Number of records found: 7465
Atomically engineered interfaces yield extraordinary electrostriction”. Zhang H, Pryds N, Park D-S, Gauquelin N, Santucci S, Christensen D V, Jannis D, Chezganov D, Rata DA, Insinga AR, Castelli IE, Verbeeck J, Lubomirsky I, Muralt P, Damjanovic D, Esposito V, Nature 609, 695 (2022).
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Boosting aerobic microbial protein productivity and quality on brewery wastewater : impact of anaerobic acidification, high-rate process and biomass age”. Papini G, Muys M, Van Winckel T, Meerburg FA, Van Beeck W, Vermeir P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 368, 128285 (2023).
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Discovery of core-shell quasicrystalline particles”. Yang T, Kong Y, Du Y, Li K, Schryvers D, Scripta materialia 222, 115040 (2023).
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Rapid lignin quantification for fungal wood pretreatment by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy”. Wittner N, Slezsák J, Broos W, Geerts J, Gergely S, Vlaeminck SE, Cornet I, Spectrochimica acta: part A: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy , 121912 (2023).
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3D porous catalysts for plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane : how does the pore size affect the plasma-catalytic performance?”.Wang J, Zhang K, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Chemical engineering journal 464, 142574 (2023).
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Atomic oxygen assisted CO2 conversion: A theoretical analysis”. Verheyen C, van ’t Veer K, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Journal of CO2 utilization 67, 102347 (2023).
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Plasma-catalytic ammonia synthesis in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor: A combined experimental study and kinetic modeling”. Andersen Ja, Holm Mc, van 't Veer K, Christensen Jm, Østberg M, Bogaerts A, Jensen Ad, Chemical engineering journal 457, 141294 (2023).
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Post-plasma quenching to improve conversion and energy efficiency in a CO2 microwave plasma”. Mercer Er, Van Alphen S, van Deursen Cfam, Righart Twh, Bongers Wa, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, van de Sanden Mcm, Peeters Fjj, Fuel 334, 126734 (2023).
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A decade of atom-counting in STEM: From the first results toward reliable 3D atomic models from a single projection”. De Backer A, Bals S, Van Aert S, Ultramicroscopy , 113702 (2023).
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Ammonia decomposition in a dielectric barrier discharge plasma: Insights from experiments and kinetic modeling”. Andersen Ja, van 't Veer K, Christensen Jm, Østberg M, Bogaerts A, Jensen Ad, Chemical engineering science 271, 118550 (2023).
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Nitrogen Fixation by an Arc Plasma at Elevated Pressure to Increase the Energy Efficiency and Production Rate of NOx”. Tsonev I, O’Modhrain C, Bogaerts A, Gorbanev Y, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1888 (2023).
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Acquired non-thermal plasma resistance mediates a shift towards aerobic glycolysis and ferroptotic cell death in melanoma”. Lin A, Sahun M, Biscop E, Verswyvel H, De Waele J, De Backer J, Theys C, Cuypers B, Laukens K, Berghe WV, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Drug resistance updates 67, 100914 (2023).
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Postplasma Catalytic Model for NO Production: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms to Improve the Process Efficiency”. Eshtehardi HA, van 't Veer K, Delplancke M-P, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1720 (2023).
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Bioactive Nonthermal Biocompatible Plasma Enhances Migration on Human Gingival Fibroblasts”. Han I, Song IS, Choi SA, Lee T, Yusupov M, Shaw P, Bogaerts A, Choi EH, Ryu JJ, Advanced healthcare materials 12, 2200527 (2023).
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The adsorption and decomposition of SF6 over defective and hydroxylated MgO surfaces: A DFT study”. Cui Z, Hao Y, Jafarzadeh A, Li S, Bogaerts A, Li L, Surfaces and interfaces 36, 102602 (2023).
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Methane coupling in nanosecond pulsed plasmas: Correlation between temperature and pressure and effects on product selectivity”. Morais E, Delikonstantis E, Scapinello M, Smith G, Stefanidis GD, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 462, 142227 (2023).
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Templated Out‐of‐Equilibrium Self‐Assembly of Branched Au Nanoshells”. Marchetti A, Gori A, Ferretti AM, Esteban DA, Bals S, Pigliacelli C, Metrangolo P, Small , 2206712 (2023).
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Decoupling the Characteristics of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Ultrahigh Sensitivity”. Chowdhury MS, Rösch EL, Esteban DA, Janssen K-J, Wolgast F, Ludwig F, Schilling M, Bals S, Viereck T, Lak A, Nano letters 23, 58 (2023).
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Enhanced Pomegranate‐Structured SnO2Electrocatalysts for the Electrochemical CO2Reduction to Formate”. Daele KV, Arenas‐Esteban D, Choukroun D, Hoekx S, Rossen A, Daems N, Pant D, Bals S, Breugelmans T, ChemElectroChem (2023).
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Modelling post-plasma quenching nozzles for improving the performance of CO2 microwave plasmas”. Van Alphen S, Hecimovic A, Kiefer CK, Fantz U, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 462, 142217 (2023).
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Fast generation of calculated ADF-EDX scattering cross-sections under channelling conditions”. Zhang Z, Lobato I, De Backer A, Van Aert S, Nellist P, Ultramicroscopy 246, 113671 (2023).
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Hybrid plasma-thermal system for methane conversion to ethylene and hydrogen”. Liu R, Hao Y, Wang T, Wang L, Bogaerts A, Guo H, Yi Y, Chemical engineering journal 463, 142442 (2023).
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NH3and HNOxFormation and Loss in Nitrogen Fixation from Air with Water Vapor by Nonequilibrium Plasma”. Vervloessem E, Gromov M, De Geyter N, Bogaerts A, Gorbanev Y, Nikiforov A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 4289 (2023).
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Study of the Mechanism and Increasing Crystallinity in the Self-Templated Growth of Ultrathin PbS Nanosheets”. van der Sluijs MM, Salzmann BBV, Arenas Esteban D, Li C, Jannis D, Brafine LC, Laning TD, Reinders JWC, Hijmans NSA, Moes JR, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Chemistry of materials (2023).
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Postplasma Catalytic Model for NO Production: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms to Improve the Process Efficiency”. Eshtehardi HA, Van ‘t Veer K, Delplancke M-P, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1720 (2023).
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Postplasma Catalytic Model for NO Production: Revealing the Underlying Mechanisms to Improve the Process Efficiency”. Eshtehardi HA, Van ‘t Veer K, Delplancke M-P, Reniers F, Bogaerts A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 1720 (2023).
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Modelling post-plasma quenching nozzles for improving the performance of CO2 microwave plasmas”. Van Alphen S, Hecimovic A, Kiefer CK, Fantz U, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 462, 142217 (2023).
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Real-time tilt undersampling optimization during electron tomography of beam sensitive samples using golden ratio scanning and RECAST3D”. Craig TM, Kadu AA, Batenburg KJ, Bals S, Nanoscale 15, 5391 (2023).
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Hybrid core–shell nanoparticles for cell-specific magnetic separation and photothermal heating”. de la Encarnación C, Jungwirth F, Vila-Liarte D, Renero-Lecuna C, Kavak S, Orue I, Wilhelm C, Bals S, Henriksen-Lacey M, Jimenez de Aberasturi D, Liz-Marzán LM, Journal of materials chemistry B : materials for biology and medicine (2023).
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Dry reforming in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor with non-uniform discharge gap : effects of metal rings on the discharge behavior and performance”. Wang J, Zhang K, Meynen V, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal , 142953 (2023).
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