Number of records found: 162
Dunaliella microalgae for nutritional protein : an undervalued asset”. Sui Y, Vlaeminck SE, Trends in biotechnology : regular edition 38, 10 (2020).
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Bottle or tap? Toward an integrated approach to water type consumption”. Geerts R, Vandermoere F, Van Winckel T, Halet D, Joos P, Van Den Steen K, Van Meenen E, Blust R, Borregán-Ochando E, Vlaeminck SE, Water Research 173, 115578 (2020).
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Impact of carbon to nitrogen ratio and aeration regime on mainstream deammonification”. Han M, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Bott C, Murthy S, Water science and technology 74, 375 (2016).
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Towards harmonization of water quality management : a comparison of chemical drinking water and surface water quality standards around the globe”. Van Winckel T, Cools J, Vlaeminck SE, Joos P, Van Meenen E, Borregán-Ochando E, Van Den Steen K, Geerts R, Vandermoere F, Blust R, Journal Of Environmental Management 298, 113447 (2021).
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Live Fast, Die Young: Optimizing Retention Times in High-Rate Contact Stabilization for Maximal Recovery of Organics from Wastewater”. Meerburg FA, Boon N, Van Winckel T, Pauwels KTG, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental science and technology 50, 9781 (2016).
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Growing media constituents determine the microbial nitrogen conversions in organic growing media for horticulture”. Grunert O, Reheul D, Van Labeke M-C, Perneel M, Hernandez-Sanabria E, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Microbial Biotechnology 9, 389 (2016).
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Influence of pH on urine nitrification : community shifts of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and inhibition of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria”. Faust V, Vlaeminck SE, Ganigué, R, Udert KM, ACS ES&T engineering 4, 342 (2024).
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Electrochemical in situ pH control enables chemical-free full urine nitrification with concomitant nitrate extraction”. De Paepe J, Clauwaert P, Gritti MC, Ganigue R, Sas B, Vlaeminck SE, Rabaey K, Environmental Science &, Technology 55, 8287 (2021).
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Media optimization, strain compatibility, and low-shear modeled microgravity exposure of synthetic microbial communities for urine nitrification in regenerative life-support systems”. Ilgrande C, Defoirdt T, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Astrobiology 19, 1353 (2019).
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Nitrification and microalgae cultivation for two-stage biological nutrient valorization from source separated urine”. Coppens J, Lindeboom R, Muys M, Coessens W, Alloul A, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Clauwaert P, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 211, 41 (2016).
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Metabolic and proteomic responses to salinity in synthetic nitrifying communities of Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrobacter spp”. Ilgrande C, Leroy B, Wattiez R, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2914 (2018).
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Success of mainstream partial nitritation/anammox demands integration of engineering, microbiome and modeling insights”. Agrawal S, Seuntjens D, De Cocker P, Lackner S, Vlaeminck SE, Current opinion in biotechnology 50, 214 (2018).
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Supernatant organics from anaerobic digestion after thermal hydrolysis cause direct and/or diffusional activity loss for nitritation and anammox”. Zhang Q, Vlaeminck SE, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Pümpel T, Shaw A, Chandran K, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, Water research 143, 270 (2018).
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Reactivation of microbial strains and synthetic communities after a spaceflight to the International Space Station : corroborating the feasibility of essential conversions in the MELiSSA Loop”. Ilgrande C, Mastroleo F, Christiaens MER, Lindeboom REF, Prat D, Van Hoey O, Ambrozova I, Coninx I, Heylen W, Pommerening-Roser A, Spieck E, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Leys N, Clauwaert P, Astrobiology 19, 1167 (2019).
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Dissolution rate and growth performance reveal struvite as a sustainable nutrient source to produce a diverse set of microbial protein”. Muys M, González Cámara SJ, Derese S, Spiller M, Verliefde A, Vlaeminck SE, The science of the total environment 866, 161172 (2023).
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Feasibility of a return-sludge nursery concept for mainstream anammox biostimulation : creating optimal conditions for anammox to recover and grow in a parallel tank”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, Alloul A, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 385, 129359 (2023).
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Feasibility of packed-bed trickling filters for partial nitritation/anammox : effects of carrier material, bottom ventilation openings, hydraulic loading rate and free ammonia”. Xie Y, Jia M, De Wilde F, Daeninck K, De Clippeleir H, Verstraete W, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 373, 128713 (2023).
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Short and long term effect of decreasing temperature on anammox activity and enrichment in mainstream granular sludge process”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Dubos S, Mercade M, Sun XY, Mozo I, Barillon B, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Martin Ruel S, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, 4, 50 (2017).
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Short and long term effect of decreasing temperature on anammox activity and enrichment in mainstream granular sludge process”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Dubos S, Mercade M, Sun XY, Mozo I, Barillon B, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Ruel SM, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Frontiers In Wastewater Treatment And Modelling, Ficwtm 2017 4, 50 (2017).
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Uncoupling the solids retention times of flocs and granules in mainstream deammonification : a screen as effective out-selection tool for nitrite oxidizing bacteria”. Han M, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, Bioresource technology 221, 195 (2016).
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Enrichment and adaptation yield high anammox conversion rates under low temperatures”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Dubos S, Mozo I, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Bioresource technology 250, 505 (2018).
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Capture-ferment-upgrade : a three-step approach for the valorization of sewage organics as commodities”. Alloul A, Ganigue R, Spiller M, Meerburg F, Cagnetta C, Rabaey K, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental science and technology 52, 6729 (2018).
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Pioneering on single-sludge nitrification/denitrification at 50 °C”. Vandekerckhove TGL, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Chemosphere 252, 126527 (2020).
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Used water and nutrients : recovery perspectives in a 'panta rhei' context”. Verstraete W, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 215, 199 (2016).
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Microbial food from light, carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas : kinetic, stoichiometric and nutritional potential of three purple bacteria”. Spanoghe J, Vermeir P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource Technology 337, 125364 (2021).
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Storage, fertilization and cost properties highlight the potential of dried microbial biomass as organic fertilizer”. Spanoghe J, Grunert O, Wambacq E, Sakarika M, Papini G, Alloul A, Spiller M, Derycke V, Stragier L, Verstraete H, Fauconnier K, Verstraete W, Haesaert G, Vlaeminck SE, Microbial biotechnology , 1 (2020).
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Deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated with thermal hydrolysis : overcoming inhibition through process optimization”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, Applied microbiology and biotechnology 100, 5595 (2016).
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Towards mainstream partial nitritation/anammox in four seasons : feasibility of bioaugmentation with stored summer sludge for winter anammox assistance”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, Alloul A, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 347, 126619 (2022).
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Effective carbon and nutrient treatment solutions for mixed domestic-industrial wastewater in India”. Saha S, Badhe N, Seuntjens D, Vlaeminck SE, Biswas R, Nandy T, Water science and technology 72, 651 (2015).
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Light regime and growth phase affect the microalgal production of protein quantity and quality with Dunaliella salina”. Sui Y, Muys M, Vermeir P, D'Adamo S, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 275, 145 (2019).
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