keyser N, Avranovich E, van der Snickt G, Van Loon A, Keune K, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 83 (2019).
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Light-activated sub-ppm NO2 detection by hybrid ZnO/QD nanomaterials vs. charge localization in core-shell QD”. Chizhov A, Vasiliev R, Rumyantseva M, Krylov I, Drozdov K, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Abakumov A, Gaskov A, Frontiers in materials 6 (2019).
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Macroscopic x-ray powder diffraction imaging reveals Vermeer's discriminating use of lead white pigments in Girl with a Pearl Earring”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, Van Loon A, Gonzalez V, Delaney J, Dooley K, Dik J, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Science Advances 5, eaax1975 (2019).
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Relationship between farmers' perception of sustainability and future farming strategies : a commodity-level comparison”. Creemers S, Van Passel S, Vigani M, Vlahos G, AIMS Agriculture and Food 4, 613 (2019).
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Causal loop diagrams to systematically analyze market power in the Belgian sugar value chain”. Biely K, Mathijs E, Van Passel S, AIMS Agriculture and Food 4, 711 (2019).
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Development of a Java-based application for environmental remote sensing data processing”. Semlali B-eddine B, El Amrani C, Denys S, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9, 1978 (2019).
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Trenchev G (2019) Computational modelling of atmospheric DC discharges for CO2 conversion. 206 p
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Sui Y (2019) Producing nutritional protein with Dunaliella microalgae : technological and economic optimization. 140 p
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Simulation of a controlled water heating system with demand response remunerated on imbalance market pricing”. Peeters M, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Journal of building engineering 27, 100969 (2020).
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Urine nitrification with a synthetic microbial community”. Christiaens MER, De Paepe J, Ilgrande C, De Vrieze J, Barys J, Teirlinck P, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Systematic and applied microbiology 42, Unsp 126021 (2019).
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Media optimization, strain compatibility, and low-shear modeled microgravity exposure of synthetic microbial communities for urine nitrification in regenerative life-support systems”. Ilgrande C, Defoirdt T, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Astrobiology 19, 1353 (2019).
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Vets C (2020) Growth properties of carbon nanomaterials : towards tuning for electronic applications. 130 p
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Ghasemitarei M (2019) Study of the interaction of plasma radicals with malignant tumor cells by means of Molecular Dynamics simulation. 117 p
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