Number of records found: 2109
Study of a TiO2 photocatalytic coating for use in plasma catalysis”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 78, 227 (2013)
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Verbruggen S (2014) TiO2 gas phase photocatalysis from morphological design to plasmonic enhancement. 173 p
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Populieren en hun bacteriën : een sanering hoeft niet altijd duur en ingrijpend te zijn”. Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Lebbe L, Vangronsveld J, Thewys T, Nieuwsbrief milieu &, economie 24, 15 (2010)
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Enhanced landfill mining at the REMO site : assessing stakeholders' perspectives for implementation”. Einhäupl P, Krook J, Svensson N, Van Acker K, Van Passel S, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, February 5-6, 2018, Mechelen, Belgium / Jones, Peter Tom [edit.], Machiels, Lieven [edit.] (2018)
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Yao X (2019) An advanced TEM study on quantification of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in low temperature aged Ni-Ti shape memory alloy. 149 p
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Callaert C (2020) Characterization of defects, modulations and surface layers in topological insulators and structurally related compounds. 180 p
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Trenchev G (2019) Computational modelling of atmospheric DC discharges for CO2 conversion. 206 p
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Van der Paal J (2019) Generation, transport and molecular interactions of reactive species in plasma medicine. 237 p
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Vets C (2020) Growth properties of carbon nanomaterials : towards tuning for electronic applications. 130 p
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Pourbabak S (2020) Influence of nano and microstructural features and defects in finegrained NiTi on the thermal and mechanical reversibility of the martensitic transformation. 166 p
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Lumbeeck G (2019) Mechanisms of nano-plasticity in as-deposited and hydrided nanocrystalline Pd and Ni thin films. 130 p
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Anđ,elković, M (2019) O(N) numerical methods for investigating graphene heterostructures and moiré patterns. 207 p
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Chuon S (2019) Simulation numérique multi-échelles du procédé de dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron. 137 p
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Vermeiren V (2020) Chemical kinetics modeling of non-equilibrium and thermal effects in vibrationally active CO2 plasmas. 207 p
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Nematollahi P (2020) Density functional theory calculations for understanding gas conversion reactions on single metal atom embedded carbon-based nanocatalysts. 173 p
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De Jong M (2020) A highly accurate portable electrochemical sensor for cocaine : from methodology to testing in the field. 263 p
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Bafekry A (2020) Investigation of the effects of defects and impurities on nanostructures consisting of Group IV and V elements using First-principles calculations. 126 p
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Conti S (2020) Multi-band superfluidity and BEC-BCS crossover in novel ultrathin materials. 123 p
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Zhang H (2020) Optical diagnostics of spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of nanosecond laser-induced plasma in gases. 117 p
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Parabolic trigonometry”. Dattoli G, Di Palma E, Gielis J, Licciardi S, International journal of applied and computational mathematics 6, 37 (2020).
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Heijkers S (2020) Plasma chemistry modelling for CO2 and CH4 conversion in various plasma types. 316 p
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Eliaerts J (2020) Qualitative and quantitative determination of cocaine using mid-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. 184 p
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Vanherck J (2020) Spontaneous and induced magnetisation in two-dimensional and bulk Heisenberg ferromagnets : a quantum mechanical treatment. 160 p
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Hendrickx M (2020) Study of the effect of cation substitution on the local structure and the properties of perovskites and Li-ion battery cathode materials. 208 p
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Milagres de Oliveira T (2020) Three-dimensional characterisation of nanomaterials : from model-like systems to real nanostructures. 230 p
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Vanrompay H (2020) Toward fast and dose efficient electron tomography. 207 p
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Rivera Julio J (2021) Cálculos ab initio de sistemas 2D y de baja dimensionalidad. 137 p
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Jafarzadeh A (2020) First-principle studies of plasma-catalyst interactions for greenhouse gas conversion. 163 p
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Ranjbar S (2020) Mathematical model of plasma therapy on bacterial growth. 95 p
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Uytdenhouwen Y (2020) Tuning the performance of a DBD plasma reactor for CO2 reforming. 303 p
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