Number of records found: 123
High pressure limiting forms of the zero-temperature equations of state of Ta and Pu from relativistic Thomas-Fermi theory”. Leys FE, March NH, Lamoen D, Physical Review B 67, 064109 (2003).
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Self consistent nonlocal linear-response theory of a relativistic electron gas”. Leys FE, March NH, Angilella GGN, Lamoen D, Physical Review B 67, 113105 (2003).
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Quantitative modeling of secondary electron emission from slow-ion bombardment on semiconductors”. Bercx M, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Physical review B 99, 085413 (2019).
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Decoupled DFT-1/2 method for defect excitation energies”. Claes J, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Physical Review B 108, 125306 (2023).
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Electronic structure and band gap of zinc spinel oxides beyond LDA : ZnAl2O4, ZnGa2O4 and ZnIn2O4”. Dixit H, Tandon N, Cottenier S, Saniz R, Lamoen D, Partoens B, van Speybroeck V, Waroquier M, New journal of physics 13, 063002 (2011).
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Conformational analysis of TMC114, a novel HIV-1 protease inhibitor”. Nivesanond K, Peeters A, Lamoen D, van Alsenoy C, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 48, 99 (2008).
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Charge order, frustration relief, and spin-orbit coupling in U3O8”. Saniz R, Baldinozzi G, Arts I, Lamoen D, Leinders G, Verwerft M, Physical review materials 7, 054410 (2023).
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Quasiparticle energies and uniaxial pressure effects on the properties of SnO2”. Saniz R, Dixit H, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Applied physics letters 97, 261901 (2010).
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Ab initio computation of the mean inner Coulomb potential of wurtzite-type semiconductors and gold”. Schowalter M, Rosenauer A, Lamoen D, Kruse P, Gerthsen D, Applied Physics Letters 88, Artn 232108 (2006).
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Ab initio computation of the mean inner Coulomb potential of amorphous carbon structures”. Schowalter M, Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Kruse P, Applied physics letters 86, 112102 (2005).
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Measurement of the mean inner potential of ZnO nanorods by transmission electron holography”. Müller E, Kruse P, Gerthsen D, Schowalter M, Rosenauer A, Lamoen D, Kling R, Waag A, Applied Physics Letters 86 (2005).
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First-principles calculations of the mean inner Coulomb potential for sphalerite type II.VI semiconductors”. Schowalter M, Lamoen D, Kruse P, Gerthsen D, Rosenauer A, Applied Physics Letters 85, 4938 (2004).
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Atomic scale analysis of defect clustering and predictions of their concentrations in UO2+x”. Caglak E, Govers K, Lamoen D, Labeau P-E, Verwerft M, Journal Of Nuclear Materials 541, 152403 (2020).
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Approaches to calculation of exciton interaction energies for a molecular dimer”. Howard IA, Zutterman F, Deroover G, Lamoen D, van Alsenoy C, Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 108, 19155 (2004).
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Quantitative determination of the crystal structure of Ni4Ti3 precipitates”. Tirry W, Schryvers D, Jorissen K, Lamoen D, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 438, 517 (2006).
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Valence electronic charge density of distorted C60-monomers in polymerized KC60 and RbC60”. Verberck B, Popov VN, Nikolaev AV, Lamoen D, The journal of chemical physics 121, 321 (2004).
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Thermodynamic consistency and integral equations for the liquid structure”. Leys FE, March NH, Lamoen D, Journal Of Chemical Physics 117, 10726 (2002).
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Adsorption of potassium and oxygen on graphite: a theoretical study”. Lamoen D, Persson BNJ, Journal Of Chemical Physics 108, 3332 (1998).
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Extension of the basis set of linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method by using supplemented tight binding basis functions”. Nikolaev AV, Lamoen D, Partoens B, The journal of chemical physics 145, 014101 (2016).
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Ab initio calculation of the interaction energy in the P2 binding pocket of HIV-1 protease”. Nivesanond K, Peeters A, Lamoen D, van Alsenoy C, International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry 105, 292 (2005).
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Refinement of the 200 structure factor for GaAs using parallel and convergent beam electron nanodiffraction data”. Müller K, Schowalter M, Jansen J, Tsuda K, Titantah J, Lamoen D, Rosenauer A, Ultramicroscopy 109, 802 (2009).
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An emission-potential multislice approximation to simulate thermal diffuse scattering in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy”. Rosenauer A, Schowalter M, Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Ultramicroscopy 108, 1504 (2008).
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Determination of the mean inner potential in III-V semiconductors, Si and Ge by density functional theory and electron holography”. Kruse P, Schowalter M, Lamoen D, Rosenauer A, Gerthsen D, Ultramicroscopy 106, 105 (2006).
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Perovskite transparent conducting oxides : an ab initio study”. Dabaghmanesh S, Saniz R, Amini MN, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Journal of physics : condensed matter 25, 415503 (2013).
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Quasiparticle band structure of rocksalt-CdO determined using maximally localized Wannier functions”. Dixit H, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Journal of physics : condensed matter 25, 035501 (2013).
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Electronic structure of transparent oxides with the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson potential”. Dixit H, Saniz R, Cottenier S, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Journal of physics : condensed matter 24, 205503 (2012).
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The quasiparticle band structure of zincblende and rocksalt ZnO”. Dixit H, Saniz R, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Journal of physics : condensed matter 22, 125505 (2010).
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The effect of temperature on the structural, electronic and optical properties of sp3-rich amorphous carbon”. Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Journal of physics : condensed matter 20, 035216 (2008).
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The effect of hydrogen on the electronic and bonding properties of amorphous carbon”. Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics : condensed matter 18, 10803 (2006).
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Ab initio calculation of the energy-loss near-edge structure of some carbon allotropes: comparison with n-diamond”. Dadsetani M, Titantah JT, Lamoen D, Diamond and related materials 19, 73 (2010).
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