Number of records found: 502
Reliable pore-size measurements based on a procedure specifically designed for electron tomography measurements of nanoporous samples”. Van Eyndhoven G, Batenburg KJ, van Oers C, Kurttepeli M, Bals S, Cool P, Sijbers J, (2014)
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Small-angle X-ray scattering and light scattering study of hybrid nanoparticles composed of thermoresponsive triblock copolymer F127 and thermoresponsive statistical polyoxazolines with hydrophobic moieties”. Bogomolova A, Hruby M, Panek J, Rabyk M, Turner S, Bals S, Steinhart M, Zhigunov A, Sedlacek O, Stepanek P, Filippov SK;, Journal of applied crystallography 46, 1690 (2013).
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Experimental evidence for oxygen sublattice control in polar infinite layer SrCuO2”. Samal D, Tan H, Molegraaf H, Kuiper B, Siemons W, Bals S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Takamura Y, Arenholz E, Jenkins CA, Rijnders G, Koster G, Physical review letters 111, 096102 (2013).
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Three-dimensional elemental mapping at the atomic scale in bimetallic nanocrystals”. Goris B, de Backer A, Van Aert S, Gómez-Graña S, Liz-Marzán LM, Van Tendeloo G, Bals S, Nano letters 13, 4236 (2013).
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Tailoring ZnSe-CdSe colloidal quantum dots via cation exchange : from core/shell to alloy nanocrystals”. Groeneveld E, Witteman L, Lefferts M, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, de Mello Donega C, ACS nano 7, 7913 (2013).
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Synthesis of highly luminescent silica-coated CdSe/CdS nanorods”. Pietra F, van Dijk-Moes RJA, Ke X, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, de Mello Donega C, Vanmaekelbergh D, Chemistry of materials 25, 3427 (2013).
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A generalized electrochemical aggregative growth mechanism”. Ustarroz J, Hammons JA, Altantzis T, Hubin A, Bals S, Terryn H, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 11550 (2013).
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Quantitative electron tomography : the effect of the three-dimensional point spread function”. Heidari H, van den Broek W, Bals S, Ultramicroscopy 135, 1 (2013).
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Au@Ag nanoparticles : halides stabilize {100} facets”. Gómez-Graña S, Goris B, Altantzis T, Fernández-López C, Carbó-Argibay E, Guerrero-Martínez A, Almora-Barrios N, López N, Pastoriza-Santos I, Pérez-Juste J, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Liz-Marzán LM;, The journal of physical chemistry letters 4, 2209 (2013).
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Defect engineering in oxide heterostructures by enhanced oxygen surface exchange”. Huijben M, Koster G, Kruize MK, Wenderich S, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Slooten E, Shi B, Molegraaf HJA, Kleibeuker JE, Van Aert S, Goedkoop JB, Brinkman A, Blank DHA, Golden MS, Van Tendeloo G, Hilgenkamp H, Rijnders G;, Advanced functional materials 23, 5240 (2013).
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Atomic scale investigation of a PbTiO3/SrRuO3/DyScO3 heterostructure”. Egoavil R, Tan H, Verbeeck J, Bals S, Smith B, Kuiper B, Rijnders G, Koster G, Van Tendeloo G, Applied physics letters 102, 223106 (2013).
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Hydrogen adsorption properties of platinum decorated hierarchically structured templated carbons”. Oh H, Gennett T, Atanassov P, Kurttepeli M, Bals S, Hurst KE, Hirscher M, Microporous and mesoporous materials: zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials 177, 66 (2013).
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Synthesis of uniformly dispersed anatase nanoparticles inside mesoporous silica thin films via controlled breakup and crystallization of amorphous TiO2 deposited using atomic layer deposition”. Sree SP, Dendooven J, Masschaele K, Hamed HM, Deng S, Bals S, Detavernier C, Martens JA, Nanoscale 5, 5001 (2013).
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Annular dark-field transmission electron microscopy for low contrast materials”. Leroux F, Bladt E, Timmermans J-P, Van Tendeloo G, Bals S, Microscopy and microanalysis 19, 629 (2013).
