Number of records found: 33
Two-dimensional particle-in cell/Monte Carlo simulations of a packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure”. Zhang Y, Wang H-yu, Jiang W, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 17, 083056 (2015).
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Local destruction of superconductivity by non-magnetic impurities in mesoscopic iron-based superconductors”. Li J, Ji M, Schwarz T, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Yuan J, Pereira PJ, Huang Y, Zhang G, Feng HL, Yuan YH, Hatano T, Kleiner R, Koelle D, Chibotaru LF, Yamaura K, Wang HB, Wu PH, Takayama-Muromachi E, Vanacken J, Moshchalkov VV;, Nature communications 6, 7614 (2015).
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Quantitative study of particle size distribution in an in-situ grown Al-TiB2 composite by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy”. Tang Y, Chen Z, Borbely A, Ji G, Zhong SY, Schryvers D, Ji V, Wang HW, Materials characterization 102, 131 (2015).
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