Number of records found: 336
On the formation mechanisms of intragranular shear bands in olivine by stress-induced amorphization”. Idrissi H, Béché, A, Gauquelin N, Ul-Haq I, Bollinger C, Demouchy S, Verbeeck J, Pardoen T, Schryvers D, Cordier P, Acta materialia 239, 118247 (2022).
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The influence of surface oxides on the distribution and release of nickel from Nitinol wires”. Shabalovskaya SA, Tian H, Anderegg JW, Schryvers DU, Carroll WU, van Humbeeck J, Biomaterials 30, 468 (2009).
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Hepatocellular transport and gastrointestinal absorption of lanthanum in chronic renal failure”. Bervoets ARJ, Behets GJ, Schryvers D, Roels F, Yang Z, Verberckmoes SC, Damment SJP, Dauwe S, Mubiana VK, Blust R, de Broe ME, d' Haese PC, Kidney international 75, 389 (2009).
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Discovery of core-shell quasicrystalline particles”. Yang T, Kong Y, Du Y, Li K, Schryvers D, Scripta materialia 222, 115040 (2023).
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Dislocation structures and the role of grain boundaries in cyclically deformed Ni micropillars”. Samaee V, Sandfeld S, Idrissi H, Groten J, Pardoen T, Schwaiger R, Schryvers D, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing 769, 138295 (2020).
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Quantified contribution of β&Prime, and β&prime, precipitates to the strengthening of an aged Al–Mg–Si alloy”. Yang M, Chen H, Orekhov A, Lu Q, Lan X, Li K, Zhang S, Song M, Kong Y, Schryvers D, Du Y, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing 774, 138776 (2020).
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Stability of Ni in nitinol oxide surfaces”. Tian H, Schryvers D, Liu D, Jiang Q, van Humbeeck J, Acta biomaterialia 7, 892 (2011).
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Optical encoding of luminescent carbon nanodots in confined spaces”. Bartholomeeusen E, De Cremer G, Kennes K, Hammond C, Hermans I, Lu J-B, Schryvers D, Jacobs PA, Roeffaers MBJ, Hofkens J, Sels BF, Coutino-Gonzalez E, Chemical Communications 57, 11952 (2021).
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On the formation of antiphase boundaries in Fe₄Al₁₃, intermetallics during a high temperature treatment”. Ding L, Sapanathan T, Schryvers D, Simar A, Idrissi H, Scripta materialia 215, 114726 (2022).
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Towards biolubricant compatible vegetable oils by pore mouth hydrogenation with shape-selective Pt/ZSM-5 catalysts”. Van Aelst J, Philippaerts A, Bartholomeeusen E, Fayad E, Thibault-Starzyk F, Lu J, Schryvers D, Ooms R, Verboekend D, Jacobs P, Sels B, Catalysis science &, technology 6, 2820 (2016).
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Advanced TEM investigation of the plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline freestanding palladium films with nanoscale twins”. Wang B, Idrissi H, Galceran M, Colla MS, Turner S, Hui S, Raskin JP, Pardoen T, Godet S, Schryvers D, International journal of plasticity 37, 140 (2012).
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Transmission electron microscopy investigation of dislocation slip during superelastic cycling of NiTi wires”. Delville R, Malard B, Pilch J, Sittner P, Schryvers D, International journal of plasticity 27, 282 (2011).
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Effect of nanoprecipitates on the transformation behavior and functional properties of a Ti50.8 at.% Ni alloy with micron-sized grains”. Wang X, Kustov S, Li K, Schryvers D, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Acta materialia 82, 224 (2015).
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Site occupation of Nb atoms in ternary Ni-Ti-Nb shape memory alloys”. Shi H, Frenzel J, Martinez GT, Van Rompaey S, Bakulin A, Kulkova A, Van Aert S, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 74, 85 (2014).
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High strength-ductility of thin nanocrystalline palladium films with nanoscale twins : on-chip testing and grain aggregate model”. Colla M-S, Wang B, Idrissi H, Schryvers D, Raskin J-P, Pardoen T, Acta materialia 60, 1795 (2012).
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Quantitative three-dimensional analysis of Ni4Ti3 precipitate morphology and distribution in polycrystalline Ni-Ti”. Cao S, Nishida M, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 59, 1780 (2011).
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A weak compatibility condition for precipitation with application to the microstructure of PbTe-Sb2Te3 thermoelectrics”. Chen X, Cao S, Ikeda T, Srivastava V, Snyder GJ, Schryvers D, James RD, Acta materialia 59, 6124 (2011).
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Microstructure changes during non-conventional heat treatment of thin NiTi wires by pulsed electric current studied by transmission electron microscopy”. Delville R, Malard B, Pilch J, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 58, 4503 (2010).
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On the mechanism of twin formation in FeMnC TWIP steels”. Idrissi H, Renard K, Ryelandt L, Schryvers D, Jacques PJ, Acta materialia 58, 2464 (2010).
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Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and first-principles calculation studies on a Ni-Ti shape memory alloy”. Yang Z, Tirry W, Lamoen D, Kulkova S, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 56, 395 (2008).
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Microstructure of precipitates and magnetic domain structure in an annealed Co38Ni33Al29 shape memory alloy”. Bartova B, Wiese N, Schryvers D, Chapman JN, Ignacova S, Acta materialia 56, 4470 (2008).
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Microstructural study of equiatomic PtTi martensite and the discovery of a new long-period structure”. Rotaru G-M, Tirry W, Sittner P, van Humbeeck J, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 55, 4447 (2007).
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Quantitative determination of strain fields around Ni4Ti3 precipitates in NiTi”. Tirry W, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 53, 1041 (2005).
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Nano-structures at martensite macrotwin interfaces in Ni65Al35”. Boullay P, Schryvers D, Ball JM, Acta materialia 51, 1421 (2003).
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GP-zones in Al-Zn-Mg alloys and their role in artificial aging”. Berg LK, Gjønnes J, Hansen V, Li XZ, Knutson-Wedel M, Waterloo G, Schryvers D, Wallenberg LR, Acta materialia 49, 3443 (2001).
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Nanoscale inhomogeneities in melt-spun Ni-Al”. Potapov PL, Ochin P, Pons J, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 48, 3833 (2000).
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TEM investigation of the microstructure and defects of CuZr martensite: 1: morphology and twin systems”. Seo JW, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 46, 1165 (1998).
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TEM investigation of the microstructure and defects of CuZr martensite: 2: planar defects”. Seo JW, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 46, 1177 (1998).
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Dislocation/hydrogen interaction mechanisms in hydrided nanocrystalline palladium films”. Amin-Ahmadi B, Connétable D, Fivel M, Tanguy D, Delmelle R, Turner S, Malet L, Godet S, Pardoen T, Proost J, Schryvers D, Idrissi H, Acta materialia 111, 253 (2016).
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Mechanical behavior of ultrathin sputter deposited porous amorphous Al2O3 films”. van der Rest A, Idrissi H, Henry F, Favache A, Schryvers D, Proost J, Raskin J-P, Van Overmeere Q, Pardoen T, Acta materialia 125, 27 (2017).
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