Number of records found: 371
The consolidation of cracks and fissures in dalle de verre : assessment of selected adhesives”. De Vis K, Caen J, Janssens K, Jacobs P page 43 (2013).
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Cs7Nd11(SeO3)12Cl16 : first noncentrosymmetric structure among alkaline-metal lanthanide selenite halides”. Berdonosov PS, Akselrud L, Prots Y, Abakumov AM, Smet PF, Poelman D, Van Tendeloo G, Dolgikh VA, Inorganic chemistry 52, 3611 (2013).
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Epitaxial chemical vapor deposition of silicon on an oxygen monolayer on Si(100) substrates”. Delabie A, Jayachandran S, Caymax M, Loo R, Maggen J, Pourtois G, Douhard B, Conard T, Meersschaut J, Lenka H, Vandervorst W, Heyns M;, ECS solid state letters 2, P104 (2013).
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Strain measurement at the nanoscale : comparison between convergent beam electron diffraction, nano-beam electron diffraction, high resolution imaging and dark field electron holography”. Béché, A, Rouviere JL, Barnes JP, Cooper D, Ultramicroscopy 131, 10 (2013).
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New mechanism for oxidation of native silicon oxide”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, Huygh S, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 9819 (2013).
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Origin of magnetism and quasiparticles properties in Cr-doped TiO2”. da Pieve F, Di Matteo S, Rangel T, Giantomassi M, Lamoen D, Rignanese G-M, Gonze X, Physical review letters 110, 136402 (2013).
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Atmospheric turbulence triggers pronounced diel pattern in karst carbonate geochemistry”. Roland M, Serrano-Ortiz P, Kowalski AS, Van Grieken R, Janssens IA, et al, Biogeosciences 10, 5009 (2013).
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Infiltration or indoor sources as determinants of the elemental composition of particulate matter inside a school in Wroclaw, Poland?”.Zwozdziak A, Sowka I, Krupińska B, Zwozdziak J, Nych A, Building and environment 66, 173 (2013).
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Klein paradox for a pn junction in multilayer graphene”. Van Duppen B, Peeters FM, Europhysics letters 102, 27001 (2013).
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Polarized-beam high-energy EDXRF in geological samples”. Čevik U, Akbulut S, Makarovska Y, Van Grieken R, Spectroscopy letters 46, 36 (2013).
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Synthesis of highly luminescent silica-coated CdSe/CdS nanorods”. Pietra F, van Dijk-Moes RJA, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, de Mello Donega C, Vanmaekelbergh D, Chemistry of materials 25, 3427 (2013).
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Quasiparticle band structure of rocksalt-CdO determined using maximally localized Wannier functions”. Dixit H, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Journal of physics : condensed matter 25, 035501 (2013).
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Catheter-associated bloodstream infections in pediatric hematology-oncology patients”. Celebi S, Sezgin ME, Çakir D, Baytan B, Demirkaya M, Sevinir B, Bozdemir SE, Gunes AM, Hacimustafaoglu M, Pediatric Hematology And Oncology 30, 187 (2013).
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Stability of Ge12C48 and Ge20C40 heterofullerenes : a first principles molecular dynamics study”. Massobrio C, Djimbi DM, Matsubara M, Scipioni R, Boero M, Chemical physics letters 556, 163 (2013).
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Vortex transport in a channel with periodic constrictions”. Kapra AV, Vodolazov DY, Misko VR, Superconductor science and technology 26, 095010 (2013).
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Self-propelled Janus particles in a ratchet : numerical simulations”. Ghosh PK, Misko VR, Marchesoni F, Nori F, Physical review letters 110, 1 (2013).
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Vortex states in nanoscale superconducting squares : the influence of quantum confinement”. Zhang L-F, Covaci L, Milošević, MV, Berdiyorov GR, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 88, 144501 (2013).
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Bioremediation : how to deal with removal efficiency uncertainty? An economic application”. Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Lebbe L, Journal Of Environmental Management 127, 77 (2013).
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A techno-economic evaluation of a biomass energy conversion park”. Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Pelkmans L, Guisson R, Reumermann P, Luzardo NM, Witters N, Broeze J, Applied Energy 104, 611 (2013).
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Atomic layer deposition of ruthenium on a titanium nitride surface : a density functional theory study”. Phung QM, Vancoillie S, Pourtois G, Swerts J, Pierloot K, Delabie A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 19442 (2013).
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Effect of high-dose N-acetylcysteine on airway geometry, inflammation, and oxidative stress in COPD patients”. de Backer J, Vos W, Van Holsbeke C, Vinchurkar S, Claes R, Parizel PM, de Backer W, International Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 8, 569 (2013).
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Novel functional imaging of changes in small airways of patients treated with extrafine beclomethasone/formoterol”. Vos W, de Backer J, Poli G, De Volder A, Ghys L, Van Holsbeke C, Vinchurkar S, De Backer L, de Backer W, Respiration 86, 393 (2013).
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Seasonal trends of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide over North Santa Clara, Cuba”. Alejo D, Morales MC, de la Torre JB, Grau R, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, Sosa D, Nuñez V, Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 6023 (2013).
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Cognitive mapping : a method to elucidate and present farmers' risk perception”. van Winsen F, de Mey Y, Lauwers L, Van Passel S, Vancauteren M, Wauters E, Agricultural Systems 122, 42 (2013).
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The size and structure of Ag particles responsible for surface plasmon effects and luminescence in Ag homogeneously doped bulk glass”. Shestakov MV, Meledina M, Turner S, Tikhomirov VK, Verellen N, Rodríguez VD, Velázquez JJ, Van Tendeloo G, Moshchalkov VV, Journal of applied physics 114, 073102 (2013).
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The effect of the sampling cone position and diameter on the gas flow dynamics in an ICP”. Aghaei M, Lindner H, Bogaerts A, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 28, 1485 (2013).
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Magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of erbium iron garnet ceramic”. Maignan A, Singh K, Simon C, Lebedev OI, Martin C, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of applied physics 113, 033905 (2013).
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Atomic scale investigation of a PbTiO3/SrRuO3/DyScO3 heterostructure”. Egoavil R, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Smith B, Kuiper B, Rijnders G, Koster G, Van Tendeloo G, Applied physics letters 102, 223106 (2013).
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A biosensor fabricated by incorporation of a redox mediator into a carbon nanotube/nafion composite for tyrosinase immobilization : detection of matairesinol, an endocrine disruptor”. Rather JA, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, The analyst 238, 204 (2013).
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Blust RJP, Dardenne F, De Wael K, Nagels L, Van Camp G (2013) Electrochemical aptasensors with a gelatin B matrix : EP13175128
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