Number of records found: 426
Control of C3N4 and C4N3 carbon nitride nanosheets' electronic and magnetic properties through embedded atoms”. Bafekry A, Stampfl C, Akgenc B, Ghergherehchi M, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 2249 (2020).
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Do aptamers always bind? The need for a multifaceted analytical approach when demonstrating binding affinity between aptamer and low molecular weight compounds”. Bottari F, Daems E, de Vries A-M, Van Wielendaele P, Trashin S, Blust R, Sobott F, Madder A, Martins JC, De Wael K, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 142, jacs.0c08691 (2020).
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Size-controlled electrodeposition of Cu nanoparticles on gas diffusion electrodes in methanesulfonic acid solution”. Pacquets L, Irtem E, Neukermans S, Daems N, Bals S, Breugelmans T, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry 51 (2020).
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CO2and CH4conversion in “real&rdquo, gas mixtures in a gliding arc plasmatron: how do N2and O2affect the performance?”.Slaets J, Aghaei M, Ceulemans S, Van Alphen S, Bogaerts A, Green Chemistry 22, 1366 (2020).
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Strain, electric-field and functionalization induced widely tunable electronic properties in MoS2/BC3, /C3N and / C3N4 van der Waals heterostructures”. Bafekry A, Stampfl C, Ghergherehchi M, Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print) , 295202 pp (2020).
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A type-II GaSe/HfS₂, van der Waals heterostructure as promising photocatalyst with high carrier mobility”. Obeid MM, Bafekry A, Rehman SU, Nguyen C V, Applied Surface Science 534, 147607 (2020).
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Tunable electronic and magnetic properties of graphene/carbon-nitride van der Waals heterostructures”. Bafekry A, Akgenc B, Shayesteh SF, Mortazavi B, Applied Surface Science 505, 144450 (2020).
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Micro-analytical characterization of thorium-rich aggregates from Norwegian NORM sites (Fen Complex, Telemark)”. Cagno S, Lind OC, Popic JM, Skipperud L, De Nolf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Jaroszewicz J, Janssens K, Salbu B, Journal Of Environmental Radioactivity 219, 106273 (2020).
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Assessment of Thermal Transport Properties of Group-III Nitrides: A Classical Molecular Dynamics Study with Transferable Tersoff-Type Interatomic Potentials”. Karaaslan Y, Yapicioglu H, Sevik C, Physical Review Applied 13, 034027 (2020).
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Interaction of Ge with single layer GaAs : from Ge-island nucleation to formation of novel stable monolayers”. Sozen Y, Eren I, Ozen S, Yagmurcukardes M, Sahin H, Applied Surface Science 505, 144218 (2020).
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Vargas Paredes AA (2020) Emergent phenomena in superconductors in presence of intraband and cross-band pairing. 142 p
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Skyrmion spin transfer torque due to current confined in a nanowire”. Osca J, Sorée B, Physical Review B 102, 125436 (2020).
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Investigation of strain and doping on the electronic properties of single layers of C₆N₆, and C₆N₈: a first principles study”. Bafekry A, Nguyen C V, Goudarzi A, Ghergherehchi M, Shafieirad M, Rsc Advances 10, 27743 (2020).
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Heating of liquid foods in cans: Effects of can geometry, orientation, and food rheology”. Borah R, Gupta S, Mishra L, Chhabra RP, Journal Of Food Process Engineering , e13420 (2020).
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Direct oxidation of methane to methanol on Co embedded N-doped graphene: Comparing the role of N₂O and O₂, as oxidants”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Applied Catalysis A-General 602, 117716 (2020).
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Electro-optical properties of monolayer and bilayer boron-doped C₃N: Tunable electronic structure via strain engineering and electric field”. Bafekry A, Yagmurcukardes M, Shahrokhi M, Ghergherehchi M, Carbon 168, 220 (2020).
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ZnN and ZnP as novel graphene-like materials with high Li-ion storage capacities”. Mortazavi B, Bafekry A, Shahrokhi M, Rabczuk T, Zhuang X, Materials today energy 16, Unsp 100392 (2020).
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Van der Waals heterostructures of MoS₂, and Janus MoSSe monolayers on graphitic boron-carbon-nitride (BC₃, C₃N, C₃N₄, and C₄N₃) nanosheets: a first-principles study”. Bafekry A, Yagmurcukardes M, Akgenc B, Ghergherehchi M, Nguyen C, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics , 1 (2020).
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Modulating the electro-optical properties of doped C₃N monolayers and graphene bilayersviamechanical strain and pressure”. Bafekry A, Nguyen C, Obeid MM, Ghergherehchi M, New Journal Of Chemistry 44, 15785 (2020).
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Activation of CO2on Copper Surfaces: The Synergy between Electric Field, Surface Morphology, and Excess Electrons”. Jafarzadeh A, Bal KM, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 124, 6747 (2020).
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Electrochemical Analysis of Speedball-like Polydrug Samples”. de Jong M, Florea A, Daems D, Van Loon J, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analyst (2020).
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Impact of rough substrates on hydrogen-doped indium oxides for the application in CIGS devices”. Erfurt D, Koida T, Heinemann MD, Li C, Bertram T, Nishinaga J, Szyszka B, Shibata H, Klenk R, Schlatmann R, Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 206, 110300 (2020).
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Developing lattice matched ZnMgSe shells on InZnP quantum dots for phosphor applications”. Mulder JT, Kirkwood N, De Trizio L, Li C, Bals S, Manna L, Houtepen AJ, ACS applied nano materials 3, 3859 (2020).
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Emerging halogenated flame retardants in the indoor environment”. Poma G, McGrath TJ, Christia C, Govindan M, Covaci A, Comprehensive analytical chemistry 88, 107 (2020).
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Cluster analysis of IR thermography data for differentiating glass types in historical leaded-glass windows”. Hillen M, Legrand S, Dirkx Y, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Caen J, Steenackers G, Applied Sciences-Basel 10, 4255 (2020).
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Tuning the electronic properties of graphene-graphitic carbon nitride heterostructures and heterojunctions by using an electric field”. Bafekry A, Neek-Amal M, Physical Review B 101, 085417 (2020).
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Quantified contribution of β&Prime, and β&prime, precipitates to the strengthening of an aged Al–Mg–Si alloy”. Yang M, Chen H, Orekhov A, Lu Q, Lan X, Li K, Zhang S, Song M, Kong Y, Schryvers D, Du Y, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing 774, 138776 (2020).
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On the importance of the work function and electron carrier density of oxide electrodes for the functional properties of ferroelectric capacitors”. Wang J, Nguyen MD, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Do MT, Koster G, Rijnders G, Houwman E, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 14, 1900520 (2020).
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Self-assembly of Janus Au:Fe₃O₄, branched nanoparticles. From organized clusters to stimuli-responsive nanogel suprastructures”. Reguera J, Flora T, Winckelmans N, Rodriguez-Cabello JC, Bals S, Nanoscale Advances 2, 2525 (2020).
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Farmers' preferences towards water hyacinth control : a contingent valuation study”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Huge J, Berihun D, Ejigu N, Nyssen J, Journal Of Great Lakes Research 46, 1459 (2020).
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