Number of records found: 35
Study of the Mechanism and Increasing Crystallinity in the Self-Templated Growth of Ultrathin PbS Nanosheets”. van der Sluijs MM, Salzmann BBV, Arenas Esteban D, Li C, Jannis D, Brafine LC, Laning TD, Reinders JWC, Hijmans NSA, Moes JR, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Chemistry of materials (2023).
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Optical versus electron diffraction imaging of Twist-angle in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers”. Psilodimitrakopoulos S, Orekhov A, Mouchliadis L, Jannis D, Maragkakis GM, Kourmoulakis G, Gauquelin N, Kioseoglou G, Verbeeck J, Stratakis E, npj 2D Materials and Applications 5, 77 (2021).
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Epitaxial growth of the candidate ferroelectric Rashba material SrBiO3by pulsed laser deposition”. Verdierre G, Gauquelin N, Jannis D, Birkhölzer YA, Mallik S, Verbeeck J, Bibes M, Koster G, APL materials 11, 031109 (2023).
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Real-Time Integration Center of Mass (riCOM) Reconstruction for 4D STEM”. Yu C-P, Friedrich T, Jannis D, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, Microscopy and microanalysis , 1 (2022).
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Germanium vacancy centre formation in CVD nanocrystalline diamond using a solid dopant source”. Mary Joy R, Pobedinskas P, Bourgeois E, Chakraborty T, Görlitz J, Herrmann D, Noël C, Heupel J, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Popov C, Houssiau L, Becher C, Nesládek M, Haenen K, Science talks 5, 100157 (2023).
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