Number of records found: 269
Comparison of electrostatic and electromagnetic simulations for very high frequency plasmas”. Zhang Y-R, Xu X, Zhao S-X, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Physics of plasmas 17, 113512 (2010).
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Single-layer and bilayer graphene superlattices: collimation, additional Dirac points and Dirac lines”. Barbier M, Vasilopoulos P, Peeters FM, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society : mathematical, physical and engineering sciences 368, 5499 (2010).
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Transmission electron microscopy study of phase compatibility in low hysteresis shape memory alloys”. Delville R, Kasinathan S, Zhang Z, van Humbeeck J, James RD, Schryvers D, Philosophical magazine 90, 177 (2010).
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Preparation and luminescence of bulk oxyfluoride glasses doped with Ag nanoclusters”. Tikhomirov VK, Rodriguez VD, Kutznetsov D, Kirilenko D, Van Tendeloo G, Moshchalkov VV, Optics express 18, 22032 (2010).
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High reflective mirrors for in-vessel applications in ITER”. Razdobarin AG, Mukhin EE, Semenov VV, YuTolstyakov S, Kochergin MM, Kurskiev GS, Podushnikova KA, Kirilenko DA, Sitnikova AA, Gorodetsky АЕ, Bukhovets VL, Zalavutdinov RK, Zakharov АP, Arkhipov II, Voitsenya VS, Bondarenko VN, Konovalov VG, Ryzhkov IV;, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 623, 809 (2010).
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Conditions defining the mechanisms of the formation of light gas ions in multicomponent laser-produced plasmas”. Khaydarov RT, Beisinbaeva HB, Sabitov MM, Kalal M, Berdiyorov GR, Nuclear fusion 50, 105007 (2010).
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Effect of neutron irradiation on the characteristics of laser-produced plasma”. Khaydarov RT, Beisinbaeva HB, Sabitov NM, Terentev VB, Berdiyorov GR, Nuclear fusion 50, 025024 (2010).
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Production and application of electron vortex beams”. Verbeeck J, Tian H, Schattschneider P, Nature 467, 301 (2010).
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Quantum tunneling through graphene nanorings”. Wu Z, Zhang ZZ, Chang K, Peeters FM, Nanotechnology 21, 185201 (2010).
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Structure and defect characterization of multiferroic <tex>ReMnO$3 films and multilayers by TEM”. Jehanathan N, Lebedev O, Gélard I, Dubourdieu C, Van Tendeloo G, Nanotechnology 21, 075705 (2010).
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Epitaxial CdSe-Au nanocrystal heterostructures by thermal annealing”. Figuerola A, van Huis M, Zanella M, Genovese A, Marras S, Falqui A, Zandbergen HW, Cingolani R, Manna L, Nano letters 10, 3028 (2010).
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Measuring porosity at the nanoscale by quantitative electron tomography”. Biermans E, Molina L, Batenburg KJ, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Nano letters 10, 5014 (2010).
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Morphological transformations and fusion of PbSe nanocrystals studied using atomistic simulations”. Schapotschnikow P, van Huis MA, Zandbergen HW, Vanmaekelbergh D, Vlugt TJH, Nano letters 10, 3966 (2010).
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Computational aspects in quantitative EELS”. Verbeeck J, Van Aert S, Zhang L, Haiyan T, Schattschneider P, Rosenauer A, Microscopy and microanalysis 16, 240 (2010).
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Three-dimensional analysis of carbon nanotube networks in interconnects by electron tomography without missing wedge artifacts”. Ke X, Bals S, Cott D, Hantschel T, Bender H, Van Tendeloo G, Microscopy and microanalysis 16, 210 (2010).
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Synthesis and characterization of the new cyclosilicate hydrate (hexamethyleneimine)4.[Si8O16(OH)4].12H2O”. Verlooy PLH, Robeyns K, van Meervelt L, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 130, 14 (2010).
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FCC surface precipitation in Cu-Zn-Al after low angle GA+ ion irradiation”. Zelaya E, Schryvers D, Materials transactions 51, 2177 (2010).
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Impact of tank construction on corrosion of ship ballast tanks”. de Baere K, Verstraelen H, Dewil R, Lemmens L, Lenaerts S, Nkunzimana T, Potters G, Materials performance 49, 48 (2010)
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Preparation and structural characterization of SnO2 and GeO2 methanol steam reforming thin film model catalysts by (HR)TEM”. Lorenz H, Zhao Q, Turner S, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Klötzer B, Rameshan C, Penner S, Materials chemistry and physics 122, 623 (2010).
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Biocompatibility and corrosion behavior of the shape memory NiTi alloy in the physiological environments simulated with body fluids for medical applications”. Khalil-Allafi J, Amin-Ahmadi B, Zare M, Materials science and engineering: part C: biomimetic materials 30, 1112 (2010).
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A multi-scale characterization of deformation twins in Ti6Al4V sheet material deformed by simple shear”. Tirry W, Coghe F, Bouvier S, Gasperini M, Rabet L, Schryvers D, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 527, 4136 (2010).
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B-site ordered perovskite LaSrMnNbO6 : synthesis, structure and antiferromagnetism”. Yang T, Perkisas T, Hadermann J, Croft M, Ignatov A, Greenblatt M, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 2689 (2010).
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Coupled anion and cation ordering in Sr3RFe4O10.5 (R=Y, Ho, Dy) anion-deficientperovskites”. Abakumov AM, d' Hondt H, Rossell MD, Tsirlin AA, Gutnikova O, Filimonov DS, Schnelle W, Rosner H, Hadermann J, Van Tendeloo G, Antipov EV, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 2845 (2010).
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The local structure and composition of Ba4Nb2O9-based oxycarbonates”. Bezjak J, Abakumov AM, Recnik A, Krzmanc MM, Jancar B, Suvorov D, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 1823 (2010).
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Moderate pressure synthesis of rare earth nickelate with metal-insulator transition using polymeric precursors”. Napierala C, Lepoittevin C, Edely M, Sauques L, Giovanelli F, Laffez P, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 1663 (2010).
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New perovskite-based manganite Pb2Mn2O5”. Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Perkisas T, d' Hondt H, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Filonenko VP, Antipov EV, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 2190 (2010).
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Synthesis and characterization of La1+xSr2-xCoMnO7-\delta (x=0,0.2, \delta=0,1)”. El Shinawi H, Bertha A, Hadermann J, Herranz T, Santos B, Marco JF, Berry FJ, Greaves C, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 1347 (2010).
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LiZnNb4O11.5 : a novel oxygen deficient compound in the Nb-rich part of the Li2O-ZnO-Nb2O5 system”. Morozov VA, Arakcheeva AV, Konovalova VV, Pattison P, Chapuis G, Lebedev OI, Fomichev VV, Van Tendeloo G, Journal of solid state chemistry 183, 408 (2010).
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Kronig-Penney model of scalar and vector potentials in graphene”. Masir MR, Vasilopoulos P, Peeters FM, Journal of physics : condensed matter 22, 465302 (2010).
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The quasiparticle band structure of zincblende and rocksalt ZnO”. Dixit H, Saniz R, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Journal of physics : condensed matter 22, 125505 (2010).
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