Number of records found: 65
Signatures of subband excitons in few-layer black phosphorus”. Chaves A, Sousa GO, Khaliji K, da Costa DR, Farias GA, Low T, Physical Review B 103, 165428 (2021).
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Wave packet propagation through branched quantum rings under applied magnetic fields”. de Sousa AA, Chaves A, Pereira TAS, de Farias GA, Peeters FM, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 114, 113598 (2019).
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Spontaneous symmetry breaking in vortex systems with two repulsive lengthscales”. Curran PJ, Desoky WM, Milošević, MV, Chaves A, Laloe J-B, Moodera JS, Bending SJ, Scientific reports 5, 15569 (2015).
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Klein tunneling in single and multiple barriers in graphene”. Pereira JM, Peeters FM, Chaves A, Farias GA, Semiconductor science and technology 25, 033002 (2010).
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Tunable effective masses of magneto-excitons in two-dimensional materials”. Chaves A, Peeters FM, Solid State Communications 334, 114371 (2021).
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