Number of records found: 437
Hollow Cone Electron Imaging for Single Particle 3D Reconstruction of Proteins”. Tsai C-Y, Chang Y-C, Lobato I, Van Dyck D, Chen F-R, Scientific reports 6, 27701 (2016).
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Biocompatible Zr-based nanoscale MOFs coated with modified poly(epsilon-caprolactone) as anticancer drug carriers”. Filippousi M, Turner S, Leus K, Siafaka PI, Tseligka ED, Vandichel M, Nanaki SG, Vizirianakis IS, Bikiaris DN, Van Der Voort P, Van Tendeloo G, International journal of pharmaceutics 509, 208 (2016).
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TEM and AES investigations of the natural surface nano-oxide layer of an AISI 316L stainless steel microfibre”. Ramachandran D, Egoavil R, Crabbe A, Hauffman T, Abakumov A, Verbeeck J, Vandendael I, Terryn H, Schryvers D, Journal of microscopy 264, 207 (2016).
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Measurement of atomic electric fields and charge densities from average momentum transfers using scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Muller-Caspary K, Krause FF, Grieb T, Loffler S, Schowalter M, Béché, A, Galioit V, Marquardt D, Zweck J, Schattschneider P, Verbeeck J, Rosenauer A, Ultramicroscopy 178, 62 (2016).
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Realization of a tunable artificial atom at a supercritically charged vacancy in graphene”. Mao J, Jiang Y, Moldovan D, Li G, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Masir MR, Peeters FM, Andrei EY, Nature physics 12, 545 (2016).
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Extension of the basis set of linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method by using supplemented tight binding basis functions”. Nikolaev AV, Lamoen D, Partoens B, The journal of chemical physics 145, 014101 (2016).
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How do the barrier thickness and dielectric material influence the filamentary mode and CO2conversion in a flowing DBD?”.Ozkan A, Dufour T, Bogaerts A, Reniers F, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 045016 (2016).
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Modeling of plasma-based CO2conversion: lumping of the vibrational levels”. Berthelot A, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 045022 (2016).
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Direct observation of realistic-temperature fuel combustion mechanisms in atomistic simulations”. Bal KM, Neyts EC, Chemical science 7, 5280 (2016).
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DBD in burst mode: solution for more efficient CO2conversion?”.Ozkan A, Dufour T, Silva T, Britun N, Snyders R, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 055005 (2016).
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Elucidating the effects of gas flow rate on an SF6inductively coupled plasma and on the silicon etch rate, by a combined experimental and theoretical investigation”. Tinck S, Tillocher T, Dussart R, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 49, 385201 (2016).
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Modeling plasma-based CO2conversion: crucial role of the dissociation cross section”. Bogaerts A, Wang W, Berthelot A, Guerra V, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 055016 (2016).
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First-principles study of the optoelectronic properties and photovoltaic absorber layer efficiency of Cu-based chalcogenides”. Sarmadian N, Saniz R, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Journal of applied physics 120, 085707 (2016).
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First-principles analysis of the spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency of photovoltaic absorber layers for CuAu-like chalcogenides and silicon”. Bercx M, Sarmadian N, Saniz R, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 18, 20542 (2016).
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Bending Gold Nanorods with Light”. Babynina A, Fedoruk M, Kuhler P, Meledin A, Doblinger M, Lohmueller T, Nano letters 16, 6485 (2016).
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Advanced electron crystallography through model-based imaging”. Van Aert S, De Backer A, Martinez GT, den Dekker AJ, Van Dyck D, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, IUCrJ 3, 71 (2016).
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Effects of Nanostructure and Coating on the Mechanics of Carbon Nanotube Arrays”. Poelma RH, Fan X, Hu Z-Y, Van Tendeloo G, van Zeijl HW, Zhang GQ, Advanced functional materials 26, 1233 (2016).
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Nanoscale mapping of plasmon and exciton in ZnO tetrapods coupled with Au nanoparticles”. Bertoni G, Fabbri F, Villani M, Lazzarini L, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Calestani D, Gradečak S, Zappettini A, Salviati G, Scientific reports 6, 19168 (2016).
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A pseudo-tetragonal tungsten bronze superstructure: a combined solution of the crystal structure of K6.4(Nb,Ta)36.3O94 with advanced transmission electron microscopy and neutron diffraction”. Paria Sena R, Babaryk AA, Khainakov S, Garcia-Granda S, Slobodyanik NS, Van Tendeloo G, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 45, 973 (2016).
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Quantitative 3D analysis of huge nanoparticle assemblies”. Zanaga D, Bleichrodt F, Altantzis T, Winckelmans N, Palenstijn WJ, Sijbers J, de Nijs B, van Huis MA, Sanchez-Iglesias A, Liz-Marzan LM, van Blaaderen A, Joost Batenburg K, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Nanoscale 8, 292 (2016).
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Local orbital angular momentum revealed by spiral-phase-plate imaging in transmission-electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Verbeeck J, Physical Review A 93, 023811 (2016).
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Development of a fast electromagnetic beam blanker for compressed sensing in scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Béché, A, Goris B, Freitag B, Verbeeck J, Applied physics letters 108, 093103 (2016).
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Current-induced birefringent absorption and non-reciprocal plasmons in graphene”. Van Duppen B, Tomadin A, Grigorenko AN, Polini M, 2D materials 3, 015011 (2016).
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Gate tunable layer selectivity of transport in bilayer graphene nanostructures”. Abdullah HM, Zarenia M, Bahlouli H, Peeters FM, Van Duppen B, Europhysics letters 113, 17006 (2016).
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3D interconnected hierarchically macro-mesoporous TiO2networks optimized by biomolecular self-assembly for high performance lithium ion batteries”. Ren X-N, Wu L, Jin J, Liu J, Hu Z-Y, Li Y, Hasan T, Yang X-Y, Van Tendeloo G, Su B-L, RSC advances 6, 26856 (2016).
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Supracrystalline Colloidal Eggs: Epitaxial Growth and Freestanding Three-Dimensional Supracrystals in Nanoscaled Colloidosomes”. Yang Z, Altantzis T, Zanaga D, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Pileni M-P, Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 3493 (2016).
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Single Particle Deformation and Analysis of Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods before and after Femtosecond Laser Pulse Excitation”. Albrecht W, Deng T-S, Goris B, van Huis MA, Bals S, van Blaaderen A, Nano letters 16, 1818 (2016).
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A New Method for Quantitative XEDS Tomography of Complex Heteronanostructures”. Zanaga D, Altantzis T, Polavarapu L, Liz-Marzán LM, Freitag B, Bals S, Particle and particle systems characterization 33, 396 (2016).
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System-size dependent band alignment in lateral two-dimensional heterostructures”. Leenaerts O, Vercauteren S, Schoeters B, Partoens B, 2D materials 3, 025012 (2016).
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Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral coupling”. Liao Z, Huijben M, Zhong Z, Gauquelin N, Macke S, Green RJ, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Held K, Sawatzky GA, Koster G, Rijnders G, Nature materials 15, 425 (2016).
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