Number of records found: 589
Capture-ferment-upgrade : a three-step approach for the valorization of sewage organics as commodities”. Alloul A, Ganigue R, Spiller M, Meerburg F, Cagnetta C, Rabaey K, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental science and technology 52, 6729 (2018).
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Carbon flux and carbon stock in a bamboo stand and their relevance for mitigating climate change”. Düking R, Gielis J, Liese W, Bamboo Science &, Culture 24, 1 (2011)
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Só,ti V (2019) Catalytic detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolyzate. XXVII, 243 p
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Centralised, decentralised or hybrid sanitation systems? Economic evaluation under urban development uncertainty and phased expansion”. Roefs I, Meulman B, Vreeburg JHG, Spiller M, Water research 109, 274 (2017).
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CFD- and radiation field modeling of a gas phase photocatalytic multi-tube reactor”. Roegiers J, van Walsem J, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 338, 287 (2018).
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CFD-modelling of activated carbon fibers for indoor air purification”. Roegiers J, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 365, 80 (2019).
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Characterisation of hydrous ferric oxides derived from iron-rich groundwaters and their contribution to the suspended sediment of streams”. Baken S, Sjostedt C, Gustafsson JP, Seuntjens P, Desmet N, De Schutter J, Smolders E, Applied geochemistry 39, 59 (2013).
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Characterization and analysis of the adsorption immobilization mechanism of \beta-galactosidase on metal oxide powders”. Satyawali Y, Van Roy S, Roevens A, Meynen V, Mullens S, Jochems P, Doyen W, Cauwenberghs L, Dejonghe W, RSC advances 3, 24054 (2013).
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Characterization and optimization of \beta-galactosidase immobilization process on a mixed-matrix membrane”. Jochems P, Satyawali Y, van Roy S, Doyen W, Diels L, Dejonghe W, Enzyme and microbial technology 49, 580 (2011).
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De combinatie werk-gezin en het gebruik van formele kinderopvang bij vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond : een mixed methods-benadering”. Wood J, Geerts R, Majean L, Coene V, Vanheeswijck J, de Smalen D, Ronda T, Keizer K, Sociologos (Brussel) 40, 123 (2019)
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Combined effects of blockage and yield stress on drag and heat transfer from an in-line array of three spheres”. Dasgupta N, Borah R, Mishra P, Gupta AK, Chhabra RP, Journal of dispersion science and technology 40, 855 (2019).
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Combining HPLC-GCXGC, GCXGC/ToF-MS, and selected ecotoxicity assays for detailed monitoring of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in soil and leaching water”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Weltens R, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Environmental science and technology 43, 7651 (2009).
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Combining multi-receiver electromagnetic induction and stepped frequency ground penetrating radar for industrial site investigation”. Van De Vijver E, Van Meirvenne M, Saey T, Delefortrie S, De Smedt P, De Pue J, Seuntjens P, European journal of soil science 66, 688 (2015).
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The common descent of biological shape description and special functions”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, de Jong van Coevorden M, Ricci PE page 119 (2018).
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Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant”. Shi P-J, Xu Q, Sandhu HS, Gielis J, Ding Y-L, Li H-R, Dong X-B, Ecology and evolution 5, 4578 (2015).
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Conceptual framework for deammonification in a combined floc-granule system : impact of aeration control, external selector and bioaugmentation based on full-scale data from WWTP in Strass”. Van Winckel T, Al-Omari A, Takás I, Wett B, Bachmann B, Sturm B, Bott C, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, , 16 p. T2 (2017)
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Conclusions and recommendations”. Reniers GLL, Sörensen K, Vrancken K page 265 (2013).
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Cool conditions for mainstream anammox applications : short and long term temperature effects”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Sun XY, Mozo I, Barrillon B, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Martin Ruel S, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Correlations between molecular and operational parameters in continuous lab-scale anaerobic reactors”. Carballa M, Smits M, Etchebehere C, Boon N, Verstraete W, Applied microbiology and biotechnology 89, 303 (2011).
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Verstraelen H (2013) Corrosion in ballast tanks on board of merchant vessels : study of the relation between steel quality and corrosion. 172 p
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Corrosion rate estimations of microscale zerovalent iron particles via direct hydrogen production measurements”. Velimirovic M, Carniato L, Simons Q, Schoups G, Seuntjens P, Bastiaens L, Journal of hazardous materials 270, 18 (2014).
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Coupling a hydrological water quality model and an economic optimization model to set up a cost-effective emission reduction scenario for nitrogen”. Cools J, Broekx S, Vandenberghe V, Seuntjens P, ea, Environmental modelling and software 26, 44 (2011).
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Cytokinin dynamics in cell suspension cultures of Bambusa balcooa Roxburgh using UPLC-ESI/MS/MS”. Van den Akker S, Bormans P, Peeters H, Gielis J, Prinsen E page 539 (2012).
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Deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated with thermal hydrolysis : overcoming inhibition through process optimization”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, Applied microbiology and biotechnology 100, 5595 (2016).
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van Walsem J (2019) Design and optimization of a photocatalytic reactor for air purification in ventilation systems. 158 p
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Design of electroporation process in irregularly shaped multicellular systems”. Mescia L, Chiapperino MA, Bia P, Lamacchia CM, Gielis J, Caratelli D, Electronics (Basel) 8, 37 (2019).
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Design of irregularly shaped lens antennas including supershaped feed”. Mescia L, Lamacchia CM, Chiapperino MA, Bia P, Gielis J, Caratelli D, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) T2 –, 2019 PhotonIcs &, Electromagnetics Research Symposium –, Spring (PIERS-Spring), 17-20 June, 2019, Rome, Italy , 169 (2019).
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Detailed analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon attenuation in biopiles by high-performance liquid chromatography followed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Journal of chromatography : A 1216, 1524 (2009).
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Determining groundwater-surface water exchange from temperature-time series : combining a local polynomial method with a maximum likelihood estimator”. Vandersteen G, Schneidewind U, Anibas C, Schmidt C, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Water resources research 51, 922 (2015).
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Determining stoichiometry and kinetics of two thermophilic nitrifying communities as a crucial step in the development of thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Vanderkerckhove TGL, Kerckhof F-M, De Mulder C, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Water research 156, 34 (2019).
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