Number of records found: 4750
Electron effective mass and resonant polaron effect in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum wells”. Karczewski G, Wojtowicz T, Wang Y-J, Wu X, Peeters FM, Physica status solidi: B: basic research T2 –, 10th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, SEP 09-14, 2001, BREMEN, GERMANY 229, 597 (2002).<597::AID-PSSB597>3.0.CO;2-P
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Positron annihilation study of nanocrystalline Ni3Al : simulations and measurements”. Kuriplach J, van Petegem S, Hou M, Van Tendeloo G, Schryvers D, et al, Materials science forum T2 –, 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-12), AUG 06-12, 2000, UNIV BUNDERSWEHR MUNCHEN, NEUBIBERG, GERMANY 363-3, 94 (2001)
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YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson junctions and dc SQUIDs based on 45\text{\textdegree} a-axis tilt and twist grain boundaries : atomically clean interfaces for applications”. Tafuri F, Carillo F, Lombardi F, Granozio FM, dii Uccio US, Testa G, Sarnelli E, Verbist K, Van Tendeloo G, Superconductor science and technology T2 –, International Superconductive Electronics Conference, JUN 21-25, 1999, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 12, 1007 (1999).
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Growth of pure and doped Rb2ZnCl4and K2ZnCl4 single crystals by Czochralski technique”. Stefan M, Nistor SV, Mateescu DC, Abakumov AM, Journal of crystal growth 200, 148 (1999).
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A potential method to correlate electrical properties and microstructure of a unique high-Tc superconducting Josephson junction”. Verbist K, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Tafuri F, Granozio FM, Di Chiara A, Bender H, Applied physics letters 74, 1024 (1999).
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Hetero-epitaxial growth of CoSi2 thin films on Si(100) : template effects and epitaxial orientations”. Buschmann V, Rodewald M, Fuess H, Van Tendeloo G, Schaffer C, Journal of crystal growth 191, 430 (1998).
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Study of ramp-type Josephson junctions by HREM”. Verbist K, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Verhoeven MAJ, Rijnders AJHM, Blank DHA, Electronic Applications, Vol 2: Large Scale And Power Applications , 49 (1997)
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Giant Pd clusters observed by high resolution electron microscopy”. Volkov VV, Van Tendeloo G, Vargaftik MN, Stolyarov IP, Moiseev II, Mendeleev communications , 187 (1993)
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Normal and hot electro-phonon resonance effect in a quasi-two-dimensional semiconductor system”. Xu W, Peeters FM, Devreese JT, Journal of physics : condensed matter 5, 2307 (1993).
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Inter and intrasubband transitions via lo phonons in quantum wires”. Leao SA, Hipolito O, Peeters FM, Superlattices and microstructures 13, 37 (1993).
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Streaming-to-accumulation transition in a 2-dimensional electron-system in a polar semiconductor”. Xu W, Peeters FM, Devreese JT, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 46, 7571 (1992).
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Electrical and thermal-properties of a 2-dimensional electron-gas in a one-dimensional periodic potential”. Peeters FM, Vasilopoulos P, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 46, 4667 (1992).
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On the asymmetric next-nearest-neighbor ising model of oxygen ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz”. de Fontaine D, Asta M, Ceder G, McCormack R, Van Tendeloo G, Europhysics letters 19, 229 (1992).
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Strong-coupling analysis of large bipolarons in 2 and 3 dimensions”. Verbist G, Smondyrev MA, Peeters FM, Devreese JT, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 45, 5262 (1992).
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Infrared-spectroscopy of subbands, minibands, and donors in GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices”. Helm M, Peeters FM, de Rosa F, Colas E, Harbison JP, Florez LT, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces T2 –, 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONF ON THE ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL, SYSTEMS ( EP2DS-9 ) / 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONF ON MODULATED SEMICONDUCTOR, STRUCTURES ( MSS-5 ), JUL 263, 518 (1992).
