Number of records found: 222
Risks of atmospheric aerosol for cultural heritage assets in Granada (Spain)”. Cardell C, Urosevic M, Sebastián-Pardo E, Horemans B, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Bencs L, Anaf KW, De Wael K, Van Grieken R page 45 (2013).
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Unique properties of core shell Ag@Au nanoparticles for the aptasensing of bacterial cells”. Hamidi-Asl E, Dardenne F, Pilehvar S, Blust R, De Wael K, Chemosensors 4, 16 (2016).
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Water quality assessment in Pangani river basin, Tanzania : natural and anthropogenic influences on concentrations of nutrients and inorganic ions”. Hellar-Kihampa H, De Wael K, Lugwisha E, Van Grieken R, International journal of river basin management 11, 55 (2013).
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X-Ray Fluorescence as an analytical tool for studying the copper matrices in the collection of the Museum Plantin-Moretus”. Storme P, Fransen E, De Wael K, Caen J, De gulden passer 95, 7 (2017)
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A Benzocaine‐Induced Local Near‐Surface pH Effect: Influence on the Accuracy of Voltammetric Cocaine Detection”. de Jong M, Sleegers N, Schram J, Daems D, Florea A, De Wael K, Analysis &, Sensing , anse.202000012 (2020).
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Assessing atmospheric dry deposition via water-soluble ionic composition of roadside leaves”. Kardel F, Wuyts K, De Wael K, Samson R, Journal of environmental science and health : part A: toxic/hazardous substances and environmental engineering , 1 (2020).
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Transposing testing from lab to on-site environment : a case of cocaine powder sampling”. Van Loon J, De Jong M, De Wael K, Du Bois E, (2020)
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A covalently linked dyad based on zinc phthalocyanine and methylpheophorbide &alpha, : synthetic and physicochemical study”. Balashova IO, Tolbin AY, Tarakanov PA, Krot AR, Fedorova K V, Sergeeva IA, Trashin SA, De Wael K, Pushkarev VE, Koifman MO, Ponomarev G V, Macroheterocycles 14, 40 (2021).
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Does leaf micro-morphology influence the recognition of particles on SEM images?”.Muhammad S, Wuyts K, De Wael K, Samson R, International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation 9, 22 (2021).
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3D-printed microneedle-based potentiometric sensor for pH monitoring in skin interstitial fluid”. Parrilla M, Vanhooydonck A, Johns M, Watts R, De Wael K, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 378, 133159 (2023).
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Electrochemical rapid detection of methamphetamine from confiscated samples using a graphene-based printed platform”. Truta F, Drăgan A-M, Tertis M, Parrilla M, Slosse A, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Cristea C, Sensors 23, 6193 (2023).
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Foodborne outbreaks : sources and mode of transmission of foodborne pathogenic microorganisms”. Kollarahithlu SC, Sathiyamoorthy S, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, De Wael K, Das J, Veluswamy P page 93 (2023).
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Voltammetric drug testing makes sense at the border”. Van Echelpoel R, De Wael K, Nature Reviews Chemistry , 1 (2024).
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Multi-wavelength Raman microscopy of nickel-based electron transport in cable bacteria”. Smets B, Boschker HTS, Wetherington MT, Lelong G, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Polerecky L, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Frontiers in microbiology 15, 1208033 (2024).
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Gas phase photofuel cell consisting of WO₃- and TiO₂-photoanodes and an air-exposed cathode for simultaneous air purification and electricity generation”. Van Hal M, Campos R, Lenaerts S, De Wael K, Verbruggen SW, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 292, 120204 (2021).
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Wearable microneedle-based array patches for continuous electrochemical monitoring and drug delivery : toward a closed-loop system for methotrexate treatment”. Parrilla M, Detamornrat U, Domínguez-Robles J, Tunca S, Donnelly RF, De Wael K, ACS sensors , acssensors.3c01381 (2023).
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Wearable Electrochemical Sensors for the Monitoring and Screening of Drugs”. Teymourian H, Parrilla M, Sempionatto JR, Montiel NF, Barfidokht A, Van Echelpoel R, De Wael K, Wang J, Acs Sensors 5, 2679 (2020).
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Enhanced photoelectrochemical detection of an analyte triggered by its concentration by a singlet oxygen-generating fluoro photosensitizer”. Blidar A, Trashin S, Carrion EN, Gorun SM, Cristea C, De Wael K, Acs Sensors 5, 3501 (2020).
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Unraveling the Role of Lattice Substitutions on the Stabilization of the Intrinsically Unstable Pb2Sb2O7Pyrochlore: Explaining the Lightfastness of Lead Pyroantimonate Artists&rsquo, Pigments”. Marchetti A, Saniz R, Krishnan D, Rabbachin L, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, Verbeeck J, Janssens K, Pelosi C, Lamoen D, Partoens B, De Wael K, Chemistry Of Materials 32, 2863 (2020).
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Electrochemical fingerprint of street samples for fast on-site screening of cocaine in seized drug powders”. De Jong M, Sleegers N, Kim J, Van Durme F, Samyn N, Wang J, De Wael K, Chemical science , 1 (2016).
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Analytical techniques for the detection of amphetamine-type substances in different matrices : a comprehensive review”. Drăgan A-M, Parrilla M, Feier B, Oprean R, Cristea C, De Wael K, Trac-Trends In Analytical Chemistry 145, 116447 (2021).
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Mapping the gaps in chemical analysis for the characterisation of aptamer-target interactions”. Daems E, Moro G, Campos R, De Wael K, Trac-Trends In Analytical Chemistry 142, 116311 (2021).
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Mixed hemi/ad-micelles coated magnetic nanoparticles for the entrapment of hemoglobin at the surface of a screen-printed carbon electrode and its direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis”. Amiri-Aref M, Raoof JB, Kiekens F, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 74, 518 (2015).
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Carbon nanotubes based electrochemical aptasensing platform for the detection of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl in human blood serum”. Pilehvar S, Rather JA, Dardenne F, Robbens J, Blust R, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 54, 78 (2014).
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Potentiometric sensors doped with biomolecules as a new approach to small molecule/biomolecule binding kinetics analysis”. Daems D, De Wael K, Vissenberg K, Van Camp G, Nagels L, Biosensors and bioelectronics 54, 515 (2014).
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Disposable electrodes from waste materials and renewable sources for (bio) electroanalytical applications”. Moro G, Bottari F, Van Loon J, Du Bois E, De Wael K, Moretto LM, Biosensors and bioelectronics 146, 111758 (2019).
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Dual microfluidic sensor system for enriched electrochemical profiling and identification of illicit drugs on-site”. Steijlen ASM, Parrilla M, Van Echelpoel R, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 96, 590 (2024).
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Amperometric flow-injection analysis of phenols induced by reactive oxygen species generated under daylight irradiation of titania impregnated with horseradish peroxidase”. Rahemi V, Trashin S, Hafideddine Z, Van Doorslaer S, Meynen V, Gorton L, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 92, 3643 (2020).
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Identifying Electrochemical Fingerprints of Ketamine with Voltammetry and Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Its Detection in Seized Samples”. Schram J, Parrilla M, Sleegers N, Samyn N, Bijvoets SM, Heerschop MWJ, van Nuijs ALN, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 92, 13485 (2020).
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Correlation between the fluorination degree of perfluorinated zinc phthalocyanines, their singlet oxygen generation ability, and their photoelectrochemical response for phenol sensing”. Neven L, Barich H, Ching HYV, Khan SU, Colomier C, Patel HH, Gorun SM, Verbruggen S, Van Doorslaer S, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 5221 (2022).
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