Number of records found: 2704
Size effect of bifunctional gold in hierarchical titanium oxide-gold-cadmium sulfide with slow photon effect for unprecedented visible-light hydrogen production”. Zhao H, Li C-F, Hu Z-Y, Liu J, Li Y, Hu J, Van Tendeloo G, Chen L-H, Su B-L, Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 604, 131 (2021).
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Understanding air-tight case environments at the National Museum of the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution) by SPME-GC-MS analysis”. Alvarez-Martin A, McHugh K, Martin C, Kavich G, Kaczkowski R, Journal Of Cultural Heritage 44, 38 (2020).
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Electrochemical identification of hazardous phenols and their complex mixtures in real samples using unmodified screen-printed electrodes”. Barich H, Cánovas R, De Wael K, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry : an international journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kynetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry. 904, 115878 (2022).
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Voltammetric sensing using an array of modified SPCE coupled with machine learning strategies for the improved identification of opioids in presence of cutting agents”. Ortiz-Aguayo D, De Wael K, del Valle M, Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry 902, 115770 (2021).
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Optimal timing of multiple investment decisions in a wood value chain : a real options approach”. Tschulkow M, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Journal Of Environmental Management 290, 112590 (2021).
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An integrated assessment of environmental, economic, social and technological parameters of source separated and conventional sanitation concepts : a contribution to sustainability analysis”. Firmansyah I, Carsjens GJ, de Ruijter FJ, Zeeman G, Spiller M, Journal Of Environmental Management 295, 113131 (2021).
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Towards harmonization of water quality management : a comparison of chemical drinking water and surface water quality standards around the globe”. Van Winckel T, Cools J, Vlaeminck SE, Joos P, Van Meenen E, Borregán-Ochando E, Van Den Steen K, Geerts R, Vandermoere F, Blust R, Journal Of Environmental Management 298, 113447 (2021).
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Economic indices of by-products utilization and forage production in semi-arid rangelands”. Motamedi J, Azadi H, Alijanpour A, Shafiei AB, Sheidai-Karkaj E, Mofidi-Chelan M, Moghaddam SM, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Journal of environmental planning and management , 1 (2022).
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Oxidation states of uranium in DU particles from Kosovo”. Salbu B, Janssens K, Lind OC, Proost K, Danesi PR, Journal of environmental radioactivity 64, 167 (2003).
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Micro-analytical characterization of thorium-rich aggregates from Norwegian NORM sites (Fen Complex, Telemark)”. Cagno S, Lind OC, Popic JM, Skipperud L, De Nolf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Jaroszewicz J, Janssens K, Salbu B, Journal Of Environmental Radioactivity 219, 106273 (2020).
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An elliptical blade is not a true ellipse, but a superellipse : evidence from two Michelia species”. Li Y, Niklas KJ, Gielis J, Niinemets Ü, Schrader J, Wang R, Shi P, Journal of forestry research 33, 1341 (2022).
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Farmers' preferences towards water hyacinth control : a contingent valuation study”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Huge J, Berihun D, Ejigu N, Nyssen J, Journal Of Great Lakes Research 46, 1459 (2020).
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FLCS-PON : a 100 Gbit/s flexible passive optical network: concepts and field trial”. Borkowski R, Straub M, Ou Y, Lefevre Y, Jelić, ŽL, Lanneer W, Kaneda N, Mahadevan A, Hueckstaedt V, van Veen D, Houtsma V, Coomans W, Bonk R, Maes J, Journal Of Lightwave Technology 39, 5314 (2021).
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High-throughput computational screening of 2D materials for thermoelectrics”. Sarikurt S, Kocabas T, Sevik C, Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 8, 19674 (2020).
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Use of Banana Fibers in SMA Mixtures”. Ferreira da Costa L, de Lucena LCFL, de Lucena AEFL, Grangeiro de Barros A, Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering 32, 04019341 (2020).
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Effect of natural deep eutectic solvents of non-eutectic compositions on enzyme stability”. Kovács A, Yusupov M, Cornet I, Billen P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Molecular Liquids 366, 120180 (2022).
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Structures and spectroscopic properties of sulfur-nitrogen-pnictogen chains : R2P-N=S=N-PR2 and R2P-N=S=N-AsR2”. Bal KM, Cautereels J, Blockhuys F, Journal of molecular structure 1132, 102 (2017).
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Some critical observations about the degradation of glass : the formation of lamellae explained”. Schalm O, Nuyts G, Janssens K, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids 569, 120984 (2021).
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Microstructural investigation of IASCC crack tips extracted from thimble tube O-ring specimens”. Penders AG, Konstantinovic MJ, Yang T, Bosch R-w, Schryvers D, Somville F, Journal of nuclear materials 565, 153727 (2022).
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Characterization of IASCC crack tips extracted from neutron-irradiated flux thimble tube specimens in view of a probabilistic fracture model”. Penders AG, Konstantinović, MJ, Van Renterghem W, Bosch R-W, Schryvers D, Somville F, Journal of nuclear materials 571, 154015 (2022).
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Distribution pattern of metal atoms in bimetal-doped pyridinic-N₄, pores determines their potential for electrocatalytic N₂, reduction”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 126, 3080 (2022).
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Coupled plasmon modes in 2D gold nanoparticle clusters and their effect on local temperature control”. Borah R, Verbruggen SW, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 30594 (2019).
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Probing the electron beam-induced structural evolution of halide perovskite thin films by scanning transmission electron microscopy”. Zhou X-G, Yang C-Q, Sang X, Li W, Wang L, Yin Z-W, Han J-R, Li Y, Ke X, Hu Z-Y, Cheng Y-B, Van Tendeloo G, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 10786 (2021).
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Point defects in a two-dimensional ZnSnN₂, nanosheet : a first-principles study on the electronic and magnetic properties”. Bafekry A, Faraji M, Fadlallah MM, Mortazavi B, Ziabari AA, Khatibani AB, Nguyen C V, Ghergherehchi M, Gogova D, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 13067 (2021).
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Identification of a unique pyridinic FeN4Cx electrocatalyst for N₂, reduction : tailoring the coordination and carbon topologies”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 126, 14460 (2022).
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Computation of the thermal expansion coefficient of graphene with Gaussian approximation potentials”. Demiroglu I, Karaaslan Y, Kocabas T, Keceli M, Vazquez-Mayagoitia A, Sevik C, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 14409 (2021).
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Contrasting H-etching to OH-etching in plasma-assisted nucleation of carbon nanotubes”. Van de Sompel P, Khalilov U, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 7849 (2021).
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DFT and microkinetic comparison of ru-doped porphyrin-like graphene and nanotubes toward catalytic formic acid decomposition and formation”. Nematollahi P, Ma H, Schneider WF, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 18673 (2021).
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Efficient Ab initio modeling of dielectric screening in 2D van der Waals materials : including phonons, substrates, and doping”. Gjerding MN, Cavalcante LSR, Chaves A, Thygesen KS, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 124, 11609 (2020).
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k ·, p parametrization and linear and circular dichroism in strained monolayer (Janus) transition metal dichalcogenides from first-principles”. Korkmaz YA, Bulutay C, Sevik C, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 125, 7439 (2021).
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