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Extended stability region for large bipolarons through interaction with multiple phonon branches”. Verbist G, Peeters FM, Devreese JT, Ferroelectrics 130, 27 (1992).
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Functionalization of MWCNTs with atomic nitrogen”. Ruelle B, Felten A, Ghijsen J, Drube W, Johnson RL, Liang D, Erni R, Van Tendeloo G, Sophie P, Dubois P, Godfroid T, Hecq M, Bittencourt C;, Micron 40, 85 (2009).
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Formation of a complete solid solution between the triphylite and fayalite olivine structures”. Recham N, Casas-Cabanas M, Cabana J, Grey CP, Jumas J-C, Dupont L, Armand M, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 20, 6798 (2008).
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Carbon nanotube TiO2 hybrid films for detecting traces of O2”. Llobet E, Espinosa EH, Sotter E, Ionescu R, Vilanova X, Torres J, Felten A, Pireaux JJ, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Renaux F, Paint Y, Hecq M, Bittencourt C;, Nanotechnology 19, 375501 (2008).
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Ground state and normal-mode spectra of a two-dimensional system of dipole particles confined in a parabolic trap”. Munarin FF, Ferreira WP, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Physical review : E : statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 78, 031405 (2008).
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Phonon-induced pure dephasing in exciton-biexciton quantum dot systems driven by ultrafast laser pulse sequences”. Axt VM, Kuhn T, Vagov A, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 72, 125309 (2005).
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Characterization of complex silver halide photographic systems by means of analytical electron microscopy”. Oleshko V, Gijbels R, Jacob W, Alfimov M, Microbeam analysis 3, 1 (1994)
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Surface barrier for flux entry and exit in mesoscopic superconducting systems”. Berdiyorov GR, Cabral LRE, Peeters FM, Journal of mathematical physics 46, 095105 (2005).
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Structure, normal mode spectra, and mixing of a binary system of charged particles confined in a parabolic trap”. Ferreira WP, Munarin FF, Nelissen K, Costa RN, Peeters FM, Farias GA, Physical review : E : statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 72, 021406 (2005).
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Spin-polarized transport of two-dimensional electron gas embedded in a diluted magnetic semiconductor”. Yang W, Chang K, Peeters FM, Applied physics letters 86, 192107 (2005).
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Multiband k\cdot p calculation of exciton diamagnetic shift in InP/InGaP self-assembled quantum dots”. Tadić, M, Mlinar V, Peeters FM, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures T2 –, 3rd International Conference on Quantum Dots (QD 2004), MAY 10-13, 2004, Max Bell Bldg Banff Ctr, Banff, Canada 26, 212 (2005).
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Exact broken-symmetry states and Hartree-Fock solutions for quantum dots at high magnetic fields”. Szafran B, Peeters FM, Bednarek S, Adamowski J, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures T2 –, 3rd International Conference on Quantum Dots (QD 2004), MAY 10-13, 2004, Max Bell Bldg Banff Ctr, Banff, Canada 26, 252 (2005).
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Influence of spin-orbit interaction on the magnetotransport of a periodically modulated two-dimensional electron gas”. Wang XF, Vasilopoulos P, Peeters FM, International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics T2 –, 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor, Physics, AUG 02-06, 2004, Florida State Univ, NHMFL, Tallahassee, FL 18, 3653 (2004).
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Re-entrant pinning of Wigner molecules in a magnetic field due to a Coulomb impurity”. Szafran B, Peeters FM, Europhysics letters 66, 701 (2004).
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Exciton molecules in quantum wells : influence of the well width fluctuations”. Filinov AV, Peeters FM, Riva C, Lozovik YE, Bonitz M, Few-body systems T2 –, 3rd International Workshop on Dynamics and Structure of Critically, Stable Quantum Few-Body Systems, SEP 01-05, 2003, Trento, ITALY 34, 149 (2004).
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