Number of records found: 2704
Laser microprobe mass spectrometric identification of sulfur species in single micrometer-size particles”. Bruynseels FJ, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 56, 871 (1984).
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Laser microprobe mass spectrometry : 1 : basic principles and performance characteristics”. Denoyer E, Van Grieken R, Adams F, Ntausch DFS, Analytical chemistry 54, 26a (1982).
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Leaching of nutrients and trace metals from aerosol samples: a comparison between a re-circulation and an ultrasound system”. Eyckmans K, Zhang J, de Hoog J, Joos P, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 80, 227 (2001).
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Lets settle together? Extending external selection from mainstream deammonification to high-rate activated sludge”. Van Winckel T, De Clippeleir H, Yapuwa H, Wett B, Bott C, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Light element analysis of individual microparticles using thin-window EPMA”. Osán J, Szalóki I, Ro C-U, Van Grieken R, Microchimica acta 132, 349 (2000).
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Literature trends in x-ray emission spectrometry in the period 1990-2000: a review”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 32, 35 (2003).
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van de Vijver FL, Verbueken AH, Visser WJ, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME (1984) Localisation of aluminium and iron by histochemical and laster microprobe mass analytical techniques in bone marrow cells of chronic hemodialysis patients. 837–838
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Localisation of lead and fluoride in cultured tooth germs by laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA)”. Vandeputte D, Ameloot P, Van Grieken R page 90 (1987).
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Localisation of lead in tissues of poisoned rats by laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA)”. Vandeputte D, Verbueken A, Jacob W, de Broe M, Van Grieken R, (1986)
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Localization of aluminum in tissues”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, Nouwen EJ, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME, Contributions to nephrology 64, 124 (1988)
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Localization of lead in cultured tooth germs by laser microprobe micro-analysis”. Ameloot PC, Vandeputte DF, Van Grieken RE, Coomans D, Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society 83, 225 (1987)
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Loss of particulate organic matter in estuaries as exemplified by the Ems and Gironde estuaries”. Eisma D, Bernard P, Boon JJ, Van Grieken R, Kalf J, Mook WG, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 58, 397 (1985)
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Low-pressure gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry for the fast determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air samples”. Ravindra K, Godoi AFL, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1114, 278 (2006).
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Luchtkwaliteit boven de Noordzeekust”. Eyckmans K, Van Grieken R page 9 (2001).
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Main conclusions from VIDRIO EU research programme on the determination of conditions to prevent weathering of ancient stained glass windows and recommendations for end-users and practitioners”. Pallot-Frossard I, Bernardi A, Van Grieken R, Rölleke S, Verità, M, Rivista della Stazione sperimentale del vetro , 75 (2005)
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The major-element composition of suspended matter in the Zaire river and estuary”. Sholkovitz ER, Van Grieken R, Eisma D, Netherlands journal of sea research 12, 407 (1978).
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Management principles of sustainable industrial chemistry”. Reniers G, Sörensen K, Vrancken K, (2012)
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Reniers G, Sö,rensen K, Vrancken K (2013) Management principles of sustainable industrial chemistry : theories, concepts and industrial examples for achieving sustainable chemical products and processes from a non-technological viewpoint. 274 p
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Manufacturing techniques and production defects of 16th-17th century majolica tiles from Antwerp (Belgium)”. Vandevijvere M, Van de Voorde L, Caen J, van Espen P, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Schalm O page 169 (2013).
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The ManureEcoMine Pilot Plant : towards advanced nutrient management in livestock waste treatment”. Pintucci C, Peng L, Prat D, Colica G, Merijn P, Colsen J, Varga S, Sarli J, Benito O, Vlaeminck SE, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Mapping of toxic vapours on board of tankers”. Jacobs W, Floren E, Luyckx D, Bueken P, van Beeck J, Van Grieken R, (2011)
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Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone”. Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Journal de recherches atmosphériques 8, 761 (1974)
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Martime influences on the atmospheric aerosol composition”. Van Grieken R page 139 (1977).
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Materiaaltransfer van de oceaan naar de atmosfeer”. Van Grieken R, Mededelingen en informatie , 15 (1976)
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Material analysis methods applied to the study of ancient monuments, works of art and artefacts”. Delalieux F, Tsuji K, Wagatsuma K, Van Grieken R, Materials transactions 43, 2197 (2002).
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Saison J-Y, Roekens E, Matheeussen C, Verlinden L, Desmedt M, Van Grieken R, Stranger M (2005) Measurement campaigns in the Euro-region
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Measuring gaseous and particulate pollutants: instruments and instrumental problems”. Rosenberg E, De Santis F, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Odlyha M, Van Grieken R, Vichi F page 115 (2010).
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Mechanistic understanding of microbial activity inhibition : case study on sidestream deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated by thermal hydrolysis”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Shaw A, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 5 p. T2 (2016)
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A message in the dust”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Analysis Europe , 25 (1996)
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Methodology for light element analysis of individual aerosol particles using thin-window EPMA”. Osán J, Ro C-U, Szalóki I, Worobiec A, de Hoog J, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 765 (2000)
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