Number of records found: 1475
Reaction of chloride anion with atomic oxygen in aqueous solutions: can cold plasma help in chemistry research?”.Gorbanev Y, Van der Paal J, Van Boxem W, Dewilde S, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 21, 4117 (2019).
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Plasma technology &ndash, a novel solution for CO2conversion?”.Snoeckx R, Bogaerts A, Chemical Society reviews 46, 5805 (2017).
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Carbon bed post-plasma to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product stream”. Girard-Sahun F, Biondo O, Trenchev G, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136268 (2022).
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Carbon bed post-plasma to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product stream”. Girard-Sahun F, Biondo O, Trenchev G, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136268 (2022).
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Two-stage anaerobic membrane bioreactor for co-treatment of food waste and kitchen wastewater for biogas production and nutrients recovery”. Le T-S, Nguyen P-D, Ngo HH, Bui X-T, Dang B-T, Diels L, Bui H-H, Nguyen M-T, Le Quang D-T, Chemosphere 309, 136537 (2022).
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Tuning the crystal structure of A2CoPO4F(A=Li,Na) fluoride-phosphates : a new layered polymorph of LiNaCoPO4F”. Fedotov SS, Aksyonov DA, Samarin AS, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Stevenson KJ, Khasanova NR, Abakumov AM, Antipov E V, European journal of inorganic chemistry 2019, 4365 (2019).
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Fe and Co nanowires and nanotubes synthesized by template electrodeposition: a HRTEM and EELS study”. Verbeeck J, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Cagnon L, Bougerol C, Tourillon T, Journal of the electrochemical society 150, E468 (2003).
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Longer dry and wet spells alter the stochasticity of microbial community assembly in grassland soils”. Li L, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Vinduskova O, Reynaert S, Donnelly C, Zi L, Verbruggen E, Soil biology and biochemistry 178, 108969 (2023).
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Layered Silicate Clays as Templates for Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticle Growth”. Hill EH, Claes N, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Chemistry of materials 28, 5131 (2016).
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Unique opto-electronic structure and photo reduction properties of sulfur doped lead chromates explaining their instability in paintings”. Rahemi V, Sarmadian N, Anaf W, Janssens K, Lamoen D, Partoens B, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 89, 3326 (2017).
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Cyclodextrin-appended superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as cholesterol-mopping agents”. Puglisi A, Bassini S, Reimhult E, Frontiers In Chemistry 9, 795598 (2021).
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Spontaneous Chirality Evolved at the Au–Ag Interface in Plasmonic Nanorods”. Sa J, Hu N, Heyvaert W, Van Gordon K, Li H, Wang L, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Ni W, Chemistry of materials (2023).
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Electrochemical photodegradation study of semiconductor pigments : influence of environmental parameters”. Anaf W, Trashin S, Schalm O, van Dorp D, Janssens K, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 86, 9742 (2014).
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Trace metal analysis of water containing humic substances by X-ray fluorescence”. Vanderborght BM, Van Grieken RE, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 5, 221 (1978).
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First-principles analysis of the spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency of photovoltaic absorber layers for CuAu-like chalcogenides and silicon”. Bercx M, Sarmadian N, Saniz R, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 18, 20542 (2016).
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Synergism of the initial stage of removal of dielectric materials during electrical erosion processing in electrolytes”. Zaripov AA, Khalilov UB, Ashurov KB, Surface engineering and applied electrochemistry 59, 712 (2023).
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2,2′-Diaminodiethylamine cellulose powder for trace metal preconcentrations from water”. Reggers C, Van Grieken R, Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie 317, 520 (1984).
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Synthesis of highly luminescent silica-coated CdSe/CdS nanorods”. Pietra F, van Dijk-Moes RJA, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, de Mello Donega C, Vanmaekelbergh D, Chemistry of materials 25, 3427 (2013).
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Production of differently shaped multi-wall carbon nanotubes using various cobalt supported catalysts”. Piedigrosso P, Konya Z, Colomer J-F, Fonseca A, Van Tendeloo G, Nagy JB, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 2, 163 (2000).
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The study of carbon nanotubules produced by catalytic method”. Ivanov V, Nagy JB, Lambin P, Lucas A, Zhang XB, Zhang XF, Bernaerts D, Van Tendeloo G, Amelinckx S, van Landuyt J, Chemical physics letters 223, 329 (1994).
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Electrochemical deposition of a copper carboxylate layer on copper as potential corrosion inhibitor”. Elia A, De Wael K, Dowsett M, Adriaens A, Journal of solid state electrochemistry 16, 143 (2011).
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Formation of carbon nitride nanospheres by ion implantation”. Thomé, T, Colaux JL, Colomer J-F, Bertoni G, Terwagne G, Materials chemistry and physics 103, 290 (2007).
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Insights in the plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanotubes through atomic scale simulations : effect of electric field”. Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 1256 (2012).
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CO₂, electrochemical reduction with Zn-Al layered double hydroxide-loaded gas-diffusion electrode”. Nakazato R, Matsumoto K, Yamaguchi N, Cavallo M, Crocella V, Bonino F, Quintelier M, Hadermann J, Rosero-navarro NC, Miura A, Tadanaga K, Electrochemistry 91, 097003 (2023).
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Scalable synthesis of one-dimensional Na2Li2Ti6O14 nanofibers as ultrahigh rate capability anodes for lithium-ion batteries”. Wang C, Xin X, Shu M, Huang S, Zhang Y, Li X, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 6, 646 (2019).
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Role of the relative humidity and the Cd/Zn stoichiometry in the photooxidation process of cadmium yellows (CdS/Cd1-xZnxS) in oil paintings”. Monico L, Chieli A, De Meyer S, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Falkenberg G, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, Chemistry: a European journal 24, 11584 (2018).
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A combined experimental and computational approach to understanding CdS pigment oxidation in a renowned early 20th century painting”. Mayda S, Monico L, Krishnan D, De Meyer S, Cotte M, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Sandu ICA, Partoens B, Lamoen D, Romani A, Miliani C, Verbeeck J, Janssens K, Chemistry of materials 35, 10403 (2023).
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The organo-metal-like nature of long-range conduction in cable bacteria”. Pankratov D, Hidalgo Martinez S, Karman C, Gerzhik A, Gomila G, Trashin S, Boschker HTS, Geelhoed JS, Mayer D, De Wael K, Meysman FJR, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 157, 108675 (2024).
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Single-site metal-organic framework catalysts for the oxidative coupling of arenes via C-H/C-H activation”. Van Velthoven N, Waitschat S, Chavan SM, Liu P, Smolders S, Vercammen J, Bueken B, Bals S, Lillerud KP, Stock N, De Vos DE, Chemical science 10, 3616 (2019).
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Stability of Ge12C48 and Ge20C40 heterofullerenes : a first principles molecular dynamics study”. Massobrio C, Djimbi DM, Matsubara M, Scipioni R, Boero M, Chemical physics letters 556, 163 (2013).
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