Number of records found: 222
Photoelectrochemical behavior of phthalocyanine-sensitized TiO₂, in the presence of electron-shuttling mediators”. Khan SU, Trashin S, Beltran V, Korostei YS, Pelmus M, Gorun SM, Dubinina T V, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 12723 (2022).
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Electrochemistry of intact versus degraded cephalosporin antibiotics facilitated by LC–MS analysis”. Sleegers N, van Nuijs ALN, van den Berg M, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 93, 2394 (2021).
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Nanobody-based immunosensor detection enhanced by photocatalytic-electrochemical redox cycling”. Trashin S, Morales-Yánez F, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Paredis L, Carrión EN, Sariego I, Muyldermans S, Polman K, Gorun SM, De Wael K, Analytical Chemistry 93, 13606 (2021).
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A simplified protocol for usage of new immuno-SERS probes for detection of casein, collagens and ovalbumin in cross-sections of artworks”. Hrdlickova Kuckova S, Hamidi-Asl E, Sofer Z, Marvan P, De Wael K, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Analytical methods 10, 1054 (2018).
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A Benzocaine‐Induced Local Near‐Surface pH Effect: Influence on the Accuracy of Voltammetric Cocaine Detection”. de Jong M, Sleegers N, Schram J, Daems D, Florea A, De Wael K, Analysis &, Sensing , anse.202000012 (2020).
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A biosensor fabricated by incorporation of a redox mediator into a carbon nanotube/nafion composite for tyrosinase immobilization : detection of matairesinol, an endocrine disruptor”. Rather JA, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, The analyst 238, 204 (2013).
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Electrochemical analysis of cocaine in real samples based on electrodeposited biomimetic affinity ligands”. Florea A, Cowen T, Piletsky S, De Wael K, The analyst 144, 4639 (2019).
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Rapid microwave synthesis of high aspect-ration ZnO nanotetrapods for swift bisphenol A detection”. Qurashi A, Rather JA, De Wael K, Merzougui B, Tabet N, Faiz M, The analyst 138, 4764 (2013).
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Electrochemical Analysis of Speedball-like Polydrug Samples”. de Jong M, Florea A, Daems D, Van Loon J, Samyn N, De Wael K, Analyst (2020).
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Gold-sputtered microelectrodes with built-in gold reference and counter electrodes for electrochemical DNA detection”. Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Trashin S, De Wael K, Analyst (2020).
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Native mass spectrometry for the design and selection of protein bioreceptors for perfluorinated compounds”. Daems E, Moro G, Berghmans H, Moretto LM, Dewilde S, Angelini A, Sobott F, De Wael K, Analyst 146, 2065 (2021).
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Formation of metallic mercury during photodegradation/photodarkening of \alpha-HgS : electrochemical evidence”. Anaf W, Janssens K, De Wael K, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 52, 12568 (2013).
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Nanoscale analysis of historical paintings by means of O‐PTIR spectroscopy : the identification of the organic particles in L’Arlésienne (portrait of Madame Ginoux) by Van Gogh”. Beltran V, Marchetti A, Nuyts G, Leeuwestein M, Sandt C, Borondics F, De Wael K, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 60, 22753 (2021).
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A survey of occupational exposure to inhalable wood dust among workers in small- and medium-scale wood-processing enterprises in Ethiopia”. Ayalew E, Gebre Y, De Wael K, The annals of occupational hygiene 59, 253 (2015).
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Gas phase photofuel cell consisting of WO₃- and TiO₂-photoanodes and an air-exposed cathode for simultaneous air purification and electricity generation”. Van Hal M, Campos R, Lenaerts S, De Wael K, Verbruggen SW, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 292, 120204 (2021).
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Monitoring the impact of the indoor air quality on silver cultural heritage objects using passive and continuous corrosion rate assessments”. 't Hart L, Storme P, Anaf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Dorriné, W, Janssens K, De Wael K, Schalm O, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 122, 923 (2016).
