Number of records found: 222
Photoelectrochemical behavior of phthalocyanine-sensitized TiO₂, in the presence of electron-shuttling mediators”. Khan SU, Trashin S, Beltran V, Korostei YS, Pelmus M, Gorun SM, Dubinina T V, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 12723 (2022).
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Integration of smart nanomaterials for highly selective disposable sensors and their forensic applications in amphetamine determination”. Almabadi MH, Truta FM, Adamu G, Cowen T, Tertis M, Alanazi KDM, Stefan M-G, Piletska E, Kiss B, Cristea C, De Wael K, Piletsky SA, Cruz AG, Electrochimica acta 446, 142009 (2023).
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Characterization of epicuticular wax structures on leaves of urban plant species and its association with leaf wettability”. Muhammad S, Wuyts K, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Samson R, Urban Forestry &, Urban Greening 47, 126557 (2020).
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Mixed hemi/ad-micelle sodium dodecyl sulfate-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the efficient removal and trace determination of rhodamine-B and rhodamine-6G”. Ranjbari E, Hadjmohammadi MR, Kiekens F, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 87, 7894 (2015).
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Concentration related response potentiometric titrations to study the interaction of small molecules with large biomolecules”. Hamidi-Asl E, Daems D, De Wael K, Van Camp G, Nagels LJ, Analytical chemistry 86, 12243 (2014).
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Electrochemical photodegradation study of semiconductor pigments : influence of environmental parameters”. Anaf W, Trashin S, Schalm O, van Dorp D, Janssens K, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 86, 9742 (2014).
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Aptasensing of chloramphenicol in the presence of its analogues : reaching the maximum residue limit”. Pilehvar S, Mehta J, Dardenne F, Robbens J, Blust R, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 84, 6753 (2012).
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The use of potentiometric sensors to study (bio)molecular interactions”. De Wael K, Daems D, Van Camp G, Nagels LJ, Analytical chemistry 84, 4921 (2012).
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Unique opto-electronic structure and photo reduction properties of sulfur doped lead chromates explaining their instability in paintings”. Rahemi V, Sarmadian N, Anaf W, Janssens K, Lamoen D, Partoens B, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 89, 3326 (2017).
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Cephalosporin antibiotics : electrochemical fingerprints and core structure reactions investigated by LC-MSMS”. Sleegers N, van Nuijs ALN, van den Berg M, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 91, 2035 (2019).
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Electrochemical strategies for adulterated heroin samples”. Florea A, Schram J, De Jong M, Eliaerts J, Van Durme F, Kaur B, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 91, 7920 (2019).
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Fast one-step ultrasensitive detection of toxocara canis antigens by a nanobody-based electrochemical magnetosensor”. Morales-Yanez F, Trashin S, Hermy M, Sariego I, Polman K, Muyldermans S, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 91, 11582 (2019).
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Levamisole : a common adulterant in cocaine street samples hindering electrochemical detection of cocaine”. De Jong M, Florea A, de Vries A-M, van Nuijs ALN, Covaci A, Van Durme F, Martins JC, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 90, 5290 (2018).
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Optimized photoelectrochemical detection of essential drugs bearing phenolic groups”. Neven L, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Rahemi V, Trashin S, Sleegers N, Carrion EN, Gorun SM, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 91, 9962 (2019).
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Tackling poor specificity of cocaine color tests by electrochemical strategies”. De Jong M, Florea A, Eliaerts J, Van Durme F, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 90, 6811 (2018).
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Unraveling the mechanisms behind the complete suppression of cocaine electrochemical signals by chlorpromazine, promethazine, procaine, and dextromethorphan”. De Jong M, Sleegers N, Florea A, Van Loon J, van Nuijs ALN, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 91, 15453 (2019).
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Unraveling the reactivity of minium towards bicarbonate and the role of lead oxides therein”. Ayalew E, Janssens K, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 88, 1564 (2016).
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Electrochemistry of intact versus degraded cephalosporin antibiotics facilitated by LC–MS analysis”. Sleegers N, van Nuijs ALN, van den Berg M, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 93, 2394 (2021).
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Nanobody-based immunosensor detection enhanced by photocatalytic-electrochemical redox cycling”. Trashin S, Morales-Yánez F, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Paredis L, Carrión EN, Sariego I, Muyldermans S, Polman K, Gorun SM, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 93, 13606 (2021).
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Investigation of the electrosynthetic pathway of the aldol condensation of acetone”. Pauwels D, Hereijgers J, Verhulst K, De Wael K, Breugelmans T, Chemical engineering journal 289, 554 (2016).
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Tuning the turnover frequency and selectivity of photocatalytic CO2 reduction to CO and methane using platinum and palladium nanoparticles on Ti-Beta zeolites”. Blommaerts N, Hoeven N, Arenas Esteban D, Campos R, Mertens M, Borah R, Glisenti A, De Wael K, Bals S, Lenaerts S, Verbruggen SW, Cool P, Chemical Engineering Journal 410, 128234 (2021).
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Transdermal on-demand drug delivery based on an iontophoretic hollow microneedle array system”. Detamornrat U, Parrilla M, Domínguez-Robles J, Anjani QK, Larrañeta E, De Wael K, Donnelly RF, Lab on a chip 23, 2304 (2023).
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Investigating the electrochemical profile of methamphetamine to enable fast on-site detection in forensic analysis”. Drăgan A-M, Parrilla M, Sleegers N, Slosse A, Van Durme F, van Nuijs A, Oprean R, Cristea C, De Wael K, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 255, 124208 (2023).
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Evaluation of a calibration transfer between a bench top and portable Mid-InfraRed spectrometer for cocaine classification and quantification”. Eliaerts J, Meert N, Dardenne P, Van Durme F, Baeten V, Samyn N, De Wael K, Talanta 209, 120481 (2020).
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Particle deposition in airways of chronic respiratory patients exposed to an urban aerosol”. Horemans B, Van Holsbeke C, Vos W, Darchuk L, Novakovic V, Fontan AC, de Backer J, van Grieken R, de Backer W, De Wael K, Environmental science and technology 46, 12162 (2012).
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(Electro)sensing of phenicol antibiotics : a review”. Pilehvar S, Gielkens K, Trashin SA, Dardenne F, Blust R, De Wael K, Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 56, 2416 (2016).
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Electrochemical reduction of nalidixic acid at glassy carbon electrodemodified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes”. Patiño Y, Pilehvar S, Díaz E, Ordóñez S, De Wael K, Journal of hazardous materials 323, 621 (2017).
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The organo-metal-like nature of long-range conduction in cable bacteria”. Pankratov D, Hidalgo Martinez S, Karman C, Gerzhik A, Gomila G, Trashin S, Boschker HTS, Geelhoed JS, Mayer D, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 157, 108675 (2024).
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Singlet oxygen-based photoelectrochemical detection of miRNAs in prostate cancer patients&rsquo, plasma : a novel diagnostic tool for liquid biopsy”. Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Campos R, Trashin S, Daems E, Carneiro D, Fraga A, Ribeiro R, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 158, 108698 (2024).
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Development of an electrochemiluminescent oligonucleotide-based assay for the quantification of prostate cancer associated miR-141-3p in human serum”. Campos R, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Daems E, Ribeiro R, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 153, 108495 (2023).
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