Number of records found: 733
Quasi-Neutral Modeling of Gliding Arc Plasmas: Quasi-Neutral Modeling of Gliding Arc Plasmas”. Kolev S, Sun S, Trenchev G, Wang W, Wang H, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 14, 1600110 (2017).
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How membrane lipids influence plasma delivery of reactive oxygen species into cells and subsequent DNA damage : an experimental and computational study”. Van der Paal J, Hong S-H, Yusupov M, Gaur N, Oh J-S, Short RD, Szili EJ, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 21, 19327 (2019).
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Identification of the biologically active liquid chemistry induced by a nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma jet”. Wende K, Williams P, Dalluge J, Van Gaens W, Aboubakr H, Bischof J, von Woedtke T, Goyal SM, Weltmann KD, Bogaerts A, Masur K, Bruggeman PJ;, Biointerphases 10, 029518 (2015).
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Formation of endohedral Ni@C60 and exohedral NiC60 metallofullerene complexes by simulated ion implantation”. Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Carbon 47, 1028 (2009).
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Plasma physics of liquids—A focused review”. Vanraes P, Bogaerts A, Applied physics reviews 5, 031103 (2018).
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Transport and accumulation of plasma generated species in aqueous solution”. Verlackt CCW, Van Boxem W, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 6845 (2018).
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Detailed modeling of hydrocarbon nanoparticle nucleation in acetylene discharges”. de Bleecker K, Bogaerts A, Goedheer W, Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 73, 026405 (2006).
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Compositional effects on the growth of Mg(M)O films”. Saraiva M, Georgieva V, Mahieu S, van Aeken K, Bogaerts A, Depla D, Journal of applied physics 107, 034902 (2010).
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CO2Hydrogenation in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Revealed”. De Bie C, van Dijk J, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 120, 25210 (2016).
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Effect of helium/argon gas ratio in a He-Ar-Cu+ IR hollow-cathode discharge laser : modeling study and comparison with experiments”. Bogaerts A, Grozeva M, Applied physics B : lasers and optics 76, 299 (2003).
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Changing chirality during single-walled carbon nanotube growth : a reactive molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo study”. Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 17225 (2011).
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Kinetic modeling of relaxation phenomena after photodetachment in a rf electronegative SiH4 discharge”. Yan M, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 63 (2001).
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CO2Conversion in a Gliding Arc Plasmatron: Multidimensional Modeling for Improved Efficiency”. Trenchev G, Kolev S, Wang W, Ramakers M, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 121, 24470 (2017).
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Formation of microdischarges inside a mesoporous catalyst in dielectric barrier discharge plasmas”. Zhang Y, Wang H-yu, Zhang Y-ru, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 26, 054002 (2017).
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NOxproduction in a rotating gliding arc plasma: potential avenue for sustainable nitrogen fixation”. Jardali F, Van Alphen S, Creel J, Ahmadi Eshtehardi H, Axelsson M, Ingels R, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Green Chemistry 23, 1748 (2021).
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Toward defining plasma treatment dose : the role of plasma treatment energy of pulsed‐dielectric barrier discharge in dictating in vitro biological responses”. Lin A, Biscop E, Gorbanev Y, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Plasma Processes And Polymers 19, e2100151 (2022).
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Electron bounce resonance heating in dual-frequency capacitively coupled oxygen discharges”. Liu Y-X, Zhang Q-Z, Liu L, Song Y-H, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Plasma sources science and technology 22, 025012 (2013).
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Effect of bulk electric field reversal on the bounce resonance heating in dual-frequency capacitively coupled electronegative plasmas”. Liu Y-X, Zhang Q-Z, Liu J, Song Y-H, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Applied physics letters 101, 114101 (2012).
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The effect of F2 attachment by low-energy electrons on the electron behaviour in an Ar/CF4 inductively coupled plasma”. Zhao S-X, Gao F, Wang Y-N, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 21, 025008 (2012).
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Capacitive electrical asymmetry effect in an inductively coupled plasma reactor”. Zhang Q-Z, Bogaerts A, Plasma Sources Science &, Technology 27, 105019 (2018).
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3D porous catalysts for plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane : how does the pore size affect the plasma-catalytic performance?”.Wang J, Zhang K, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Chemical engineering journal 464, 142574 (2023).
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Calculation of gas heating in a dc sputter magnetron”. Kolev I, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 104, 093301 (2008).
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Synthesis and in vitro investigation of halogenated 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)triazenide salts as antitubercular compounds”. Torfs E, Vajs J, Bidart de Macedo M, Cools F, Vanhoutte B, Gorbanev Y, Bogaerts A, Verschaeve L, Caljon G, Maes L, Delputte P, Cos P, Komrlj J, Cappoen D, Chemical biology and drug design , 1 (2017).
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Gas purification by nonthermal plasma : a case study of ethylene”. Aerts R, Tu X, Van Gaens W, Whitehead JC, Bogaerts A, Environmental science and technology 47, 6478 (2013).
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NH3and HNOxFormation and Loss in Nitrogen Fixation from Air with Water Vapor by Nonequilibrium Plasma”. Vervloessem E, Gromov M, De Geyter N, Bogaerts A, Gorbanev Y, Nikiforov A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 4289 (2023).
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Sustainability analysis of methane-to-hydrogen-to-ammonia conversion by integration of high-temperature plasma and non-thermal plasma processes”. Osorio-Tejada J, van't Veer K, Long NVD, Tran NN, Fulcheri L, Patil BS, Bogaerts A, Hessel V, Energy Conversion And Management 269, 116095 (2022).
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Dielectric barrier discharges used for the conversion of greenhouse gases: modeling the plasma chemistry by fluid simulations”. De Bie C, Martens T, van Dijk J, Paulussen S, Verheyde B, Corthals S, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 20, 024008 (2011).
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CO2-CH4 conversion and syngas formation at atmospheric pressure using a multi-electrode dielectric barrier discharge”. Ozkan A, Dufour T, Arnoult G, De Keyzer P, Bogaerts A, Reniers F, Journal of CO2 utilization 9, 74 (2015).
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Nitrogen Fixation by Gliding Arc Plasma: Better Insight by Chemical Kinetics Modelling”. Wang W, Patil B, Heijkers S, Hessel V, Bogaerts A, Chemsuschem 10, 2110 (2017).
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Nitrogen fixation by gliding arc plasma : better insight by chemical kinetics modelling”. Wang W, Patil B, Heijkers S, Hessel V, Bogaerts A, Chemsuschem 10, 2145 (2017).
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