Number of records found: 336
Fabrication, interface characterization and modeling of oriented graphite flakes/Si/Al composites for thermal management applications”. Zhou C, Ji G, Chen Z, Wang M, Addad A, Schryvers D, Wang H, Materials and design 63, 719 (2014).
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Critical assessments and thermodynamic modeling of BaO-SiO2 and SiO2-TiO2 systems and their extensions into liquid immiscibility in the BaO-SiO2-TiO2 system”. Boulay E, Nakano J, Turner S, Idrissi H, Schryvers D, Godet S, Calphad computer coupling of phase diagrams and thermochemistry 47, 68 (2014).
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Site occupation of Nb atoms in ternary Ni-Ti-Nb shape memory alloys”. Shi H, Frenzel J, Martinez GT, Van Rompaey S, Bakulin A, Kulkova A, Van Aert S, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 74, 85 (2014).
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Lattice deformations in quasi-dynamic strain glass visualised and quantified by aberration corrected electron microscopy”. Lu J, Martinez GT, Van Aert S, Schryvers D, Physica status solidi: B: basic research 251, 2034 (2014).
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Plasticity mechanisms in ultrafine grained freestanding aluminum thin films revealed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy nanomechanical testing”. Idrissi H, Kobler A, Amin-Ahmadi B, Coulombier M, Galceran M, Raskin J-P, Godet S, Kuebel C, Pardoen T, Schryvers D, Applied physics letters 104, 101903 (2014).
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Review on TEM analysis of growth twins in nanocrystalline palladium thin films : toward better understanding of twin-related mechanisms in high stacking fault energy metals”. Idrissi H, Amin-Ahmadi B, Wang B, Schryvers D, Physica status solidi: B: basic research 251, 1111 (2014).
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Triple ion beam cutting of diamond/Al composites for interface characterization”. Ji G, Tan Z, Shabadi R, Li Z, Grünewald W, Addad A, Schryvers D, Zhang D, Materials characterization 89, 132 (2014).
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Atomistic structure of Cu-containing \beta", precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy”. Li K, Béché, A, Song M, Sha G, Lu X, Zhang K, Du Y, Ringer SP, Schryvers D, Scripta materialia 75, 86 (2014).
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Revealing the innermost nanostructure of sputtered NiCrOx solar absorber cermets”. Gaouyat L, He Z, Colomer J-F, Lambin P, Mirabella F, Schryvers D, Deparis O, Solar energy materials and solar cells 122, 303 (2014).
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Intergrowth of components and ramps in coffin-shaped ZSM-5 zeolite crystals unraveled by focused ion beam-assisted transmission electron microscopy”. Lu J, Roeffaers MBJ, Bartholomeeusen E, Sels BF, Schryvers D, Microscopy and microanalysis 20, 42 (2014).
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R-phase transition and related mechanical properties controlled by low-temperature aging treatment in a Ti50.8 at.% Ni thin wire”. Wang X, Li K, Schryvers D, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Scripta materialia 72-73, 21 (2014).
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Influence of amorphous phase separation on the crystallization behavior of glass-ceramics in the BaO-TiO2-SiO2 system”. Boulay E, Ragoen C, Idrissi H, Schryvers D, Godet S, Journal of non-crystalline solids 384, 61 (2014).
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TEM investigation of the formation mechanism of deformation twins in Fe-Mn-Si-Al TWIP steels”. Idrissi H, Renard K, Schryvers D, Jacques PJ, Philosophical magazine 93, 4378 (2013).
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Microstructural dependence on middle eigenvalue in Ti-Ni-Au”. Shi H, Delville R, Srivastava V, James RD, Schryvers D, Journal of alloys and compounds 582, 703 (2013).
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Effect of deposition rate on the microstructure of electron beam evaporated nanocrystalline palladium thin films”. Amin-Ahmadi B, Idrissi H, Galceran M, Colla MS, Raskin JP, Pardoen T, Godet S, Schryvers D, Thin solid films : an international journal on the science and technology of thin and thick films 539, 145 (2013).
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Microstructure and precipitates in annealed Co38Ni33Al29 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy”. Lu JB, Shi H, Sedlakova-Ignacova S, Espinoza R, Kopeček J, Sittner P, Bártová, B, Schryvers D, Journal of alloys and compounds 572, 5 (2013).
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Evolution of the phase stability of NiAl under low energy ball milling”. Zelaya E, Esquivel MR, Schryvers D, Advanced powder technology 24, 1063 (2013).
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Advanced three-dimensional electron microscopy techniques in the quest for better structural and functional materials”. Schryvers D, Cao S, Tirry W, Idrissi H, Van Aert S, Science and technology of advanced materials 14, 014206 (2013).
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Nano- and microcrystal investigations of precipitates, interfaces and strain fields in Ni-Ti-Nb by various TEM techniques”. Schryvers D, Shi H, Martinez GT, Van Aert S, Frenzel J, Van Humbeeck J, Materials science forum T2 –, 9th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2012), SEP 09-16, 2012, St Petersburg, RUSSIA 738/739, 65 (2013).
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EM characterization of precipitates in as-cast and annealed Ni45.5Ti45.5Nb9 shape memory alloys”. Shi H, Frenzel J, Schryvers D, Materials science forum 738/739, 113 (2013).
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Effect of annealing on the transformation behavior and mechanical properties of two nanostructured Ti-50.8at.%Ni thin wires produced by different methods”. Wang X, Amin-Ahmadi B, Schryvers D, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Materials science forum 738/739, 306 (2013).
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High resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization of fcc ->, 9R transformation in nanocrystalline palladium films due to hydriding”. Amin-Ahmadi B, Idrissi H, Delmelle R, Pardoen T, Proost J, Schryvers D, Applied physics letters 102, 071911 (2013).
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Functional twin boundaries”. Van Aert S, Turner S, Delville R, Schryvers D, Van Tendeloo G, Ding X, Salje EKH, Phase transitions 86, 1052 (2013).
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Dedicated TEM on domain boundaries from phase transformations and crystal growth”. Schryvers D, Van Aert S, Delville R, Idrissi H, Turner S, Salje EKH, Phase transitions 86, 15 (2013).
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Microstructure of adiabatic shear bands in Ti6Al4V”. Peirs J, Tirry W, Amin-Ahmadi B, Coghe F, Verleysen P, Rabet L, Schryvers D, Degrieck J, Materials characterization 75, 79 (2013).
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Morphological characterization and distribution of autocatalytic-grown Ni4Ti3 precipitates in a Ni-Ti single crystal”. Cao S, Ke CB, Zhang XP, Schryvers D, Journal of alloys and compounds 577, 215 (2013).
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Recent EM investigations on nano-and micro-defect structures in SMAs”. Schryvers D, Cao S, Pourbabak, Shi H, Lu, Journal of alloys and compounds 577, S705 (2013).
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Electron microscopy study of Nb-rich nanoprecipitates in NiTiNb and their influence on the martensitic transformation”. Shi H, Pourbabak S, Van Humbeeck J, Schryvers D, Scripta materialia 67, 939 (2012).
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Twinning in pure Ti subjected to monotonic simple shear deformation”. Tirry W, Bouvier S, Benmhenni N, Hammami W, Habraken AM, Coghe F, Schryvers D, Rabet L, Materials characterization 72, 24 (2012).
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The role of phase compatibility in martensite”. Salman OU, Finel A, Delville R, Schryvers D, Journal of applied physics T2 –, 22nd International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF), JUN 13-16, 2010, San Juan, PR 111, 103517 (2012).
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