Number of records found: 95
Deeper insights into the photoluminescence properties and (photo)chemical reactivity of cadmium red (CdS1-xSex) paints in renowned twentieth century paintings by state-of-the-art investigations at multiple length scales”. Monico L, Rosi F, Vivani R, Cartechini L, Janssens K, Gauquelin N, Chezganov D, Verbeeck J, Cotte M, D'Acapito F, Barni L, Grazia C, Buemi LP, Andral J-L, Miliani C, Romani A, The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 311 (2022).
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Unravelling stacking order in epitaxial bilayer MX₂, using 4D-STEM with unsupervised learning”. Mehta AN, Gauquelin N, Nord M, Orekhov A, Bender H, Cerbu D, Verbeeck J, Vandervorst W, Nanotechnology 31, 445702 (2020).
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Germanium vacancy centre formation in CVD nanocrystalline diamond using a solid dopant source”. Mary Joy R, Pobedinskas P, Bourgeois E, Chakraborty T, Görlitz J, Herrmann D, Noël C, Heupel J, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Popov C, Houssiau L, Becher C, Nesládek M, Haenen K, Science talks 5, 100157 (2023).
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The effect of microstructure and film composition on the mechanical properties of linear antenna CVD diamond thin films”. Mary Joy R, Pobedinskas P, Baule N, Bai S, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, Pinault-Thaury M-A, Jomard F, Sankaran KJ, Rouzbahani R, Lloret F, Desta D, D’Haen J, Verbeeck J, Becker MF, Haenen K, Acta materialia 264, 119548 (2024).
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Element Specific Monolayer Depth Profiling”. Macke S, Radi A, Hamann-Borrero JE, Verna A, Bluschke M, Brück S, Goering E, Sutarto R, He F, Cristiani G, Wu M, Benckiser E, Habermeier H-U, Logvenov G, Gauquelin N, Botton GA, Kajdos AP, Stemmer S, Sawatzky GA, Haverkort MW, Keimer B, Hinkov V, Advanced Materials 26, 6554 (2014).
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Two-dimensional electron systems in perovskite oxide heterostructures : role of the polarity-induced substitutional defects”. Lin S-C, Kuo C-T, Shao Y-C, Chuang Y-D, Geessinck J, Huijben M, Rueff J-P, Graff IL, Conti G, Peng Y, Bostwick A, Gullikson E, Nemsak S, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Ghiringhelli G, Schneider CM, Fadley CS, Physical review materials 4, 115002 (2020).
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Long-Range Domain Structure and Symmetry Engineering by Interfacial Oxygen Octahedral Coupling at Heterostructure Interface”. Liao Z, Green RJ, Gauquelin N, Macke S, Li L, Gonnissen J, Sutarto R, Houwman EP, Zhong Z, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Sawatzky GA, Huijben M, Koster G, Rijnders G, Advanced functional materials 26, 6627 (2016).
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Engineering properties by long range symmetry propagation initiated at perovskite heterostructure interface”. Liao ZL, Green RJ, Gauquelin N, Gonnissen J, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, et al, Advanced functional materials , 1 (2016)
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Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral coupling”. Liao Z, Huijben M, Zhong Z, Gauquelin N, Macke S, Green RJ, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Held K, Sawatzky GA, Koster G, Rijnders G, Nature materials 15, 425 (2016).
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Metal–insulator-transition engineering by modulation tilt-control in perovskite nickelates for room temperature optical switching”. Liao Z, Gauquelin N, Green RJ, Müller-Caspary K, Lobato I, Li L, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Huijben M, Grisolia MN, Rouco V, El Hage R, Villegas JE, Mercy A, Bibes M, Ghosez P, Sawatzky GA, Rijnders G, Koster G, America 115, 9515 (2018).
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Thickness dependent properties in oxide heterostructures driven by structurally induced metal-oxygen hybridization variations”. Liao Z, Gauquelin N, Green RJ, Macke S, Gonnissen J, Thomas S, Zhong Z, Li L, Si L, Van Aert S, Hansmann P, Held K, Xia J, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Sawatzky GA, Koster G, Huijben M, Rijnders G, Advanced functional materials 27, 1606717 (2017).
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Epitaxial stress-free growth of high crystallinity ferroelectric PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 on GaN/AlGaN/Si(111) substrate”. Li L, Liao Z, Gauquelin N, Minh Duc Nguyen, Hueting RJE, Gravesteijn DJ, Lobato I, Houwman EP, Lazar S, Verbeeck J, Koster G, Rijnders G, Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1700921 (2018).
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Gate-tuned anomalous Hall effect driven by Rashba splitting in intermixed LaAlO3/GdTiO3/SrTiO3”. Lebedev N, Stehno M, Rana A, Reith P, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Hilgenkamp H, Brinkman A, Aarts J, Scientific Reports 11, 10726 (2021).
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Inhomogeneous superconductivity and quasilinear magnetoresistance at amorphous LaTiO₃/SrTiO₃, interfaces”. Lebedev N, Stehno M, Rana A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Brinkman A, Aarts J, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 33, 055001 (2020).
