Number of records found: 2109
Investigation of mechanical properties of porous composite scaffolds with tailorable degradation kinetics after in vitro degradation using digital image correlation”. Idaszek J, Brynk T, Jaroszewicz J, Vanmeert F, Bruinink A, Swieszkowski W, Polymer composites 38, 2402 (2017).
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Hysteresis and parent-metabolite analyses unravel characteristic pesticide transport mechanisms in a mixed land use catchment”. Tang T, Stamm C, van Griensven A, Seuntjens P, Bronders J, Water research 124, 663 (2017).
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Reactivation of microbial strains and synthetic communities after a spaceflight to the International Space Station : corroborating the feasibility of essential conversions in the MELiSSA Loop”. Ilgrande C, Mastroleo F, Christiaens MER, Lindeboom REF, Prat D, Van Hoey O, Ambrozova I, Coninx I, Heylen W, Pommerening-Roser A, Spieck E, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Leys N, Clauwaert P, Astrobiology 19, 1167 (2019).
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Schram J (2024) Electrochemical sensing strategies for multiple illicit drugs. 290 p
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Van Hal M (2021) Photo(electro)catalytic air purification and soot degradation with simultaneous energy recovery. XXXII, 203 p
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Toxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles : size and coating effects”. Abakumov MA, Semkina AS, Skorikov AS, Vishnevskiy DA, Ivanova AV, Mironova E, Davydova GA, Majouga AG, Chekhonin VP, Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 32, e22225 (2018).
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Heterogeneity effects in direct XRF analysis of traces of heavy metals preconcentrated on polyurethane foam sorbents”. Török S, Braun T, Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 15, 7 (1986).
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Localization of lead and fluoride in cultured tooth germs by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Vandeputte DF, Ameloot PC, Cleymaet R, Coomans D, Van Grieken RE, Biological trace element research 23, 133 (1990).
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Atmospheric trace element concentrations in Jerusalem, Israel”. Malenky B, Van Grieken R, Van 't dack L, Luria M, Atmospheric environment 17, 819 (1983).
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Reversible and concerted atom diffusion on supported gold nanoparticles”. Liu P, Madsen J, Schiotz J, Wagner JB, Hansen TW, Journal Of Physics-materials 3, 024009 (2020).
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An agent-based model of farmer behaviour to explain the limited adaptability of Flemish agriculture”. Maes D, Van Passel S, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 22, 63 (2017).
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Heyne MH (2019) Chemistry and plasma physics challenges for 2D materials technology. 167 p
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Yu C-P (2023) Novel imaging methods of transmission electron microscopy based on electron beam scattering and modulation. x, 154 p
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Pedrazo Tardajos A (2021) Advanced graphene supports for 3D in situ transmission electron microscopy. 247 p
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Supernatant organics from anaerobic digestion after thermal hydrolysis cause direct and/or diffusional activity loss for nitritation and anammox”. Zhang Q, Vlaeminck SE, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Pümpel T, Shaw A, Chandran K, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, Water research 143, 270 (2018).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA) to verify the aluminon staining of bone”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, Visser WJ, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME, Stain technology 61, 287 (1986).
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Ramirez-Rojas I (2024) Underground connections : the interplay between tropical rainforest trees and soil microbial communities. 205 p
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Success of mainstream partial nitritation/anammox demands integration of engineering, microbiome and modeling insights”. Agrawal S, Seuntjens D, De Cocker P, Lackner S, Vlaeminck SE, Current opinion in biotechnology 50, 214 (2018).
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Losses of metabolically incorporated selenium in common digestion procedures for biological material”. Robberecht HJ, Van Grieken RE, Van den Bosch PA, Deelstra H, vanden Berghe D, Talanta : the international journal of pure and applied analytical chemistry 29, 1025 (1982).
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Electrochemical methods for on-site multidrug detection at festivals”. Van Echelpoel R, Schram J, Parrilla M, Daems D, Slosse A, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Sensors &, Diagnostics 1, 793 (2022).
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Ferrihydrite precipitation in groundwater-fed river systems (Nete and Demer river basins, Belgium) : insights from a combined Fe-Zn-Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope study”. Dekov VM, Vanlierde E, Billström K, Gatto Rotondo G, van Meel K, Darchuk L, Van Grieken R, et al, Chemical geology 386, 1 (2014).
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Process development for hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from sulfide-rich residue generated in a secondary lead smelter”. Kim E, Roosen J, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Binnemans K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 589 (2017).
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Monitoring of tropospheric ozone in the ambient air with passive samplers”. Alejo ellys, Morales MC, Nuñez V, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, Microchemical journal 99, 383 (2011).
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Monolayer alkali and transition-metal monoxides : MgO, CaO, MnO, and NiO”. Shayeganfar F, Vasu KS, Nair RR, Peeters FM, Neek-Amal M, Physical review B 95, 144109 (2017).
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Structure and reentrant percolation in an inverse patchy colloidal system”. de Araujo JLB, Munarin FF, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Ferreira WP, Physical Review E 95, 062606 (2017).
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Metabolic and proteomic responses to salinity in synthetic nitrifying communities of Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrobacter spp”. Ilgrande C, Leroy B, Wattiez R, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2914 (2018).
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Titanium (germano-)silicides featuring 10-9 Ω.cm2 contact resistivity and improved compatibility to advanced CMOS technology”. Yu H, Schaekers M, Chew SA, Eyeraert J-L, Dabral A, Pourtois G, Horiguchi N, Mocuta D, Collaert N, De Meyer K, 2018 18th International Workshop On Junction Technology (iwjt) , 80 (2018)
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Phase transformation behavior of a two-dimensional zeolite”. Bae J, Cichocka MO, Zhang Y, Bacsik Z, Bals S, Zou X, Willhammar T, Hong SB, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 58, 10230 (2019).
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Developing stakeholder archetypes for enhanced landfill mining”. Einhäupl P, Van Acker K, Svensson N, Van Passel S, Detritus Volume 08 - December 2019, 1 (2019).
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Do ICP-MS based methods fulfill the EU monitoring requirements for the determination of elements in our environment?”.Tirez K, Vanhoof C, Bronders J, Seuntjens P, Bleux N, Berghmans P, De Brucker N, Vanhaecke F, Environmental science : processes &, impacts 17, 2034 (2015).
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