Number of records found: 429
Harvesting hydrogen gas from air pollutants with an un-biased gas phase photo-electrochemical cell”. Verbruggen SW, Van Hal M, Bosserez T, Rongé, J, Hauchecorne B, Martens JA, Lenaerts S, Chemsuschem 10, 1413 (2017).
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Lead soaps in paintings : friends or foes?”.Cotte M, Checroun E, De Nolf W, Taniguchi Y, De Viguerie L, Burghammer M, Walter P, Rivard C, Salome M, Janssens K, Susini J, Studies in conservation 62, 2 (2017).
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Improving footprint calculations of small open economies : combining local with multi-regional input-output tables”. Christis M, Geerken T, Vercalsteren A, Vrancken KCM, Economic systems research 29, 25 (2017).
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Large-area elemental imaging reveals Van Eyck's original paint layers on the Ghent altarpiece (1432), rescoping its conservation treatment”. van der Snickt G, Dubois H, Sanyova J, Legrand S, Coudray A, Glaude C, Postec M, van Espen P, Janssens K, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 56, 4797 (2017).
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Nitrous oxide production in a granule-based partial nitritation reactor : a model-based evaluation”. Peng L, Sun J, Liu Y, Dai X, Ni B-J, Scientific reports 7, 45609 (2017).
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The ID21 X-ray and infrared microscopy beamline at the ESRF: status and recent applications to artistic materials”. Cotte M, Pouyet E, Salome M, Rivard C, De Nolf W, Castillo-Michel H, Fabris T, Monico L, Janssens K, Wang T, Sciau P, Verger L, Cormier L, Dargaud O, Brun E, Bugnazet D, Fayard B, Hesse B, del Real AEP, Veronesi G, Langlois J, Balcar N, Vandenberghe Y, Sole VA, Kieffer J, Barrett R, Cohen C, Cornu C, Baker R, Gagliardini E, Papillon E, Susini J, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 477 (2017).
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Assessment of corrosion resistance, material properties, and weldability of alloyed steel for ballast tanks”. De Baere K, Verstraelen H, Willemen R, Smet J-P, Tchuindjang JT, Lecomte-Beckers J, Lenaerts S, Meskens R, Jung HG, Potters G, Journal of marine science and technology 22, 176 (2017).
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Uneven distribution of inorganic pollutants in marine air originating from ocean-going ships”. Bencs L, Horemans B, Buczyńska AJ, Van Grieken R, Environmental pollution 222, 226 (2017).
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The effect of the buffer solution on the adsorption and stability of horse heart myoglobin on commercial mesoporous titanium dioxide : a matter of the right choice”. Loreto S, Cuypers B, Brokken J, Van Doorslaer S, De Wael K, Meynen V, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 19, 13503 (2017).
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Characterization of 18th century Portuguese glass from Real Fábrica de Vidros de Coina”. Lopes F, Lima A, Pires de Matos A, Custódio J, Cagno S, Schalm O, Janssens K, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14, 137 (2017).
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The young Van Dyck's fingerprint : a technical approach to assess the authenticity of a disputed painting”. Harth A, van der Snickt G, Schalm O, Janssens K, Blanckaert G, Heritage science 5, 22 (2017).
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An agent-based model of farmer behaviour to explain the limited adaptability of Flemish agriculture”. Maes D, Van Passel S, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 22, 63 (2017).
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Van Gogh's Irises and Roses : the contribution of chemical analyses and imaging to the assessment of color changes in the red lake pigments”. Centeno SA, Hale C, Caro F, Cesaratto A, Shibayama N, Delaney J, Dooley K, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, Stein SA, Heritage science 5, 18 (2017).
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Centralised, decentralised or hybrid sanitation systems? Economic evaluation under urban development uncertainty and phased expansion”. Roefs I, Meulman B, Vreeburg JHG, Spiller M, Water research 109, 274 (2017).
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Measuring adaptive capacity of urban wastewater infrastructure : change impact and change propagation”. Spiller M, The science of the total environment 601-602, 571 (2017).
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X-Ray Fluorescence as an analytical tool for studying the copper matrices in the collection of the Museum Plantin-Moretus”. Storme P, Fransen E, De Wael K, Caen J, De gulden passer 95, 7 (2017)
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Mediated electrolysis of vicinal diols by neocuproine palladium catalysts”. Lybaert J, Tehrani KA, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 247, 685 (2017).
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Approach of describing dynamic production of volatile fatty acids from sludge alkaline fermentation”. Wang D, Liu Y, Ngo HH, Zhang C, Yang Q, Peng L, He D, Zeng G, Li X, Ni B-J, Bioresource technology 238, 343 (2017).
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Quasi 3D modelling of vadose zone soil-water flow for optimizing irrigation strategies : challenges, uncertainties and efficiencies”. Rezaei M, De Pue J, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Cornelis W, Environmental modelling and software 93, 59 (2017).
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Recycling of a secondary lead smelting matte by selective citrate leaching of valuable metals and simultaneous recovery of hematite as a secondary resource”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 290 (2017).
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Selective leaching of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn from secondary lead smelting residues”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Broos K, Hydrometallurgy 169, 372 (2017).
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Process development for hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from sulfide-rich residue generated in a secondary lead smelter”. Kim E, Roosen J, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Binnemans K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 589 (2017).
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Study of positive and negative plasma catalytic oxidation of ethylene”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, Environmental technology 38, 1554 (2017).
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The darkening of copper- or lead-based pigments explained by a structural modification of natural orpiment : a spectroscopic and electrochemical study”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, De Wael K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 1331 (2017).
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Photodegradation mechanisms and kinetics of Eosin-Y in oxic and anoxic conditions”. Alvarez-Martin A, Trashin S, Cuykx M, Covaci A, De Wael K, Janssens K, Dyes and pigments 145, 376 (2017).
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Singlet oxygen-based electrosensing by molecular photosensitizers”. Trashin S, Rahemi V, Ramji K, Neven L, Gorun SM, De Wael K, Nature communications 8, 16108 (2017).
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Diatom frustule morphogenesis and function : a multidisciplinary survey”. De Tommasi E, Gielis J, Rogato A, Marine Genomics 35, 1 (2017).
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A note about generalized forms of the Gielis formula”. Gielis J, Natalini P, Ricci PE page 107 (2017).
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A biogeometrical model for corolla fusion in Asclepiad flowers”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Fougerolle Y, Ricci PE, Gerats T page 83 (2017).
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On a geometric model of bodies with “complex” configuration and some movements”. Tavkhelidze I, Caratelli D, Gielis J, Ricci PE, Rogava M, Transirico M page 129 (2017).
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