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Resistance minimum in LaAlO3/Eu1-xLaxTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures”. Lebedev N, Huang Y, Rana A, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Aarts J, Physical review materials 6, 075003 (2022).
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Depth-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at a superconductor/half-metallic-ferromagnet interface through standing wave excitation”. Kuo C-T, Lin S-C, Ghiringhelli G, Peng Y, De Luca GM, Di Castro D, Betto D, Gehlmann M, Wijnands T, Huijben M, Meyer-Ilse J, Gullikson E, Kortright JB, Vailionis A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Gerber T, Balestrino G, Brookes NB, Braicovich L, Fadley CS, Physical review B 98, 235146 (2018).
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High-TCInterfacial Ferromagnetism in SrMnO3/LaMnO3Superlattices”. Keunecke M, Lyzwa F, Schwarzbach D, Roddatis V, Gauquelin N, Müller-Caspary K, Verbeeck J, Callori SJ, Klose F, Jungbauer M, Moshnyaga V, Advanced functional materials , 1808270 (2019).
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A high-entropy oxide as high-activity electrocatalyst for water oxidation”. Kante MV, Weber ML, Ni S, van den Bosch ICG, van der Minne E, Heymann L, Falling LJ, Gauquelin N, Tsvetanova M, Cunha DM, Koster G, Gunkel F, Nemsak S, Hahn H, Estrada LV, Baeumer C, ACS nano 17, 5329 (2023).
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Photoluminescence of germanium-vacancy centers in nanocrystalline diamond films : implications for quantum sensing applications”. Joy RM, Pobedinskas P, Bourgeois E, Chakraborty T, Goerlitz J, Herrmann D, Noel C, Heupel J, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Popov C, Houssiau L, Becher C, Nesladek M, Haenen K, ACS applied nano materials 7, 3873 (2024).
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Simultaneous heteroepitaxial growth of SrO (001) and SrO (111) during strontium-assisted deoxidation of the Si (001) surface”. Jovanović, Z, Gauquelin N, Koster G, Rubio-Zuazo J, Ghosez P, Verbeeck J, Suvorov D, Spreitzer M, Rsc Advances 10, 31261 (2020).
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Enhancement of toughness of Al-to-steel Friction Melt Bonded welds via metallic interlayers”. Jimenez-Mena N, Jacques PJ, Ding L, Gauquelin N, Schryvers D, Idrissi H, Delannay F, Simar A, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 740-741, 274 (2019).
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Controlled growth of hexagonal gold nanostructures during thermally induced self-assembling on Ge(001) surface”. Jany BR, Gauquelin N, Willhammar T, Nikiel M, van den Bos KHW, Janas A, Szajna K, Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Krok F, Scientific reports 7, 42420 (2017).
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Phase coexistence induced surface roughness in V2O3/Ni magnetic heterostructures”. Ignatova K, Vlasov E, Seddon SD, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Wermeille D, Bals S, Hase TPA, Arnalds UB, APL Materials 12 (2024).
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On the formation mechanisms of intragranular shear bands in olivine by stress-induced amorphization”. Idrissi H, Béché, A, Gauquelin N, Ul-Haq I, Bollinger C, Demouchy S, Verbeeck J, Pardoen T, Schryvers D, Cordier P, Acta materialia 239, 118247 (2022).
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Facile dry coating method of high-nickel cathode material by nanostructured fumed alumina (Al2O3) improving the performance of lithium-ion batteries”. Herzog MJ, Gauquelin N, Esken D, Verbeeck J, Janek J, Energy technology 9, 2100028 (2021).
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Increased Performance Improvement of Lithium-Ion Batteries by Dry Powder Coating of High-Nickel NMC with Nanostructured Fumed Ternary Lithium Metal Oxides”. Herzog MJ, Gauquelin N, Esken D, Verbeeck J, Janek J, ACS applied energy materials 4, 8832 (2021).
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Small-moment paramagnetism and extensive twinning in the topochemically reduced phase Sr2ReLiO5.5”. Hasanli N, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Hadermann J, Hayward MA, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 47, 15783 (2018).
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Berry phase engineering at oxide interfaces”. Groenendijk DJ, Autieri C, van Thiel TC, Brzezicki W, Hortensius JR, Afanasiev D, Gauquelin N, Barone P, van den Bos KHW, van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Filippetti A, Picozzi S, Cuoco M, Caviglia AD, 2, 023404 (2020).
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Spin-orbit semimetal SrIrO3 in the two-dimensional limit”. Groenendijk DJ, Autieri C, Girovsky J, Martinez-Velarte MC, Manca N, Mattoni G, Monteiro AMRVL, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Otte AF, Gabay M, Picozzi S, Caviglia AD, Physical review letters 119, 256403 (2017).
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Reclaiming the image of daguerreotypes: Characterization of the corroded surface before and after atmospheric plasma treatment”. Grieten E, Schalm O, Tack P, Bauters S, Storme P, Gauquelin N, Caen J, Patelli A, Vincze L, Schryvers D, Journal of cultural heritage (2017).
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