Number of records found: 53
Magnetic and structural studies of the multifunctional material SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-\text{\textgreek{d}}”. Retuerto M, Li MR, Go YB, Ignatov A, Croft M, Ramanujachary KV, Hadermann J, Hodges JP, Herber RH, Nowik I, Greenblatt M;, Inorganic chemistry 51, 12273 (2012).
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Synthesis, structure, and electrochemical properties of k-based sulfates K2M2(SO4)3) with M = Fe and Cu”. Lander L, Rousse G, Batuk D, Colin CV, Dalla Corte DA, Tarascon J-M, Inorganic chemistry 56, 2013 (2017).
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Crystal Structure, Defects, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of the Layered Bi3n+1Ti7Fe3n-3,O9n+11 Perovskite-Anatase lntergrowths”. Batuk D, Batuk M, Filimonov DS, Zakharov KV, Volkova OS, Vasiliev AN, Tyablikov OA, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Inorganic chemistry 56, 931 (2017).
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Layered CeSO and LiCeSO oxide chalcogenides obtained via topotactic oxidative and reductive transformations”. Cassidy SJ, Pitcher MJ, Lim JJK, Hadermann J, Allen JP, Watson GW, Britto S, Chong EJ, Free DG, Grey CP, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 58, 3838 (2019).
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The crystal structure of \alpha-K3AIF6: elpasolites and double perovskites with broken corner-sharing connectivity of the octahedral framework”. Abakumov AM, King G, Laurinavichute VK, Rozova MG, Woodward PM, Antipov EV, Inorganic chemistry 48, 9336 (2009).
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Crystal structure and phase transitions in Sr3WO6”. King G, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Alekseeva AM, Rozova MG, Perkisas T, Woodward PM, Van Tendeloo G, Antipov EV, Inorganic chemistry 49, 6058 (2010).
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The high-temperature polymorphs of K3AlF6”. King G, Abakumov AM, Woodward PM, Llobet A, Tsirlin AA, Batuk D, Antipov EV, Inorganic chemistry 50, 7792 (2011).
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Cation ordering and flexibility of the BO42- tetrahedra in incommensurately modulated CaEu2(BO4)4 (B = Mo, W) scheelites”. Abakumov AM, Morozov VA, Tsirlin AA, Verbeeck J, Hadermann J, Inorganic chemistry 53, 9407 (2014).
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Sr21Bi8Cu2(CO3)(2)O-41, a Bi5+ Oxycarbonate with an Original 10L Structure”. Malo S, Abakumov AM, Daturi M, Pelloquin D, Van Tendeloo G, Guesdon A, Hervieu M, Inorganic chemistry 53, 10266 (2014).
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A vacancy-disordered, oxygen-deficient perovskite with long-range magnetic ordering : local and average structures and magnetic properties of Sr2Fe1.5Cr0.5O5”. Ramezanipour F, Greedan JE, Siewenie J, Donaberger RL, Turner S, Botton GA, Inorganic chemistry 51, 2638 (2012).
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Ambient and high pressure CuNiSb₂, : metal-ordered and metal-disordered NiAs-type derivative pnictides”. Skaggs CM, Kang C-J, Perez CJ, Hadermann J, Emge TJ, Frank CE, Pak C, Lapidus SH, Walker D, Kotliar G, Kauzlarich SM, Tan X, Greenblatt M, Inorganic Chemistry 59, 14058 (2020).
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Bi(3n+1)Ti7Fe(3n-3)O(9n+11) Homologous Series: Slicing Perovskite Structure with Planar Interfaces Containing Anatase-like Chains”. Batuk D, Tsirlin AA, Filimonov DS, Zakharov KV, Volkova OS, Vasiliev A, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Inorganic chemistry 55, 1245 (2016).
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Crystal growth and structure analysis of Ce-18-W-10-O-57 : a complex oxide containing tungsten in an unusual trigonal prismatic coordination environment”. Abeysinghe D, Smith MD, Yeon J, Tran TT, Sena RP, Hadermann J, Halasyamani PS, zur Loye H-C, Inorganic chemistry 56, 2566 (2017).
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Homologous series of layered perovskites An+1BnO3n-1Cl : crystal and magnetic structure of a new oxychloride Pb4BiFe4O11Cl”. Batuk M, Batuk D, Tsirlin AA, Rozova MG, Antipov EV, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Inorganic chemistry 52, 2208 (2013).
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Layered perovskite-like Pb2Fe2O5 structure as a parent matrix for the nucleation and growth of crystallographic shear planes”. Batuk D, Hadermann J, Abakumov A, Vranken T, Hardy A, van Bael M, Van Tendeloo G, Inorganic chemistry 50, 4978 (2011).
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Complex Microstructure and Magnetism in Polymorphic CaFeSeO”. Cassidy SJ, Batuk M, Batuk D, Hadermann J, Woodruff DN, Thompson AL, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 55, 10714 (2016).
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Synthesis of MAX Phases in the Zr-Ti-Al-C System”. Tunca B, Lapauw T, Karakulina OM, Batuk M, Cabioc’h T, Hadermann J, Delville R, Lambrinou K, Vleugels J, Inorganic chemistry 56, 3489 (2017).
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_Sr{2}GaScO5, Sr10Ga6Sc4O25, and SrGa0.75Sc0.25O2.5 : a play in the octahedra to tetrahedra ratio in oxygen-deficient perovskites”. Chernov SV, Dobrovolsky YA, Istomin SY, Antipov EV, Grins J, Svensson G, Tarakina NV, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Eriksson SG, Rahman SMH;, Inorganic chemistry 51, 1094 (2012).
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Synthesis, crystal structure, transport, and magnetic properties of novel ternary copper phosphides, A2Cu6P5(A = Sr, Eu) and EuCu4P3”. Charkin DO, Urmanov AV, Kazakov SM, Batuk D, Abakumov AM, Knöner S, Gati E, Wolf B, Lang M, Shevelkov AV, Van Tendeloo G, Antipov EV;, Inorganic chemistry 51, 8948 (2012).
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Two New Arsenides, Eu7Cu44As23 and Sr7Cu44As23, With a New Filled Variety of the BaHg11 Structure”. Charkin DO, Demchyna R, Prots Y, Borrmann H, Burkhardt U, Schwarz U, Schnelle W, Plokhikh IV, Kazakov SM, Abakumov AM, Batuk D, Verchenko VY, Tsirlin AA, Curfs C, Grin Y, Shevelkov AV;, Inorganic chemistry 53, 11173 (2014).
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Structures and magnetic ordering in layered Cr oxide arsenides Sr₂CrO₂Cr₂OAs₂, and Sr₂CrO₃CrAs”. Sheath BC, Xu X, Manuel P, Hadermann J, Batuk M, O'Sullivan J, Bonilla RS, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 61, 10 (2022).
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Polar and magnetic layered A-site and rock salt B-site-ordered NaLnFeWO6 (Ln = La, Nd) perovskites”. Retuerto M, Li MR, Ignatov A, Croft M, Ramanujachary KV, Chi S, Hodges JP, Dachraoui W, Hadermann J, Tran TT, Halasyamani PS, Grams CP, Hemberger J, Greenblatt M;, Inorganic chemistry 52, 12482 (2013).
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Copper(II)-binding ability of stereoisomeric cis- and trans-2-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acidl-phenylalanine dipeptides : a combined CW/pulsed EPR and DFT study”. Nagy NV, Van Doorslaer S, Szabó-Plánka T, Van Rompaey S, Hamza A, Fülöp F, Tóth GK, Rockenbauer A, Inorganic chemistry 51, 1386 (2012).
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