Number of records found: 103
Discovery of a superhard iron tetraboride superconductor”. Gou H, Dubrovinskaia N, Bykova E, Tsirlin AA, Kasinathan D, Schnelle W, Richter A, Merlini M, Hanfland M, Abakumov AM, Batuk D, Van Tendeloo G, Nakajima Y, Kolmogorov AN, Dubrovinsky L;, Physical review letters 111, 157002 (2013).
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Bulk magnetic order in a two-dimensional Ni1+/Ni2+ (d9/d8) nickelate, isoelectronic with superconducting cuprates”. Poltavets VV, Lokshin KA, Nevidomskyy AH, Croft M, Tyson TA, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Egami T, Kotliar G, ApRoberts-Warren N, Dioguardi AP, Curro NJ, Greenblatt M;, Physical review letters 104, 206403 (2010).
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Anomalous dynamical behavior of freestanding graphene membranes”. Ackerman ML, Kumar P, Neek-Amal M, Thibado PM, Peeters FM, Singh S, Physical review letters 117, 126801 (2016).
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Statistical estimation of atomic positions from exit wave reconstruction with a precision in the picometer range”. Bals S, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Avila-Brande D, Physical review letters 96, 096106 (2006).
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The observation and theory of optically detected magnetophonon resonance”. Barnes DJ, Nicholas RJ, Peeters FM, Wu XG, Devreese JT, Singleton J, Langerak CJGM, Harris JJ, Foxon CT, Physical review letters 66, 794 (1991)
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Diffusion of interacting particles in discrete geometries”. Becker T, Nelissen K, Cleuren B, Partoens B, van den Broeck C, Physical review letters 111, 110601 (2013).
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Hydrogen-induced high-temperature superconductivity in two-dimensional materials : the example of hydrogenated monolayer MgB2”. Bekaert J, Petrov M, Aperis A, Oppeneer PM, Milošević, MV, Physical review letters 123, 077001 (2019).
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Confinement effects on intermediate-state flux patterns in mesoscopic type-I superconductors”. Berdiyorov GR, Hernandez AD, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 103, 267002 (2009).
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Rectification by an imprinted phase in a Josephson junction”. Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Covaci L, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 107, 177008 (2011).
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Large magnetoresistance oscillations in mesoscopic superconductors due to current-excited moving vortices”. Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Latimer ML, Xiao ZL, Kwok WK, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 109, 057004 (2012).
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Novel commensurability effects in superconducting films with antidot arrays”. Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 96, 1 (2006)
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Strain-Induced Exciton Hybridization in WS2 Monolayers Unveiled by Zeeman-Splitting Measurements”. Blundo E, Faria PE Jr, Surrente A, Pettinari G, Prosnikov MA, Olkowska-Pucko K, Zollner K, Wozniak T, Chaves A, Kazimierczuk T, Felici M, Babinski A, Molas MR, Christianen PCM, Fabian J, Polimeni A, Physical review letters 129, 067402 (2022).
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Bond geometry and phase transition mechanism of H-bonded ferroelectricity”. Bussmann-Holder A, Michel KH, Physical review letters 80, 2173 (1998).
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Experimental observation of single-file water filling of thin single-wall carbon nanotubes down to chiral index (5,3)”. Cambré, S, Schoeters B, Luyckx S, Goovaerts E, Wenseleers W, Physical review letters 104, 207401 (2010).
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Exploiting lens aberrations to create electron-vortex beams”. Clark L, Béché, A, Guzzinati G, Lubk A, Mazilu M, Van Boxem R, Verbeeck J, Physical review letters 111, 064801 (2013).
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Chester supersolid of spatially indirect excitons in double-layer semiconductor heterostructures”. Conti S, Perali A, Hamilton AR, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Neilson D, Physical review letters 130, 057001 (2023).
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Multicomponent electron-hole superfluidity and the BCS-BEC crossover in double bilayer graphene”. Conti S, Perali A, Peeters FM, Neilson D, Physical review letters 119, 257002 (2017).
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Survival of the Dirac points in rippled graphene”. Covaci L, Berciu M, Physical Review Letters 100, 256405 (2008).
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Polaron formation in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling: implications for spintronics”. Covaci L, Berciu M, Physical Review Letters 102, 186403 (2009).
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Efficient numerical approach to inhomogeneous superconductivity: the Chebyshev-Bogoliubov-de Gennes method”. Covaci L, Peeters FM, Berciu M, Physical review letters 105, 167006 (2010).
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Origin of magnetism and quasiparticles properties in Cr-doped TiO2”. da Pieve F, Di Matteo S, Rangel T, Giantomassi M, Lamoen D, Rignanese G-M, Gonze X, Physical review letters 110, 136402 (2013).
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Casting light on the darkening of colors in historical paintings”. da Pieve F, Hogan C, Lamoen D, Verbeeck J, Vanmeert F, Radepont M, Cotte M, Janssens K, Gonze X, Van Tendeloo G, Physical review letters 111, 208302 (2013).
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Measuring Dynamic Structural Changes of Nanoparticles at the Atomic Scale Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”. De wael A, De Backer A, Jones L, Varambhia A, Nellist PD, Van Aert S, Physical Review Letters 124, 106105 (2020).
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Magnetization of mesoscopic superconducting discs”. Deo PS, Schweigert VA, Peeters FM, Geim AK, Physical review letters 79, 4653 (1997).
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Origin of predominance of cementite among iron carbides in steel at elevated temperature”. Fang CM, Sluiter MHF, van Huis M, Ande CK, Zandbergen HW, Physical review letters 105, 4 (2010).
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Single Atom Detection from Low Contrast-to-Noise Ratio Electron Microscopy Images”. Fatermans J, den Dekker A J, Müller-Caspary K, Lobato I, O’Leary C M, Nellist P D, Van Aert S, Physical review letters 121, 056101 (2018).
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Real-space calculation of the conductivity tensor for disordered topological matter”. Garcia JH, Covaci L, Rappoport TG, Physical review letters 114, 116602 (2015).
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Symmetric and asymmetric vortex-antivortex molecules in a fourfold superconducting geometry”. Geurts R, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Physical review letters 97, 1 (2006).
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Self-propelled Janus particles in a ratchet : numerical simulations”. Ghosh PK, Misko VR, Marchesoni F, Nori F, Physical review letters 110, 1 (2013).
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Holstein polarons near surfaces”. Goodvin GL, Covaci L, Berciu M, Physical Review Letters 103, 176402 (2009).
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