Number of records found: 1475
Observation of hidden atomic order at the interface between Fe and topological insulator Bi2Te3”. Sanchez-Barriga J, Ogorodnikov II, Kuznetsov MV, Volykhov AA, Matsui F, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Verbitskiy NI, Koch RJ, Varykhalov A, Rader O, Yashina LV, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 19, 30520 (2017).
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Two-Dimensional CdSe-PbSe Heterostructures and PbSe Nanoplatelets: Formation, Atomic Structure, and Optical Properties”. Salzmann BBV, Wit J de, Li C, Arenas-Esteban D, Bals S, Meijerink A, Vanmaekelbergh D, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 126, 1513 (2022).
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From CdSe nanoplatelets to quantum rings by thermochemical edge reconfiguration”. Salzmann BBV, Vliem JF, Maaskant DN, Post LC, Li C, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Chemistry Of Materials 33, 6853 (2021).
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Meta-analysis of CO₂, conversion, energy efficiency, and other performance data of plasma-catalysis reactors with the open access PIONEER database”. Salden A, Budde M, Garcia-Soto CA, Biondo O, Barauna J, Faedda M, Musig B, Fromentin C, Nguyen-Quang M, Philpott H, Hasrack G, Aceto D, Cai Y, Jury FA, Bogaerts A, Da Costa P, Engeln R, Galvez ME, Gans T, Garcia T, Guerra V, Henriques C, Motak M, Navarro MV, Parvulescu VI, Van Rooij G, Samojeden B, Sobota A, Tosi P, Tu X, Guaitella O, Journal of energy chemistry 86, 318 (2023).
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Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 and other enveloped and non-enveloped viruses with non-thermal plasma for hospital disinfection”. Sahun M, Privat-Maldonado A, Lin A, De Roeck N, Van de Heyden L, Hillen M, Michiels J, Steenackers G, Smits E, Ariën KK, Jorens PG, Delputte P, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering , 1 (2023).
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Spontaneous Chirality Evolved at the Au–Ag Interface in Plasmonic Nanorods”. Sa J, Hu N, Heyvaert W, Van Gordon K, Li H, Wang L, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Ni W, Chemistry of materials (2023).
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Structural aspects and antiferromagnetic ordering in the “123&rdquo, derivative LnSr2Cu2Ga1-xFexO7-\delta (Ln = Y, Ho)”. Rykov A, Caignaert V, Van Tendeloo G, Greneche JM, Studer F, Nguyen N, Ducouret A, Bonville P, Raveau B, Journal of solid state chemistry 113, 94 (1994)
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Study of hydrogen peroxide reactions on manganese oxides as a tool to decode the oxygen reduction reaction mechanism”. Ryabova AS, Bonnefont A, Zagrebin P, Poux T, Sena RP, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Kerangueven G, Istomin SY, Antipov EV, Tsirlina GA, Savinova ER, ChemElectroChem 3, 1667 (2016).
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Boosting biomolecular interactions through DNA origami nano-tailored biosensing interfaces”. Rutten I, Daems D, Lammertyn J, Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 8, 3606 (2020).
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Structural evolution of the BiFeO3-LaFeO3 system”. Rusakov D, Abakumov AM, Yamaura K, Belik AA, Van Tendeloo G, Takayama-Muromachi E, Chemistry of materials 23, 285 (2011).
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p -CoO x / n -SnO 2 nanostructures: New highly selective materials for H 2 S detection”. Rumyantseva MN, Vladimirova SA, Vorobyeva NA, Giebelhaus I, Mathur S, Chizhov AS, Khmelevsky NO, Aksenenko AY, Kozlovsky VF, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Gaskov AM, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical (2017).
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Sub-ppm H2S sensing by tubular ZnO-Co3O4 nanofibers”. Rumyantseva MN, Vladimirova SA, Platonov VB, Chizhov AS, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Khmelevsky NO, Gaskov AM, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 307, 127624 (2020).
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Synthesis, structure and magnetic ordering of the mullite-type Bi2Fe4-xCrxO9 solid solutions with a frustrated pentagonal Cairo lattice”. Rozova MG, Grigoriev VV, Bobrikov IA, Filimonov DS, Zakharov KV, Volkova OS, Vasiliev AN, Antipov EV, Tsirlin AA, Abakumov AM, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 45, 1192 (2016).
