Number of records found: 88
Compositional analysis of Tuscan glass samples: in search of raw materials fingerprints”. Cagno S, Janssens K, Mendera M, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 391, 1389 (2008).
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Combined computed nanotomography and nanoscopic x-ray fluorescence imaging of cobalt nanoparticles in caenorhabditis elegans”. Cagno S, Brede DA, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Pacureanu A, Tucoulou R, Cloetens P, Falkenberg G, Janssens K, Salbu B, Lind OC, Analytical chemistry 89, 11435 (2017).
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In vivo investigation of the distribution and the local speciation of selenium in Allium cepa L. by means of microscopic X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy and confocal microscopic X-ray fluorescence analysis”. Bulska E, Wysocka IA, Wierzbicka MH, Proost K, Janssens K, Falkenberg G, Analytical chemistry 78, 7616 (2006).
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Study on the impregnation of archaeological waterlogged wood with consolidation treatments using synchrotron radiation microtomography”. Bugani S, Modugno F, Lucejko JJ, Giachi G, Cagno S, Cloetens P, Janssens K, Morselli L, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 395, 1977 (2009).
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Investigating morphological changes in treated vs. untreated stone building materials by x-ray micro-CT”. Bugani S, Camaiti M, Morselli L, Van de Casteele E, Janssens K, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 391, 1343 (2008).
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Electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on boron doped diamond electrodes for the enhanced reduction of small organic molecules”. Bottari F, De Wael K, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry : an international journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kynetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry. 801, 521 (2017).
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Two-dimensional model of a direct current glow discharge: description of the electrons, argon ions and fast argon atoms”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Goedheer WJ, Analytical chemistry 68, 2296 (1996).
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New developments and applications in GDMS”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 364, 367 (1999).
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Three-dimensional modeling of a direct current glow discharge in argon: is it better than one-dimensional modeling?”.Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 359, 331 (1997).
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Two-dimensional model of a direct current glow discharge : description of the argon metastable atoms, sputtered atoms and ions”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Analytical chemistry 68, 2676 (1996).
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Modeling plasmas in analytical chemistry—an example of cross-fertilization”. Bogaerts A, Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry 412, 6059 (2020).
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Atomic spectroscopy”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 85, 670 (2013).
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Atomic spectroscopy”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 80, 4317 (2008).
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Atomic spectroscopy”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 78, 3917 (2006).
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Atomic spectroscopy”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 76, 3313 (2004).
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Atomic spectroscopy”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 74, 2691 (2002).
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Atomic spectroscopy: a review”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 82, 4653 (2010).
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Mitigation strategies for radiation damage in the analysis of ancient materials”. Bertrand L, Schoeeder S, Anglos D, Breese MBH, Janssens K, Moini M, Simon A, Trends in analytical chemistry 66, 128 (2015).
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Electrochemical identification of hazardous phenols and their complex mixtures in real samples using unmodified screen-printed electrodes”. Barich H, Cánovas R, De Wael K, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry : an international journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kynetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry. 904, 115878 (2022).
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Expansion of laser-generated plumes near the plasma ignition threshold”. Balazs L, Gijbels R, Vertes A, Analytical chemistry 63, 314 (1991)
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Unraveling the reactivity of minium towards bicarbonate and the role of lead oxides therein”. Ayalew E, Janssens K, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 88, 1564 (2016).
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Electrochemical photodegradation study of semiconductor pigments : influence of environmental parameters”. Anaf W, Trashin S, Schalm O, van Dorp D, Janssens K, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 86, 9742 (2014).
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High-resolution mass spectrometry and nontraditional mass defect analysis of brominated historical pigments”. Alvarez-Martin A, Newsome GA, Janssens K, Analytical Chemistry 93, 14851 (2021).
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Rapid evaluation of the debromination mechanism of eosin in oil paint by direct analysis in real time and direct infusion-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry”. Alvarez-Martin A, Cleland TP, Kavich GM, Janssens K, Newsome GA, Analytical chemistry 91, 10856 (2019).
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Ion Clouds in the Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch: A Closer Look through Computations”. Aghaei M, Lindner H, Bogaerts A, Analytical chemistry 88, 8005 (2016).
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Flowing Atmospheric Pressure Afterglow for Ambient Ionization: Reaction Pathways Revealed by Modeling”. Aghaei M, Bogaerts A, Analytical Chemistry 93, 6620 (2021).
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Metal-assisted secondary ion mass spectrometry: the influence of Ag and Au deposition on molecular ion yields”. Adriaensen L, Vangaever F, Gijbels R, Analytical chemistry 76, 6777 (2004).
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Degradation process of lead chromate in paintings by Vincent van Gogh studied by means of spectromicroscopic methods : 3 : synthesis, characterization, and detection of different crystal forms of the chrome yellow pigment”. Monico L, Janssens K, Miliani C, Brunetti BG, Vagnini M, Vanmeert F, Falkenberg G, Abakumov A, Lu Y, Tian H, Verbeeck J, Radepont M, Cotte M, Hendriks E, Geldof M, van der Loeff L, Salvant J, Menu M;, Analytical chemistry 85, 860 (2013).
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