Number of records found: 2758
Vermeiren V (2020) Chemical kinetics modeling of non-equilibrium and thermal effects in vibrationally active CO2 plasmas. 207 p
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Magnetization-switching dynamics driven by chiral coupling”. Vermeulen BB, Monteiro MG, Giuliano D, Sorée B, Couet S, Temst K, Nguyen VD, Physical review applied 21, 024050 (2024).
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Towards fully electrically controlled domain-wall logic”. Vermeulen BB, Raymenants E, Pham VT, Pizzini S, Sorée B, Wostyn K, Couet S, Nguyen VD, Temst K, AIP advances 14, 025030 (2024).
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Progress in spin logic devices based on domain-wall motion”. Vermeulen BB, Sorée B, Couet S, Temst K, Van Nguyen D, Micromachines 15, 696 (2024).
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Vermeulen M (2017) Natural and amorphous arsenic sulfide pigments : characterization, degradation and influence of the binding medium. 258 p
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Vermeulen S, Cools J, Staes J, Van Passel S (2023) A review of economic assessments of drought risk reduction approaches in agriculture. 118909–118912
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Exploring machine learning methods for absolute configuration determination with vibrational circular dichroism”. Vermeyen T, Brence J, Van Echelpoel R, Aerts R, Acke G, Bultinck P, Herrebout W, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 19781 (2021).
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Field demonstration and evaluation of the passive flux meter on a CAH groundwater plume”. Verreydt G, Annable MD, Kaskassian S, van Keer I, Bronders J, Diels L, Vanderauwera P, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 4621 (2013).
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Passive samplers for monitoring VOCs in groundwater and the prospects related to mass flux measurements”. Verreydt G, Bronders J, van Keer I, Diels L, Vanderauwera P, Ground water monitoring and remediation 30, 114 (2010).
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Passive samplers for monitoring VOCs in groundwater : prospects related to mass flux measurements”. Verreydt G, Bronders J, van Keer I, Diels L, Vanderauwera P, (2011)
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Verstraelen H (2013) Corrosion in ballast tanks on board of merchant vessels : study of the relation between steel quality and corrosion. 172 p
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Used water and nutrients : recovery perspectives in a 'panta rhei' context”. Verstraete W, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 215, 199 (2016).
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Methods using low and medium laser irradiance: laser-induced thermal desorption and matrix-assisted methods”. Vertes A, Gijbels R Wiley, New York, page 127 (1993).
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Introduction”. Vertes A, Gijbels R, Adams F Wiley, New York, page 1 (1993).
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Vertes A, Gijbels R, Adams F (1993) Laser ionization mass analysis. Wiley, New York
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Chronic interstitial nephritis in agricultural communities : a toxin-induced proximal tubular nephropathy”. Vervaet BA, Nast CC, Jayasumana C, Schreurs G, Roels F, Herath C, Kojc N, Samaee V, Rodrigo S, Gowrishankar R, European Medical Journal : Nephrology 8, 40 (2020)
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Chronic interstitial nephritis in agricultural communities is a toxin induced proximal tubular nephropathy”. Vervaet BA, Nast CC, Jayasumana C, Schreurs G, Roels F, Herath C, Kojc N, Samaee V, Rodrigo S, Gowrishankar S, Mousson C, Dassanayake R, Orantes CM, Vuiblet V, Rigothier C, d' Haese PC, de Broe ME, Kidney international 97, 350 (2019).
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Vervloessem E (2023) The role of pulsing and humidity in plasma-based nitrogen fixation : a combined experimental and modeling study. 358 p
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Ruimte en gezondheidsongelijkheid aanpakken : een kwestie van sociale rechtvaardigheid”. Vervoort P, Grymonprez H, Bouckaert N, Derijcke D, De Wael W (2023).
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Vets C (2020) Growth properties of carbon nanomaterials : towards tuning for electronic applications. 130 p
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Sailing through end-of-life challenges : a comprehensive review for offshore wind”. Vetters J, Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 199, 114486 (2024).
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Vicca S, Crabbé, A, Van Passel S (2020) Is het coronavirus goed nieuws voor het klimaat? = Is the coronavirus good news for the climate?
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Vieira De Castro L (2019) Properties of quasi particles on two dimensional materials and related structures. 79 p
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A general Monte-Carlo simulation of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers : 1 : unpolarized radiation, homogenious samples”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 48, 553 (1993).
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Optics for X-ray microfluorescence to be used at the European synchrotron radiation facility”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Advances in X-ray analysis 37, 553 (1994)
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X-ray optics for synchrotron-radiation-induced X-ray micro fluorescence at the european synchrotron-radiation facility, Grenoble”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Institute of physics conference series , 613 (1993)
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Interpretation of cappilary generated spatial and angular distribution of X-rays: theoretical modeling and experimental verification using the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Optical Beamline”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Engström P, Rindby A, The review of scientific instruments 69, 3494 (1998).
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Quantitative mu-XRF analysis of heterogeneous samples”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Jones K, Microbeam Analysis 1995: Proceedings Of The 29th Annual Conference Of The Microbeam Analysis Society , 175 (1995)
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Parameters influencing focussing capabilities of capillary optics”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Larsson S, Rindby A, Engstrom P, Microbeam Analysis 1995: Proceedings Of The 29th Annual Conference Of The Microbeam Analysis Society , 161 (1995)
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Optimization of tapered capillary optics for use at the microfocus beamline (ID 13) at the European Synchroton Radiation Facility”. Vincze L, Janssens K, Adams F, Rindby A, Engström P, Advances in X-ray analysis 41, 252 (1998)
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