Number of records found: 849
Single particle analysis of suspended matter in the Makasar Strait and Flores Sea with particular reference to tin-bearing particles”. Dekov VM, van Put A, Eisma D, Van Grieken R, Journal of sea research 41, 35 (1999).
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Single particle analysis techniques”. de Bock LA, Van Grieken RE page 243 (1999).
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Single particle and inorganic characterization of rainwater collected above the North Sea”. Jambers W, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 256, 133 (2000).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic and organic North Sea suspension”. Jambers W, Dekov V, Van Grieken R, Marine chemistry 67, 17 (1999).
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic North Sea suspensions”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Single particle characterisation of inorganic suspension in Lake Baikal”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 31, 1525 (1997)
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Single particle characterisation of the aerosol in the marine boundary layer and free troposphere over Tenerife, NE Atlantic, during ACE-2”. Hoornaert S, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 46, 271 (2003).
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Single-particle characterization of four “Asian Dust&rdquo, samples collected in Korea, using low-Z particle electron probe X-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Hwang H, Kim HK, Chun Y, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 39, 1409 (2005).
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Single-particle characterization of urban aerosol particles collected in three Korean cities using low-Z electron probe x-ray microanalysis”. Ro C-U, Kim H, Oh K-Y, Yea SK, Lee CB, Jang M, Van Grieken R, Environmental science and technology 36, 4770 (2002).
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Size-differentiated composition of aerosols in Khartoum, Sudan”. Eltayeb MAH, van Espen PJ, Cafmeyer J, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, The science of the total environment 120, 281 (1992).
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The size distribution and surface area of soot emitted by different sources”. Smekens A, Berghmans P, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 31, 706 (2000)
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Some new applications of auxiliary signals in X-ray fluorescence and electron microprobe analysis”. Kuczumow A, Vekemans B, Schalm O, Vincze L, Dorriné, W, Gysels K, Van Grieken R, , 197 (1999)
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Some studies of the effect of indoor and outdoor pollutants on cultural heritage items”. Van Grieken R, Kontozova V, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Deutsch F, Bencs L, (2005)
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Source apportionment of individual aerosol particles at Hungarian background stations”. Török S, Szandor S, Xhoffer C, Van Grieken R page 32 (1993).
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Sources and elemental composition of ambient PM2.5 in three European cities”. Vallius M, Janssen NAH, Heinrich J, Hoek G, Ruuskanen J, Cyrys J, Van Grieken R, de Hartog JJ, Kreyling WG, Pekkanen J, The science of the total environment 337, 147 (2005).
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Sources and transport of urban and biomass burning aerosol black carbon at the South-West Atlantic coast”. Evangelista H, Maldonado J, Godoi RHM, Pereira EB, Koch D, Tanizaki-Fonseca K, Van Grieken R, Sampaio M, Setzer A, Alencar A, Gonçalves SC, Journal of atmospheric chemistry 56, 225 (2007).
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Spark source mass spectrometry for trace analysis of diverse biological matrices”. Vos L, Van Grieken R page 303 (1983).
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Spatial and temporal variation of anthropogenic palladium in the environment”. Bencs L, Ravindra K, Van Grieken R page 433 (2006).
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Spatial and temporal variations in particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) levels over Menen (Belgium) and their relation with air mass trajectories”. Ravindra K, Wauters E, Van Grieken R page 838 (2007).
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Speciation and distribution of sulfur and nitrogen in individual aerosol particles measured by LAMMA”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, (1984)
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Speciation and surface analysis of single particles using electron-excited X-ray emission spectrometry”. Szalóki I, Ro C-U, Osán J, de Hoog J, Van Grieken R page 569 (2004).
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Speciation of aerosols by combining bulk ion chromatography and thin-window electron probe micro analysis”. Eyckmans K, de Hoog J, van der Auwera L, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 83, 777 (2003).
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Speciation of selected metals in aerosol samples by TXRF after sequential leaching”. Samek L, Ostachowicz B, Worobiec A, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 35, 226 (2006).
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Specimen preparation”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, Blank A, Eksperiandova L, Buhrke V page 411 (2006).
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Spectroscopy and ion chromatography to study the effects of air pollution on historical buildings”. Van Grieken R, Roekens E, Sweevers H, Vleugels G, Spectroscopy 10, 70 (1989)
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State-of-the-art and research needs for trace metals”. Playford K, Colin JL, Pacyna JM, Pirrone N, Schulz M, Van Grieken R, Wrembel Z page 7 (1998).
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Stof : begrippen, bronnen en analysmethoden”. Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Structural heterogeneity within airborne particles”. Injuk J, de Bock L, Van Grieken R page 173 (1998).
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Studia sezonowych zmian wewnetrznego składu powietrza atmosferycznego w kościołach zabytkowych w kontekście doboru i modyfikacji metod konserwacji obiektów zabytkowych”. Samek L, Worobiec A, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R page 59 (2005).
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Study of aluminium-exposed fish by scanning proton microprobe analysis”. Eeckhaoudt S, Van Grieken RE, Cholewa M, Legge GJF, Microchimica acta 122, 17 (1996).
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