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Dimethylformamide-mediated synthesis of water-soluble platinum nanodendrites for ethanol oxidation electrocatalysis”. Mourdikoudis S, Chirea M, Altantzis T, Pastoriza-Santos I, Perez-Juste J, Silva F, Bals S, Liz-Marzan LM, Nanoscale 5, 4776 (2013).
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High resolution electron tomography”. Bals S, Van Aert S, Van Tendeloo G, Current opinion in solid state and materials science 17, 107 (2013).
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Band structure quantization in nanometer sized ZnO clusters”. Schouteden K, Zeng Y-J, Lauwaet K, Romero CP, Goris B, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Lievens P, Van Haesendonck C, Nanoscale 5, 3757 (2013).
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Heterogeneity of silica and glycan-epitope distribution in epidermal idioblast cell walls in Adiantum raddianum laminae”. Van Hoorebeke L, Leroux O, Leroux F, Mastroberti AA, Santos-Silva F, Van Loo D, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Bals S, Popper ZA, de Araujo Mariath JE, Planta 237, 1453 (2013).
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Procedure to count atoms with trustworthy single-atom sensitivity”. Van Aert S, de Backer A, Martinez GT, Goris B, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Rosenauer A, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 87, 064107 (2013).
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Molecular shape-selectivity of MFI zeolite nanosheets in n-decane isomerization and hydrocracking”. Verheyen E, Jo C, Kurttepeli M, Vanbutsele G, Gobechiya E, Korányi TI, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Ryoo R, Kirschhock CEA, Martens JA;, Journal of catalysis 300, 70 (2013).
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Low-dose patterning of platinum nanoclusters on carbon nanotubes by focused-electron-beam-induced deposition as studied by TEM”. Ke X, Bittencourt C, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 4, 77 (2013).
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Quantitative structure determination of large three-dimensional nanoparticle assemblies”. Altantzis T, Goris B, Sánchez-Iglesias A, Grzelczak M, Liz-Marzán LM, Bals S, Particle and particle systems characterization 30, 84 (2013).
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Low-dimensional semiconductor superlattices formed by geometric control over nanocrystal attachment”. Evers WH, Goris B, Bals S, Casavola M, de Graaf J, van Roij R, Dijkstra M, Vanmaekelbergh D, Nano letters 13, 2317 (2013).
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Advanced reconstruction algorithms for electron tomography : from comparison to combination”. Goris B, Roelandts T, Batenburg KJ, Heidari Mezerji H, Bals S, Ultramicroscopy 127, 40 (2013).
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Hydrophobic interactions modulate self-assembly of nanoparticles”. Sánchez-Iglesias A, Grzelczak M, Altantzis T, Goris B, Pérez-Juste J, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Donaldson SH, Chmelka BF, Israelachvili JN, Liz-Marzán LM;, ACS nano 6, 11059 (2012).
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Glycogen as a biodegradable construction nanomaterial for in vivo use”. Filippov SK, Sedlacek O, Bogomolova A, Vetrik M, Jirak D, Kovar J, Kucka J, Bals S, Turner S, Stepanek P, Hruby M;, Macromolecular bioscience 12, 1731 (2012).
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Design of zeolite by inverse sigma transformation”. Verheyen E, Joos L, Van Havenbergh K, Breynaert E, Kasian N, Gobechiya E, Houthoofd K, Martineau C, Hinterstein M, Taulelle F, Van Speybroeck V, Waroquier M, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Kirschhock CEA, Martens JA;, Nature materials 11, 1059 (2012).
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Atomic-scale determination of surface facets in gold nanorods”. Goris B, Bals S, van den Broek W, Carbó-Argibay E, Gómez-Graña S, Liz-Marzán LM, Van Tendeloo G, Nature materials 11, 930 (2012).
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Production of large graphene sheets by exfoliation of graphite under high power ultrasound in the presence of tiopronin”. Quintana M, Grzelczak M, Spyrou K, Kooi B, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Rudolf P, Prato M, Chemical communications 48, 12159 (2012).
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Advanced electron microscopy for advanced materials”. Van Tendeloo G, Bals S, Van Aert S, Verbeeck J, van Dyck D, Advanced materials 24, 5655 (2012).
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