Number of records found: 2704
Composition and sources of atmospheric particulate matter at Kayseri, Central Turkey”. Kartal S, Dogan M, Rojas CM, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 133, 83 (1993).
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On the role of microstructural defects on precipitation, damage, and healing behavior in a novel Al-0.5Mg2Si alloy”. Kashiwar A, Arseenko M, Simar A, Idrissi H, Materials &, design 239, 112765 (2024).
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In situ TEM observation of cooperative grain rotations and the Bauschinger effect in nanocrystalline palladium”. Kashiwar A, Hahn H, Kubel C, Nanomaterials 11, 432 (2021).
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Plasma medicine technologies”. Kaushik NK, Bekeschus S, Tanaka H, Lin A, Choi EH, Applied Sciences-Basel 11, 4584 (2021).
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Ke X (2010) From top-down to bottom-up : from carbon nanotubes to nanodevices. Antwerpen
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The use of synchrotron micro-XRF for characterisation of the micro-heterogeneity of low-Z reference materials”. Kempenaers L, Vincze L, Janssens K, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 55, 651 (2000).
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The use of synchrotron micro-XRF for characterisation of the micro-heterogeneity of low-Z reference materials containing heavy metals”. Kempenaers L, Vincze L, Janssens K (1999).
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Kempenaers L, Vincze L, Vekemans B, Janssens K, Adams F, Somogyi A, Drakopoulos M, Simionovici AS (2004) Micro-heterogeneity study of trace elements in reference materials. 132 p
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Effect of pollution on sandy limestones of a historical cathedral in Belgium”. Keppens E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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From biogas and hydrogen to microbial protein through co-cultivation of methane and hydrogen oxidizing bacteria”. Kerckhof F-M, Sakarika M, Van Giel M, Muys M, Vermeir P, De Vrieze J, Vlaeminck SE, Rabaey K, Boon N, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, 733753 (2021).
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Keulemans M (2017) Study of electron transfer processes in plasmonic photocatalysis. 170 p
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Khaletskaya K (2014) Functional metal-organic frameworks : from bulk to surface engineered properties. Antwerpen
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Khalilov U (2013) New perspectives on thermal and hyperthermal oxidation of Si surfaces. Antwerpen
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Can endohedral transition metals enhance hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes?”.Khalilov U, Uljayev U, Mehmonov K, Nematollahi P, Yusupov M, Neyts EC, Neyts EC, International journal of hydrogen energy 55, 640 (2024).
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Khan SU (2023) Singlet oxygen-based photoelectrocatalysis : from photosensitizer structures to plasmonic enhancement. 182 p
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Coupling of phthalocyanines with plasmonic gold nanoparticles by click chemistry for an enhanced singlet oxygen based photoelectrochemical sensing”. Khan SU, Matshitse R, Borah R, Nemakal M, Moiseeva EO, Dubinina TV, Nyokong T, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, ChemElectroChem , 1 (2024).
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Photoelectrochemical behavior of phthalocyanine-sensitized TiO₂, in the presence of electron-shuttling mediators”. Khan SU, Trashin S, Beltran V, Korostei YS, Pelmus M, Gorun SM, Dubinina T V, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 12723 (2022).
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Electronic structures of iMAX phases and their two-dimensional derivatives: A family of piezoelectric materials”. Khazaei M, Wang V, Sevik C, Ranjbar A, Arai M, Yunoki S, Physical review materials 2, 074002 (2018).
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Recycling of a secondary lead smelting matte by selective citrate leaching of valuable metals and simultaneous recovery of hematite as a secondary resource”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 290 (2017).
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Selective leaching of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn from secondary lead smelting residues”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Broos K, Hydrometallurgy 169, 372 (2017).
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Process development for hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from sulfide-rich residue generated in a secondary lead smelter”. Kim E, Roosen J, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Binnemans K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 589 (2017).
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Selective recovery of Cr from stainless steel slag by alkaline roasting followed by water leaching”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Horckmans L, Quaghebeur M, Vrancken KC, Hydrometallurgy 158, 139 (2015).
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Valorization of stainless steel slag by selective chromium recovery and subsequent carbonation of the matrix material”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Nielsen P, Horckmans L, Geurts R, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Journal of cleaner production 117, 221 (2016).
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New method for selective Cr recovery from stainless steel slag by NaOCl assisted alkaline leaching and consecutive BaCrO4 precipitation”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Nielsen P, Horckmans L, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Chemical engineering journal 295, 542 (2016).
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Fractal dimensional classification of aerosol particles by computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy”. Kindratenko VV, van Espen PJM, Treiger BA, Van Grieken RE, Environmental science and technology 28, 2197 (1994).
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Determination of fluorine in uranium oxyfluoride particles as an indicator of particle age”. Kips R, Pidduck AJ, Houlton MR, Leenaers A, Mace JD, Marie O, Pointurier F, Stefaniak EA, Taylor PDP, van den Berghe S, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Wellum R, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 64, 199 (2009).
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Kirilenko D (2012) Characterization of graphene by electron diffraction. Antwerpen
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Kishore VVR (2013) Electronic structure of core-shell nanowires. Antwerpen
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Characterization and removal of a disfiguring oxalate crust on a large altarpiece by Hans Memling”. Klaassen L, van der Snickt G, Legrand S, Higgitt C, Spring M, Vanmeert F, Rosi F, Brunetti BG, Postec M, Janssens K page 263 (2019).
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