Number of records found: 1117
Extension of the basis set of linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method by using supplemented tight binding basis functions”. Nikolaev AV, Lamoen D, Partoens B, The journal of chemical physics 145, 014101 (2016).
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Monitoring the effect of asymmetrical vertical strain on Janus single layers of MoSSe via spectrum”. Kandemir A, Peeters FM, Sahin H, The journal of chemical physics 149, 084707 (2018).
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Quantitative morphometric analysis of single gold nanoparticles by optical extinction microscopy: Material permittivity and surface damping effects”. Payne LM, Masia F, Zilli A, Albrecht W, Borri P, Langbein W, Journal Of Chemical Physics 154, 044702 (2021).
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Abnormal in-plane permittivity and ferroelectricity of confined water : from sub-nanometer channels to bulk”. Hamid I, Jalali H, Peeters FM, Neek-Amal M, Journal Of Chemical Physics 154, 114503 (2021).
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Nucleation rates from small scale atomistic simulations and transition state theory”. Bal KM, Journal Of Chemical Physics 155, 144111 (2021).
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Facile morphology-controlled synthesis of organolead iodide perovskite nanocrystals using binary capping agents”. Debroye E, Yuan H, Bladt E, Baekelant W, Van der Auweraer M, Hofkens J, Bals S, Roeffaers MBJ, ChemNanoMat : chemistry of nanomaterials for energy, biology and more 3, 223 (2017).
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Tunable nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles from tannic acid and urea and their potential for sustainable soots”. Berthold T, Castro CR, Winter M, Hoerpel G, Kurttepeli M, Bals S, Antonietti M, Fechler N, ChemNanoMat : chemistry of nanomaterials for energy, biology and more 3, 311 (2017).
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Molecular interaction energies and optimal configuration of a cubane dimer”. Nikolaev AV, Verberck B, Ionova GV, International journal of quantum chemistry 110, 1063 (2010).
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From anisole to 1,2,4,5-tetramethoxybenzene: theoretical study of the factors that determine the conformation of methoxy groups on a benzene ring”. Vande Velde C, Bultinck E, Tersago K, van Alsenoy C, Blockhuys F, International journal of quantum chemistry 107, 670 (2007).
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Nanotube field of C60 and C70 molecules in carbon nanotubes”. Verberck B, Michel KH, International journal of quantum chemistry 107, 2294 (2007).
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Ab initio calculation of the interaction energy in the P2 binding pocket of HIV-1 protease”. Nivesanond K, Peeters A, Lamoen D, van Alsenoy C, International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry 105, 292 (2005).
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Distribution pattern of metal atoms in bimetal-doped pyridinic-N₄, pores determines their potential for electrocatalytic N₂, reduction”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 126, 3080 (2022).
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Deactivation study of Fe2O3-CeO2 during redox cycles for CO production from CO2”. Dharanipragada NVRA, Meledina M, Galvita VV, Poelman H, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Detavernier C, Marin GB, Industrial and engineering chemistry research 55, 5911 (2016).
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A new generalized empirical correlation for predicting methane hydrate equilibrium conditions in pure water”. Kummamuru NB, Perreault P, Lenaerts S, Industrial &, Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 3474 (2021).
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Fluorescent nanodiamonds with bioorthogonally reactive protein-resistant polymeric coatings”. Rehor I, Mackova H, Filippov SK, Kucka J, Proks V, Slegerova J, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Ledvina M, Hruby M, Cigler P;, ChemPlusChem 79, 21 (2014).
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Viscosity measurement and correlation of unloaded and CO₂-loaded aqueous solutions of N-methyldiethanolamine + 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol”. Kummamuru NB, Eimer DA, Idris Z, Journal Of Chemical And Engineering Data 65, 3072 (2020).
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Modeling of the plasma chemistry and plasmasurface interactions in reactive plasmas”. Bogaerts A, De Bie C, Eckert M, Georgieva V, Martens T, Neyts E, Tinck S, Pure and applied chemistry 82, 1283 (2010).
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Recent advances in analysis of trace elements in environmental samples by X-ray based techniques (IUPAC Technical Report)”. Terzano R, Denecke MA, Falkenberg G, Miller B, Paterson D, Janssens K, Pure and applied chemistry 91, 1029 (2019).
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Spectroscopic investigation on the chemical forms of Cu during the synthesis of zeolite X at low temperature”. Terzano R, Spagnuolo M, Medici L, Tateo F, Vekemans B, Janssens K, Ruggiero P, Applied geochemistry 21, 993 (2006).
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The application of an electrochemical microflow reactor for the electrosynthetic aldol reaction of acetone to diacetone alcohol”. Pauwels D, Geboes B, Hereijgers J, Choukroun D, De Wael K, Breugelmans T, Chemical engineering research and design 128, 205 (2017).
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Insights on growth and nanoscopic investigation of uncommon iron oxide polymorphs”. Carraro G, Maccato C, Bontempi E, Gasparotto A, Lebedev OI, Turner S, Depero LE, Van Tendeloo G, Barreca D, European journal of inorganic chemistry , 5454 (2013).
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Au@MOF-5 and Au/Mox@MOF-5 (M = Zn, Ti, x = 1, 2) : preparation and microstructural characterisation”. Müller M, Turner S, Lebedev OI, Wang Y, Van Tendeloo G, Fischer RA, European journal of inorganic chemistry , 1876 (2011).
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New insights in the formation of combined zeolitic/mesoporous materials by using a one-pot templating synthesis”. Vernimmen J, Meynen V, Herregods SJF, Mertens M, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Cool P, European journal of inorganic chemistry , 4234 (2011).
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Metals@MOFs –, loading MOFs with metal nanoparticles for hybrid functions”. Meilikhov M, Yusenko K, Esken D, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Fischer RA, European journal of inorganic chemistry 2010, 3701 (2010).
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Mixed tellurides Ni3-xGaTe2 (0\leq x\leq0.65): crystal and electronic structures, properties, and nickel deficiency effects on vacancy ordering”. Isaeva AA, Makarevich ON, Kutznetsov AN, Doert T, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, European journal of inorganic chemistry , 1395 (2010).
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A new Bi4Mn1/3W2/3O8Cl Sillén-Aurivillius intergrowth: synthesis and structural characterisation by quantitative transmission electron microscopy”. Avila-Brande D, Otero-Díaz LC, Landa-Cánovas AR, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, European journal of inorganic chemistry , 1853 (2006).
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Fe3O4@MIL-101-A selective and regenerable adsorbent for the removal of as species from water”. Folens K, Leus K, Nicomel NR, Meledina M, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Du Laing G, Van Der Voort P, European journal of inorganic chemistry 2016, 4395 (2016).
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The influence of acids on tuning the pore size of mesoporous TiO2 templated by non-ionic block copolymers”. Loreto S, Vanrompay H, Mertens M, Bals S, Meynen V, European journal of inorganic chemistry 2018, 62 (2018).
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Tuning the crystal structure of A2CoPO4F(A=Li,Na) fluoride-phosphates : a new layered polymorph of LiNaCoPO4F”. Fedotov SS, Aksyonov DA, Samarin AS, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Stevenson KJ, Khasanova NR, Abakumov AM, Antipov E V, European journal of inorganic chemistry 2019, 4365 (2019).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of mechanical stress on oxidized membranes”. Oliveira MC, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Cordeiro RM, Biophysical chemistry 254, 106266 (2019).
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