Number of records found: 2109
Optimized loss function in deep learning profilometry for improved prediction performance”. van der Jeught S, Muyshondt PGG, Lobato I, JPhys Photonics 3, 024014 (2021).
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Van der Paal J (2019) Generation, transport and molecular interactions of reactive species in plasma medicine. 237 p
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van der Snickt G (2012) James Ensor's pigments studied by means of portable and synchrotron radiation-based X-ray techniques : evolution, context and degradation. 501 p
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The SALUT project : study of advanced laser techniques for the uncovering of polychromed works of art”. van der Snickt G, de Boeck A, Keutgens K, Anthierens D, 116, 151 (2007)
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Young Anthony van Dyck revisited : a multidisciplinary approach to a portrait once attributed to Peter Paul Rubens”. Van der Stighelen K, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Alfeld M, Van Beneden B, Demarsin B, Proesmans M, Marchal G, Dik J, Art matters : international journal for technical art history 6, 21 (2014)
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Spectrometric determination of silicon in food and biological samples: an interlaboratory trial”. van Dyck K, Robberecht H, van Cauwenbergh R, Deelstra H, Arnaud J, Willemyns L, Benijts F, Centeno JA, Taylor H, Soares ME, Bastos ML, Ferreira MA, d'Haese PC, Lamberts LV, Hoenig M, Knapp G, Lugowski SJ, Moens L, Riondato J, Van Grieken R, Claes M, Verheyen R, Clement L, Uytterhoeven M, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 15, 735 (2000).
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Automatic absorption correction in x-ray fluorescence analysis of intermediate thickness samples using a dual external reference signal”. Van Dyck P, Markowicz A, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 9, 70 (1980).
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Influence of sample thickness, excitation energy and geometry on particle size effects in XRF”. Van Dyck P, Markowicz A, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 14, 183 (1985).
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Automated quantitative electron-microprobe analysis of particulate material”. Van Dyck P, Storms H, Van Grieken R, Journal de physique 45, 781 (1984).
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Monte Carlo simulation of backscattered peaks in secondary target energy-dispersive X-ray spectra”. Van Dyck P, Török S, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 15, 231 (1986).
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Automated energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for diverse environmental samples”. Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R page 315 (1982).
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Automated matrix-correction of line ratios in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrum deconvolution”. Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 12, 111 (1983).
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Enhancement effect in X-ray fluorescence analysis of environmental samples of medium thickness”. Van Dyck PM, Török SB, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 58, 1761 (1986).
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Absorption correction via scattered radiation in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for samples of variable composition and thickness”. Van Dyck PM, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 52, 1859 (1980).
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Van Echelpoel R (2023) Making an impact with voltammetric illicit drug sensors : bridging the gap between fundamental lab research and on-site application. xxviii, 194 p
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Voltammetric drug testing makes sense at the border”. Van Echelpoel R, De Wael K, Nature Reviews Chemistry , 1 (2024).
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Electrochemical methods for on-site multidrug detection at festivals”. Van Echelpoel R, Schram J, Parrilla M, Daems D, Slosse A, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Sensors &, Diagnostics 1, 793 (2022).
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Spectrum evaluation”. van Espen P, Janssens K (1992).
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AXIL-PC, software for the analysis of complex-x-ray spectra”. van Espen P, Janssens K, Nobels J, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 1, 109 (1986).
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Effective sample weight from scatter peaks in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence”. van Espen P, Van 't dack L, Adams F, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 51, 961 (1979).
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Van Eynde E (2015) Biotemplate silica-titania diatoms for gas phase photocatalysis. 184 p
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Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification”. Van Eynde E, Lenaerts S page 240 (2012).
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Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification”. Van Eynde E, Tytgat T, Smits M, Verbruggen S, Hauchecorne B, Blust R, Lenaerts S, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 1, 141 (2013)
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2014 Award for best referee of X-Ray Spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 43, 311 (2014).
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Aerosol composition studies using accelerator proton bombardment”. Van Grieken R, (1974)
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Air pollution and preventive conservation in some European museums”. Van Grieken R, , 19 (2014)
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Van Grieken R (1973) Analyse van ferro-metalen door activering met 14 MeV neutronen. 128 p
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Anorganische sporenanalyse voor milieuonderzoek”. Van Grieken R, (1986)
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Awards for best referees of X-ray Spectrometry”. Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 43, 68 (2014).
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Dispersion of heavy metals”. Van Grieken R page 319 (1998).
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