Number of records found: 4750
Analysis of Malagasy medical herbs by X-ray fluorescence in total reflectivity”. Razafindramisa FL, Andriambololona R, Brunel M, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique: 4 6, 833 (1996)
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Probing the structure and composition of van der Waals heterostructures using the nonlocality of Dirac plasmons in the terahertz regime”. Lavor IR, Cavalcante LSR, Chaves A, Peeters FM, Van Duppen B, 2d Materials 8, 015014 (2021).
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PAI-graphene : a new topological semimetallic two-dimensional carbon allotrope with highly tunable anisotropic Dirac cones”. Chen X, Bouhon A, Li L, Peeters FM, Sanyal B, Carbon 170, 477 (2020).
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Strain-engineered metal-to-insulator transition and orbital polarization in nickelate superlattices integrated on silicon”. Chen B, Gauquelin N, Jannis D, Cunha DM, Halisdemir U, Piamonteze C, Lee JH, Belhadi J, Eltes F, Abel S, Jovanovic Z, Spreitzer M, Fompeyrine J, Verbeeck J, Bibes M, Huijben M, Rijnders G, Koster G, Advanced Materials , 2004995 (2020).
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Prevalence of oxygen defects in an in-plane anisotropic transition metal dichalcogenide”. Plumadore R, Baskurt M, Boddison-Chouinard J, Lopinski G, Modarresi M, Potasz P, Hawrylak P, Sahin H, Peeters FM, Luican-Mayer A, Physical Review B 102, 205408 (2020).
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Beyond focus : exploring variability of service provision of agricultural cooperatives”. Sebhatu KT, Taheri F, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D'Haese M, Annals of public and cooperative economics 92, 207 (2021).
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Optical absorption window in Na₃Bi based three-dimensional Dirac electronic system”. Li QN, Xu W, Xiao YM, Ding L, Van Duppen B, Peeters FM, Journal Of Applied Physics 128, 155707 (2020).
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Effect of van der Waals interactions on the adhesion strength at the interface of the hydroxyapatite-titanium biocomposite : a first-principles study”. Grubova IY, Surmeneva MA, Surmenev RA, Neyts EC, RSC advances 10, 37800 (2020).
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Spin polarization in monolayer MoS₂, in the presence of proximity-induced interactions”. Zhao XN, Xu W, Xiao YM, Van Duppen B, International Journal Of Modern Physics C 31, 2050143 (2020).
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Inhomogeneous superconductivity and quasilinear magnetoresistance at amorphous LaTiO₃/SrTiO₃, interfaces”. Lebedev N, Stehno M, Rana A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Brinkman A, Aarts J, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 33, 055001 (2020).
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Guidelines for passive control of traffic-related air pollution in street canyons : an overview for urban planning”. Voordeckers D, Lauriks T, Denys S, Billen P, Tytgat T, Van Acker M, Landscape And Urban Planning 207, 103980 (2021).
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Time to act–assessing variations in qPCR analyses in biological nitrogen removal with examples from partial nitritation/anammox systems”. Agrawal S, Weissbrodt DG, Annavajhala M, Jensen MM, Arroyo JMC, Wells G, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Terada A, Smets BF, Lackner S, Water Research 190, 116604 (2021).
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Application of improved CFD modeling for prediction and mitigation of traffic-related air pollution hotspots in a realistic urban street”. Lauriks T, Longo R, Baetens D, Derudi M, Parente A, Bellemans A, van Beeck J, Denys S, Atmospheric Environment 246, 118127 (2021).
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A systematic comparison of commercially produced struvite : quantities, qualities and soil-maize phosphorus availability”. Muys M, Phukan R, Brader G, Samad A, Moretti M, Haiden B, Pluchon S, Roest K, Vlaeminck SE, Spiller M, Science Of The Total Environment 756, 143726 (2021).
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Enrichment and aggregation of purple non-sulfur bacteria in a mixed-culture sequencing-batch photobioreactor for biological nutrient removal from wastewater”. Cerruti M, Stevens B, Ebrahimi S, Alloul A, Vlaeminck SE, Weissbrodt DG, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 557234 (2020).
