Number of records found: 414
Mixed hemi/ad-micelle sodium dodecyl sulfate-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the efficient removal and trace determination of rhodamine-B and rhodamine-6G”. Ranjbari E, Hadjmohammadi MR, Kiekens F, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 87, 7894 (2015).
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Macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanning : a new and efficient method for documenting stained-glass panels”. Caen J, Legrand S, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, (2015)
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Dealing with architectural glasses : maintenance, monitoring and emergency treatment”. De Vis K, Janssens K, Jacobs P, Caen J, (2015)
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Composition and corrosion forms on archaeological and non-archaeological historic printing letters from the Moravian Museum, Memorial of Kralice Bible, the Czech Republic and the Museum Plantin-Moretus Antwerp, Belgium”. Storme P, Selucká, A, Rapouch K, Mazík M, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Van de Voorde L, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Caen J, De Wael K, , 59 (2015)
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Accounting for land-use efficiency and temporal variations between brownfield remediation alternatives in life-cycle assessment”. Beames A, Broekx S, Heijungs R, Lookman R, Boonen K, Van Geert Y, Dendoncker K, Seuntjens P, Journal of cleaner production 101, 109 (2015).
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Gamma induced atom displacements in LYSO and LuYAP crystals as used in medical imaging applications”. Pinera I, Cruz CM, Abreu Y, Leyva A, van Espen P, Diaz A, Cabal AE, Van Remortel N, Interactions With Materials And Atoms 356, 46 (2015).
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Synchrotron-based X-ray spectromicroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate the redox properties of lead chromate pigments under the effect of visible light”. Monico L, Janssens K, Cotte M, Romani A, Sorace L, Grazia C, Brunetti BG, Miliani C, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 1500 (2015).
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Iron speciation in soda-lime-silica glass: a comparison of XANES and UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy”. Ceglia A, Nuyts G, Meulebroeck W, Cagno S, Silvestri A, Zoleo A, Nys K, Janssens K, Thienpont H, Terryn H, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30, 1552 (2015).
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Potentiometric detection in UPLC as an easy alternative to determine cocaine in biological samples”. Daems D, van Nuijs ALN, Covaci A, Hamidi-Asl E, Van Camp G, Nagels LJ, Biomedical chromatography 29, 1124 (2015).
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Combining multi-receiver electromagnetic induction and stepped frequency ground penetrating radar for industrial site investigation”. Van De Vijver E, Van Meirvenne M, Saey T, Delefortrie S, De Smedt P, De Pue J, Seuntjens P, European journal of soil science 66, 688 (2015).
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Urban soil exploration through multi-receiver electromagnetic induction and stepped-frequency ground penetrating radar”. Van de Vijver E, Van Meirvenne M, Vandenhaute L, Delefortrie S, De Smedt P, Saey T, Seuntjens P, Environmental science : processes &, impacts 17, 1271 (2015).
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Light-induced processes in plasmonic Gold/TiO2 photocatalysts studied by electron paramagnetic resonance”. Caretti I, Keulemans M, Verbruggen SW, Lenaerts S, Van Doorslaer S, Topics in catalysis 58, 776 (2015).
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Swift electrochemical detection of paraben an endocrine disruptor by In2O3 nanobricks”. Qurashi A, Rather JA, Yamazaki T, Sohail M, De Wael K, Merzougui B, Hakeem AS, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 221, 167 (2015).
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Plasmacatalysis : a sustainable and efficient indoor air treatment”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2015)
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Valorization of thermal treatment residues in enhanced landfill mining : environmental and economic evaluation”. Danthurebandara M, Van Passel S, Machiels L, Van Acker K, Journal Of Cleaner Production 99, 275 (2015).
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Social risk screening using a socio-political ambiguity approach : the case of organic agriculture in Iran”. Mahmoudi H, Renn O, Hoffmann V, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Journal Of Risk Research 18, 747 (2015).
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Economic benefits of combining clean energy technologies : the case of solar photovoltaics and battery electric vehicles”. De Schepper E, Van Passel S, Lizin S, International Journal Of Energy Research 39, 1109 (2015).
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Using agro-environmental models to design a sustainable benchmark for the sustainable value method”. Merante P, Van Passel S, Pacini C, Agricultural Systems 136, 1 (2015).
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Increasing the cost-effectiveness of EU agri-environment policy measures through evaluation of farm and field-level environmental and economic performance”. Pacini GC, Merante P, Lazzerini G, Van Passel S, Agricultural Systems 136, 70 (2015).
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Assessment of the sustainability guidelines of EU Renewable Energy Directive : the case of biorefineries”. Maes D, Van Dael M, Vanheusden B, Goovaerts L, Reumerman P, Luzardo NM, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 88, 61 (2015).
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Techno-economic assessment of fast pyrolysis for the valorization of short rotation coppice cultivated for phytoextraction”. Kuppens T, Van Dael M, Vanreppelen K, Thewys T, Yperman J, Carleer R, Schreurs S, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 88, 336 (2015).
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The electrochemistry of tetrapropylammonium perruthenate, its role in the oxidation of primary alcohols and its potential for electrochemical recycling”. Lybaert J, Maes BUW, Tehrani KA, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 182, 693 (2015).
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Effective carbon and nutrient treatment solutions for mixed domestic-industrial wastewater in India”. Saha S, Badhe N, Seuntjens D, Vlaeminck SE, Biswas R, Nandy T, Water science and technology 72, 651 (2015).
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Stable Rh particles in hydrotalcite-derived catalysts coated on FeCrAlloy foams by electrosynthesis”. Benito P, Nuyts G, Monti M, de Nolf W, Fornasari G, Janssens K, Scavetta E, Vaccari A, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 179, 321 (2015).
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TiO2 photocatalysis for the degradation of pollutants in gas phase : from morphological design to plasmonic enhancement”. Verbruggen SW, Journal of photochemistry and photobiology: C: photochemistry reviews 24, 64 (2015).
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Direct reagentless detection of the affinity binding of recombinant His-tagged firefly luciferase with a nickel-modified gold electrode”. Vagin MY, Trashin SA, Beloglazkina EK, Majouga AG, Mendeleev communications 25, 290 (2015).
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Amiri-Aref M (2015) Utilization of magnetic nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes to fabrication electrochemical sensors for determination of some important biological and pharmaceutical compounds. 137 p
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Analysis and synthesis of supershaped dielectric lens antennas”. Bia P, Caratelli D, Mescia L, Gielis J, IET microwaves, antennas and propagation 9, 1497 (2015).
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Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant”. Shi P-J, Xu Q, Sandhu HS, Gielis J, Ding Y-L, Li H-R, Dong X-B, Ecology and evolution 5, 4578 (2015).
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Environmental and economic assessment of 'open waste dump' mining in Sri Lanka”. Maheshi D, Van Passel S, Van Karel A, Resources Conservation And Recycling 102, 67 (2015).
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