Number of records found: 589
Its time to harvest : combining internal selection and flocculent external selection to maximize carbon capture efficiency”. Van Winckel T, Yapuwa H, Wett B, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Kinetic exploration of intracellular nitrate storage in marine microalgae”. Decostere B, Coppens J, Vervaeren H, Vlaeminck SE, De Gelder L, Boon N, Nopens I, Van Hulle SWH, Journal of environmental science and health : part A: toxic/hazardous substances and environmental engineering 52, 1303 (2017).
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Kinetics of dechlorination by Dehalococcoides mccartyi using different carbon sources”. Schneidewind U, Haest PJ, Atashgahi S, Seuntjens P, et al, Journal of contaminant hydrology 157, 25 (2014).
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Kinetics of growth and lipids accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris during batch heterotrophic cultivation : effect of different nutrient limitation strategies”. Sakarika M, Kornaros M, Bioresource technology 243, 356 (2017).
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De kleine boerderij : twee bijzondere tuinkamers”. Vermander C, De Wael J, Gielis J, Groencontact 45, 14 (2019)
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Laboratory-scale membrane up-concentration and co-anaerobic digestion for energy recovery from sewage and kitchen waste”. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Nguyen Phuoc Dan, Nguyen Cong Vu, Nguyen Le Hoang Trung, Bui Xuan Thanh, De Wever H, Goemans M, Diels L, Water science and technology 73, 597 (2016).
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Lamé-Gielis curves in biology and geometry”. Gielis J, Shi P, Beirinckx B, Caratelli D, Ricci PE, (2021)
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Leaf area-length allometry and its implications in leaf shape evolution”. Shi P, Liu M, Ratkowsky DA, Gielis J, Su J, Yu X, Wang P, Zhang L, Lin Z, Schrader J, Trees: structure and function 33, 1073 (2019).
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Lets settle together? Extending external selection from mainstream deammonification to high-rate activated sludge”. Van Winckel T, De Clippeleir H, Yapuwa H, Wett B, Bott C, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Light regime and growth phase affect the microalgal production of protein quantity and quality with Dunaliella salina”. Sui Y, Muys M, Vermeir P, D'Adamo S, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 275, 145 (2019).
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Live Fast, Die Young: Optimizing Retention Times in High-Rate Contact Stabilization for Maximal Recovery of Organics from Wastewater”. Meerburg FA, Boon N, Van Winckel T, Pauwels KTG, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental science and technology 50, 9781 (2016).
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LPMLE3: A novel 1-D approach to study water flow in streambeds using heat as a tracer”. Schneidewind U, van Berkel M, Anibas C, Vandersteen G, Schmidt C, Joris I, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Zwart HJ, Water resources research 52, 6596 (2016).
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Management principles of sustainable industrial chemistry”. Reniers G, Sörensen K, Vrancken K, (2012)
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Reniers G, Sö,rensen K, Vrancken K (2013) Management principles of sustainable industrial chemistry : theories, concepts and industrial examples for achieving sustainable chemical products and processes from a non-technological viewpoint. 274 p
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The ManureEcoMine pilot installation : advanced integration of technologies for the management of organics and nutrients in livestock waste”. Pintucci C, Carballa M, Varga S, Sarli J, Peng L, Bousek J, Pedizzi C, Ruscalleda M, Tarragó, E, Prat D, Colica G, Picavet M, Colsen J, Benito O, Balaguer M, Puig S, Lema JM, Colprim J, Fuchs W, Vlaeminck SE, Water science and technology 75, 1281 (2017).
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The ManureEcoMine Pilot Plant : towards advanced nutrient management in livestock waste treatment”. Pintucci C, Peng L, Prat D, Colica G, Merijn P, Colsen J, Varga S, Sarli J, Benito O, Vlaeminck SE, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Measuring adaptive capacity of urban wastewater infrastructure : change impact and change propagation”. Spiller M, The science of the total environment 601-602, 571 (2017).
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Mechanistic understanding of microbial activity inhibition : case study on sidestream deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated by thermal hydrolysis”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Shaw A, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 5 p. T2 (2016)
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Media optimization, strain compatibility, and low-shear modeled microgravity exposure of synthetic microbial communities for urine nitrification in regenerative life-support systems”. Ilgrande C, Defoirdt T, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Astrobiology 19, 1353 (2019).
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Metabolic and proteomic responses to salinity in synthetic nitrifying communities of Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrobacter spp”. Ilgrande C, Leroy B, Wattiez R, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Clauwaert P, Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2914 (2018).
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Microbial ecology of high-rate versus conventional activated sludge : environmental and operational parameters shape microbial structure, co-occurrence and functionality”. Seuntjens D, Meerburg FA, Vlaeminck SE, Roume H, Pieper DH, Jauregui R, Vilchez-Vargas R, Boon N, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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Microbial fixation of CO2 in water bodies and in drylands to combat climate change, soil loss and desertification”. Rossi F, Olguin EJ, Diels L, De Philippis R, New biotechnology 32, 109 (2015).
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Muys M (2019) Microbial protein as sustainable feed and food ingredient : production and nutritional quality of phototrophs and aerobic heterotrophs. 262 p
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Zhu W (2021) Microbial resource management for mainstream partial nitritation/anammox : strategies to enhance the nitrogen conversion efficiency. 207 p
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Microscale profiling of photosynthesis-related variables in a highly productive biofilm photobioreactor”. Li T, Piltz B, Podola B, Dron A, de Beer D, Melkonian M, Biotechnology and bioengineering 113, 1046 (2016).
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Minimizing recalcitrant organics and maximizing nitrogen removal linked to advanced biosolids processing at Blue Plains WWTP”. Zhang Q, Higgins MJ, Vlaeminck SE, DeBarbadillo C, Suzuki R, Kharkar SM, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, , 12 p. T2 (2017)
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Mitigation of nitrous oxide emission from nitritation/denitritation process”. Peng L, Carvajal-Arroyo JM, Seuntjens D, Colica G, Pintucci C, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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The Mӧbius phenomenon in Generalized Mӧbius-Listing bodies with cross sections of odd and even polygons”. Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, Sn –, 1512-0066 34, 23 (2020)
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The Möbius phenomenon in Generalized Möbius-Listing surfaces and bodies, and Arnold's Cat phenomenon”. Gielis J, Ricci PE, Tavkhelidze I, Advanced Studies : Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 14, 17 (2021).
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Model-based assessment of estrogen removal by nitrifying activated sludge”. Peng L, Dai X, Liu Y, Sun J, Song S, Ni B-J, Chemosphere 197, 430 (2018).
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