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Farmers' willingness to contribute to the restoration of an Ethiopian Rift Valley lake : a contingent valuation study”. Girma H, Huge J, Gebrehiwot M, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability 23, 10646 (2021).
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Tackling the problem of sensing commonly abused drugs through nanomaterials and (bio)recognition approaches”. Truta F, Florea A, Cernat A, Tertis M, Hosu O, De Wael K, Cristea C, Frontiers In Chemistry 8, 561638 (2020).
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Stable anisotropic single-layer of ReTe₂, : a first principles prediction”. Yagmurcukardes M, Turkish Journal of Physics 44, 450 (2020).
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A type-II GaSe/HfS₂, van der Waals heterostructure as promising photocatalyst with high carrier mobility”. Obeid MM, Bafekry A, Rehman SU, Nguyen C V, Applied Surface Science 534, 147607 (2020).
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Two-dimensional electron systems in perovskite oxide heterostructures : role of the polarity-induced substitutional defects”. Lin S-C, Kuo C-T, Shao Y-C, Chuang Y-D, Geessinck J, Huijben M, Rueff J-P, Graff IL, Conti G, Peng Y, Bostwick A, Gullikson E, Nemsak S, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Ghiringhelli G, Schneider CM, Fadley CS, Physical review materials 4, 115002 (2020).
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Insights into the composition of ancient Egyptian red and black inks on papyri achieved by synchrotron-based microanalyses”. Christiansen T, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Mouro E, Reyes-Herrera J, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Salvado N, Gonzalez V, Lindelof PE, Mortensen K, Ryholt K, Janssens K, Larsen S, Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 117, 27825 (2020).
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Hierarchical zeolite single-crystal reactor for excellent catalytic efficiency”. Sun M-H, Zhou J, Hu Z-Y, Chen L-H, Li L-Y, Wang Y-D, Xie Z-K, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Hasan T, Su B-L, Matter 3, 1226 (2020).
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Ambient and high pressure CuNiSb₂, : metal-ordered and metal-disordered NiAs-type derivative pnictides”. Skaggs CM, Kang C-J, Perez CJ, Hadermann J, Emge TJ, Frank CE, Pak C, Lapidus SH, Walker D, Kotliar G, Kauzlarich SM, Tan X, Greenblatt M, Inorganic Chemistry 59, 14058 (2020).
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Damages induced by synchrotron radiation-based X-ray microanalysis in chrome yellow paints and related Cr-compounds : assessment, quantification, and mitigation strategies”. Monico L, Cotte M, Vanmeert F, Amidani L, Janssens K, Nuyts G, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Glatzel P, Romani A, Miliani C, Analytical Chemistry 92, 14164 (2020).
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Coverage determinants of breast cancer screening in Flanders : an evaluation of the past decade”. Ding L, Jidkova S, Greuter MJW, Van Herck K, Goossens M, Martens P, de Bock GH, Van Hal G, International journal for equity in health 19, 212 (2020).
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Machine learning approach to constructing tight binding models for solids with application to BiTeCl”. Nakhaee M, Ketabi SA, Peeters FM, Journal Of Applied Physics 128, 215107 (2020).
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Formation of zinc oxalate from zinc white in various oil binding media: the influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide by reaction with 13CO2”. Simonsen KP, Poulsen JN, Vanmeert F, Ryhl-Svendsen M, Bendix J, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Mederos-Henry F, Heritage science 8, 126 (2020).
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Two distinctive regimes in the charge transport of a magnetic topological ultra thin film”. Sabzalipour A, Mir M, Zarenia M, Partoens B, New Journal Of Physics 22, 123004 (2020).
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Magnetic properties and critical behavior of magnetically intercalated WSe₂, : a theoretical study”. Reyntjens PD, Tiwari S, van de Put ML, Sorée B, Vandenberghe WG, 2d Materials 8, 025009 (2021).
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Effect of zitterbewegung on the propagation of wave packets in ABC-stacked multilayer graphene : an analytical and computational approach”. Lavor IR, da Costa DR, Chaves A, Sena SHR, Farias GA, Van Duppen B, Peeters FM, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 33, 095503 (2021).
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