Number of records found: 146
Control of proton transport and hydrogenation in double-gated graphene”. Tong J, Fu Y, Domaretskiy D, Della Pia F, Dagar P, Powell L, Bahamon D, Huang S, Xin B, Costa Filho RN, Vega LF, Grigorieva IV, Peeters FM, Michaelides A, Lozada-Hidalgo M, Nature 630, 619 (2024).
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High-Throughput Morphological Chirality Quantification of Twisted and Wrinkled Gold Nanorods”. Vlasov E, Heyvaert W, Ni B, Van Gordon K, Girod R, Verbeeck J, Liz-Marzán LM, Bals S, ACS Nano (2024).
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Scaling-Up Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Highly Defective Pd@UiO-66-NH2Catalysts for Selective Olefin Hydrogenation under Ambient Conditions”. Guerrero RM, Lemir ID, Carrasco S, Fernández-Ruiz C, Kavak S, Pizarro P, Serrano DP, Bals S, Horcajada P, Pérez Y, ACS Applied Materials &, Interfaces (2024).
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Single Crystal and Pentatwinned Gold Nanorods Result in Chiral Nanocrystals with Reverse Handedness”. Van Gordon K, Ni B, Girod R, Mychinko M, Bevilacqua F, Bals S, Liz‐Marzán LM, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2024).
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Atom counting from a combination of two ADF STEM images”. Şentürk DG, Yu CP, De Backer A, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 255, 113859 (2024).
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The effect of microstructure and film composition on the mechanical properties of linear antenna CVD diamond thin films”. Mary Joy R, Pobedinskas P, Baule N, Bai S, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, Pinault-Thaury M-A, Jomard F, Sankaran KJ, Rouzbahani R, Lloret F, Desta D, D’Haen J, Verbeeck J, Becker MF, Haenen K, Acta materialia 264, 119548 (2024).
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Phase offset method of ptychographic contrast reversal correction”. Hofer C, Gao C, Chennit T, Yuan B, Pennycook TJ, Ultramicroscopy , 113922 (2024).
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“Branched&rdquo, structural transformation of the L12-Al3Zr phase manipulated by Cu substitution/segregation in the Al-Cu-Zr alloy system”. Ding L, Zhao M, Ehlers FJH, Jia Z, Zhang Z, Weng Y, Schryvers D, Liu Q, Idrissi H, Journal of materials science &, technology 185, 186 (2024).
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Deep convolutional neural networks to restore single-shot electron microscopy images”. Lobato I, Friedrich T, Van Aert S, N P J Computational Materials 10, 10 (2024).
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Element specific atom counting for heterogeneous nanostructures: Combining multiple ADF STEM images for simultaneous thickness and composition determination”. Şentürk DG, De Backer A, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy 259, 113941 (2024).
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Incommensurate Modulations and Perovskite Growth in LaxSr2–xMnO4−δAffecting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Conductivity”. Vandemeulebroucke D, Batuk M, Hajizadeh A, Wastiaux M, Roussel P, Hadermann J, Chemistry of Materials (2024).
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In Situ Plasma Studies Using a Direct Current Microplasma in a Scanning Electron Microscope”. Grünewald L, Chezganov D, De Meyer R, Orekhov A, Van Aert S, Bogaerts A, Bals S, Verbeeck J, Advanced Materials Technologies (2024).
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Enhancing Electrochemical Properties of Walnut Shell Activated Carbon with Embedded MnO Clusters for Supercapacitor Applications”. Esteban DA, Chamocho EG, Carretero González J, Urones Garrote E, Otero Díaz LC, Brande DÁ, Batteries &, Supercaps (2024).
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Phase coexistence induced surface roughness in V2O3/Ni magnetic heterostructures”. Ignatova K, Vlasov E, Seddon SD, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Wermeille D, Bals S, Hase TPA, Arnalds UB, APL Materials 12 (2024).
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Decoding Excimer Formation in Covalent–Organic Frameworks Induced by Morphology and Ring Torsion”. Chakraborty J, Chatterjee A, Molkens K, Nath I, Arenas Esteban D, Bourda L, Watson G, Liu C, Van Thourhout D, Bals S, Geiregat P, Van der Voort P, Advanced Materials (2024).
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Decoding Excimer Formation in Covalent–Organic Frameworks Induced by Morphology and Ring Torsion”. Chakraborty J, Chatterjee A, Molkens K, Nath I, Arenas Esteban D, Bourda L, Watson G, Liu C, Van Thourhout D, Bals S, Geiregat P, Van der Voort P, Advanced Materials (2024).
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Refinement of the uranium dispersion corrections from anomalous diffraction”. Leinders G, Grendal OG, Arts I, Bes R, Prozheev I, Orlat S, Fitch A, Kvashnina K, Verwerft M, Journal of Applied Crystallography 57, 284 (2024).
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Plasma catalysis in ammonia production and decomposition: Use it, or lose it?”.Gorbanev Y, Fedirchyk I, Bogaerts A, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 47, 100916 (2024).
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Machine learning-driven optimization of plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane”. Cai Y, Mei D, Chen Y, Bogaerts A, Tu X, Journal of Energy Chemistry 96, 153 (2024).
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Improving the performance of gliding arc plasma-catalytic dry reforming via a new post-plasma tubular catalyst bed”. Xu W, Buelens LC, Galvita VV, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Journal of CO2 Utilization 83, 102820 (2024).
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Coupled multi-dimensional modelling of warm plasmas: Application and validation for an atmospheric pressure glow discharge in CO2/CH4/O2”. Maerivoet S, Tsonev I, Slaets J, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 492, 152006 (2024).
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Improving Molecule–Metal Surface Reaction Networks Using the Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation: CO2Hydrogenation”. Cai Y, Michiels R, De Luca F, Neyts E, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Gerrits N, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 8611 (2024).
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NH3 decomposition for H2 production by thermal and plasma catalysis using bimetallic catalysts”. Meng S, Li S, Sun S, Bogaerts A, Liu Y, Yi Y, Chemical engineering science 283, 119449 (2024).
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Modelling the dynamics of hydrogen synthesis from methane in nanosecond‐pulsed plasmas”. Morais E, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 21 (2024).
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Plasma-based dry reforming of CH4: Plasma effects vs. thermal conversion”. Slaets J, Loenders B, Bogaerts A, Fuel 360, 130650 (2024).
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Liquid treatment with a plasma jet surrounded by a gas shield: effect of the treated substrate and gas shield geometry on the plasma effluent conditions”. Heirman P, Verloy R, Baroen J, Privat-Maldonado A, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 57, 115204 (2024).
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Plasma-based conversion of martian atmosphere into life-sustaining chemicals: The benefits of utilizing martian ambient pressure”. Kelly S, Mercer E, Gorbanev Y, Fedirchyk I, Verheyen C, Werner K, Pullumbi P, Cowley A, Bogaerts A, Journal of CO2 utilization 80, 102668 (2024).
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Coupling the COST reference plasma jet to a microfluidic device: a computational study”. Bissonnette-Dulude J, Heirman P, Coulombe S, Bogaerts A, Gervais T, Reuter S, Plasma sources science and technology 33, 015001 (2024).
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Feasibility study of a small-scale fertilizer production facility based on plasma nitrogen fixation”. Manaigo F, Rouwenhorst K, Bogaerts A, Snyders R, Energy Conversion and Management 302, 118124 (2024).
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Inhibiting recombination to improve the performance of plasma-based CO2 conversion”. Wang K, Ceulemans S, Zhang H, Tsonev I, Zhang Y, Long Y, Fang M, Li X, Yan J, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 481, 148684 (2024).
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