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Plasma-driven catalysis: green ammonia synthesis with intermittent electricity”. Rouwenhorst KHR, Engelmann Y, van ‘t Veer K, Postma RS, Bogaerts A, Lefferts L, Green Chemistry 22, 6258 (2020).
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Room-temperature study of iron gall ink impregnated paper degradation under various oxygen and humidity conditions : time-dependent monitoring by viscosity and X-ray absorption near-edge spectrometry measurements”. Rouchon V, Duranton M, Burgaud C, Pellizzi E, Lavédrine B, Janssens K, de Nolf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Hellemans K, Analytical chemistry 83, 2589 (2011).
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Structure and microstructure of epitaxial Sr4Fe6O13-\delta films on SrTiO3”. Rossell MD, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Pardo JA, Santiso J, Chemistry and materials 16, 2578 (2004).
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Transmission electron microscopic study of the defect structure in Sr4Fe6O12+\delta compounds with variable oxygen content”. Rossell MD, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Lomakov MV, Istomin SY, Antipov EV, Chemistry and materials 17, 4717 (2005).
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Compositional and quantitative microtextural characterization of historic paintings by micro-X-ray diffraction and Raman microscopy”. Romero-Pastor J, Duran A, Rodríguez-Navarro AB, Van Grieken R, Cardell C, Analytical chemistry 83, 8420 (2011).
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Metal-polymer heterojunction in colloidal-phase plasmonic catalysis”. Rogolino A, Claes N, Cizaurre J, Marauri A, Jumbo-Nogales A, Lawera Z, Kruse J, Sanroman-Iglesias M, Zarketa I, Calvo U, Jimenez-Izal E, Rakovich YP, Bals S, Matxain JM, Grzelczak M, The journal of physical chemistry letters 13, 2264 (2022).
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Encapsulation of bimetallic metal nanoparticles into robust zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks : evaluation of the catalytic potential for size-selective hydrogenation”. Roesler C, Dissegna S, Rechac VL, Kauer M, Guo P, Turner S, Ollegott K, Kobayashi H, Yamamoto T, Peeters D, Wang Y, Matsumura S, Van Tendeloo G, Kitagawa H, Muhler M, Llabres i Xamena FX, Fischer RA, Chemistry: a European journal 23, 3583 (2017).
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Hollow Zn/Co Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework (ZIF) and Yolk-Shell Metal@Zn/Co ZIF nanostructures”. Roesler C, Aijaz A, Turner S, Filippousi M, Shahabi A, Xia W, Van Tendeloo G, Muhler M, Fischer RA, Chemistry: a European journal 22, 3304 (2016).
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Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in seawater of various pH”. Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Marine chemistry 13, 195 (1983).
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Kinetics of iron(II) oxidation in seawater of various pH : reply”. Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, Marine chemistry 15, 281 (1984).
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CFD- and radiation field modeling of a gas phase photocatalytic multi-tube reactor”. Roegiers J, van Walsem J, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 338, 287 (2018).
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CFD-modelling of activated carbon fibers for indoor air purification”. Roegiers J, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 365, 80 (2019).
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Development of a novel type activated carbon fiber filter for indoor air purification”. Roegiers J, Denys S, Chemical Engineering Journal 417, 128109 (2021).
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A protecting group approach toward synthesis of Au-silica Janus nanostars”. Rodríguez-Fernández D, Altantzis T, Heidari H, Bals S, Liz-Marzan LM, Chemical communications 50, 79 (2014).
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Plasmonic Au@Pd Nanorods with Boosted Refractive Index Susceptibility and SERS Efficiency: A Multifunctional Platform for Hydrogen Sensing and Monitoring of Catalytic Reactions”. Rodal-Cedeira S, Montes-García V, Polavarapu L, Solís DM, Heidari H, La Porta A, Angiola M, Martucci A, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, Bals S, Pérez-Juste J, Pastoriza-Santos I, Chemistry of materials 28, 9169 (2016).
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Losses of metabolically incorporated selenium in common digestion procedures for biological material”. Robberecht HJ, Van Grieken RE, Van den Bosch PA, Deelstra H, vanden Berghe D, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 29, 1025 (1982).
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Sub-part-per-billion determination of total dissolved selenium and selenite in environmental waters by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry”. Robberecht HJ, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 52, 449 (1980).
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