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Tailoring the functional properties of polyurethane foam with dispersions of carbon nanofiber for power generator applications”. Sathiyamoorthy S, Girijakumari G, Kannan P, Venugopal K, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Veluswamy P, De Wael K, Ikeda H, Applied surface science 449, 507 (2018).
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A new opportunity for biomagnetic monitoring of particulate pollution in an urban environment using tree branches”. Wuyts K, Hofman J, van Wittenberghe S, Nuyts G, De Wael K, Samson R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 190, 177 (2018).
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Leaf accumulation of atmospheric dust : biomagnetic, morphological and elemental evaluation using SEM, ED-XRF and HR-ICP-MS”. Castanheiro A, Hofman J, Nuyts G, Joosen S, Spassov S, Blust R, Lenaerts S, De Wael K, Samson R, Atmospheric Environment 221, 117082 (2020).
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Kinetic properties and heme pocket structure of two domains of the polymeric hemoglobin of Artemia in comparison with the native molecule”. Borhani AH, Berghmans H, Trashin S, De Wael K, Fago A, Moens L, Habibi-Rezaei M, Dewilde S, Biochimica et biophysica acta : proteins and proteomics 1854, 1307 (2015).
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Electrochemical determination of hydrogen peroxide with cytochrome c peroxidase and horse heart cytochrome c entrapped in a gelatin hydrogel”. De Wael K, Bashir Q, van Vlierberghe S, Dubruel P, Heering HA, Adriaens A, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 83, 15 (2012).
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Covalent immobilization of delipidated human serum albumin on poly(pyrrole-2-carboxylic) acid film for the impedimetric detection of perfluorooctanoic acid”. Moro G, Bottari F, Liberi S, Covaceuszach S, Cassetta A, Angelini A, De Wael K, Moretto LM, Bioelectrochemistry 134, 107540 (2020).
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Carbon nanotubes based electrochemical aptasensing platform for the detection of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl in human blood serum”. Pilehvar S, Rather JA, Dardenne F, Robbens J, Blust R, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 54, 78 (2014).
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Disposable electrodes from waste materials and renewable sources for (bio) electroanalytical applications”. Moro G, Bottari F, Van Loon J, Du Bois E, De Wael K, Moretto LM, Biosensors and bioelectronics 146, 111758 (2019).
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Mixed hemi/ad-micelles coated magnetic nanoparticles for the entrapment of hemoglobin at the surface of a screen-printed carbon electrode and its direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis”. Amiri-Aref M, Raoof JB, Kiekens F, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 74, 518 (2015).
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Potentiometric sensors doped with biomolecules as a new approach to small molecule/biomolecule binding kinetics analysis”. Daems D, De Wael K, Vissenberg K, Van Camp G, Nagels L, Biosensors and bioelectronics 54, 515 (2014).
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Indoor environmental quality index for conservation environments : the importance of including particulate matter”. Marchetti A, Pilehvar S, 't Hart L, Leyva Pernia D, Voet O, Anaf W, Nuyts G, Otten E, Demeyer S, Schalm O, De Wael K, Building and environment 126, 132 (2017).
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Investigation of the electrosynthetic pathway of the aldol condensation of acetone”. Pauwels D, Hereijgers J, Verhulst K, De Wael K, Breugelmans T, Chemical engineering journal 289, 554 (2016).
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Tuning the turnover frequency and selectivity of photocatalytic CO2 reduction to CO and methane using platinum and palladium nanoparticles on Ti-Beta zeolites”. Blommaerts N, Hoeven N, Arenas Esteban D, Campos R, Mertens M, Borah R, Glisenti A, De Wael K, Bals S, Lenaerts S, Verbruggen SW, Cool P, Chemical Engineering Journal 410, 128234 (2021).
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The application of an electrochemical microflow reactor for the electrosynthetic aldol reaction of acetone to diacetone alcohol”. Pauwels D, Geboes B, Hereijgers J, Choukroun D, De Wael K, Breugelmans T, Chemical engineering research and design 128, 205 (2017).
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