Number of records found: 250
Cubic lead perovskite PbMoO3 with anomalous metallic behavior”. Takatsu H, Hernandez O, Yoshimune W, Prestipino C, Yamamoto T, Tassel C, Kobayashi Y, Batuk D, Shibata Y, Abakumov AM, Brown CM, Kageyama H, Physical review B 95, 155105 (2017).
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Evidence for anionic redox activity in a tridimensional-ordered Li-rich positive electrode β-Li2IrO3”. Pearce PE, Perez AJ, Rousse G, Saubanère M, Batuk D, Foix D, McCalla E, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Doublet M-L, Tarascon J-M, Nature materials 16, 580 (2017).
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Effect of cation vacancies on the crystal structure and luminescent properties of Ca(0.85-1.5x)Gd(x)Eu(0.1)_(0.05+0.5x)WO(4) (0<x<0.567) scheelite-based red phosphors”. Batuk D, Batuk M, Morozov VA, Meert KW, Smet PF, Poelman D, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Journal of alloys and compounds 706, 358 (2017).
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Room Temperature Magnetically Ordered Polar Corundum GaFeO3 Displaying Magnetoelectric Coupling”. Niu H, Pitcher MJ, Corkett AJ, Ling S, Mandal P, Zanella M, Dawson K, Stamenov P, Batuk D, Abakumov AM, Bull CL, Smith RI, Murray CA, Day SJ, Slater B, Cora F, Claridge JB, Rosseinsky MJ, Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 1520 (2017).
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Crystal Structure, Defects, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of the Layered Bi3n+1Ti7Fe3n-3,O9n+11 Perovskite-Anatase lntergrowths”. Batuk D, Batuk M, Filimonov DS, Zakharov KV, Volkova OS, Vasiliev AN, Tyablikov OA, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Inorganic chemistry 56, 931 (2017).
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Composition-dependent charge transfer and phase separation in the V1-xRexO2 solid solution”. Mikhailova D, Kuratieva NN, Utsumi Y, Tsirlin AA, Abakumov AM, Schmidt M, Oswald S, Fuess H, Ehrenberg H, Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton transactions 46, 1606 (2017).
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Doping of Bi4Fe5O13F with pentagonal Cairo lattice with Cr and Mn: Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties”. Rozova MG, Grigoriev VV, Tyablikov OA, Filimonov DS, Zakharov KV, Volkova OS, Vasiliev AN, Antipov EV, Abakumov AM, Materials research bulletin 87, 54 (2017).
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ZnTaO2N: Stabilized High-Temperature LiNbO3-type Structure”. Kuno Y, Tassel C, Fujita K, Batuk D, Abakumov AM, Shitara K, Kuwabara A, Moriwake H, Watabe D, Ritter C, Brown CM, Yamamoto T, Takeiri F, Abe R, Kobayashi Y, Tanaka K, Kageyama H, Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 15950 (2016).
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Antisite Disorder and Bond Valence Compensation in Li2FePO4F Cathode for Li-Ion Batteries”. Karakulina OM, Khasanova NR, Drozhzhin OA, Tsirlin AA, Hadermann J, Antipov EV, Abakumov AM, Chemistry Of Materials 28, 7578 (2016).
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Evaluation of Ce-doped Pr2CuO4for potential application as a cathode material for solid oxide fuel cells”. Kolchina L M, Lyskov NV, Kuznetsov AN, Kazakov SM, Galin MZ, Meledin A, Abakumov AM, Bredikhin SI, Mazo GN, Antipov EV, RSC advances 6, 101029 (2016).
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Strong oxygen participation in the redox governing the structural and electrochemical properties of Na-rich layered oxide Na2IrO3”. Perez AJ, Batuk D, Saubanère M, Rousse G, Foix D, Mc Calla E, J Berg E, Dugas R, van den Bos K H W, Doublet M-L, Gonbeau D, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 28, 8278 (2016).
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Visible light activation of room temperature NO2 gas sensors based on ZnO, SnO2 and In2O3 sensitized with CdSe quantum dots”. Chizhov AS, Rumyantseva MN, Vasiliev RB, Filatova DG, Drozdov KA, Krylov IV, Marchevsky AV, Karakulina OM, Abakumov AM, Gaskov AM, Thin solid films : an international journal on the science and technology of thin and thick films 618, 253 (2016).
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Direct Observation of Ferroelectric Domain Walls in LiNbO3: Wall-Meanders, Kinks, and Local Electric Charges”. Gonnissen J, Batuk D, Nataf GF, Jones L, Abakumov AM, Van Aert S, Schryvers D, Salje EKH, Advanced functional materials 26, 7599 (2016).
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Terapascal static pressure generation with ultrahigh yield strength nanodiamond”. Dubrovinskaia N, Dubrovinsky L, Solopova NA, Abakumov A, Turner S, Hanfland M, Bykova E, Bykov M, Prescher C, Prakapenka VB, Petitgirard S, Chuvashova I, Gasharova B, Mathis Y-L, Ershov P, Snigireva I, Snigirev A, Science Advances 2, e1600341 (2016).
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Layered-to-Tunnel Structure Transformation and Oxygen Redox Chemistry in LiRhO2upon Li Extraction and Insertion”. Mikhailova D, Karakulina OM, Batuk D, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Herklotz M, Tsirlin AA, Oswald S, Giebeler L, Schmidt M, Eckert J, Knapp M, Ehrenberg H, Inorganic chemistry 55, 7079 (2016).
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Study of hydrogen peroxide reactions on manganese oxides as a tool to decode the oxygen reduction reaction mechanism”. Ryabova AS, Bonnefont A, Zagrebin P, Poux T, Sena RP, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Kerangueven G, Istomin SY, Antipov EV, Tsirlina GA, Savinova ER, ChemElectroChem 3, 1667 (2016).
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Direct Observation of Luminescent Silver Clusters Confined in Faujasite Zeolites”. Altantzis T, Coutino-Gonzalez E, Baekelant W, Martinez GT, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Roeffaers MBJ, Bals S, Hofkens J, ACS nano 10, 7604 (2016).
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Relationship between the Size of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Efficiency of MRT Imaging of Cerebral Glioma in Rats”. Semkina AS, Abakumov MA, Abakumov AM, Nukolova NV, Chekhonin VP, Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine 161, 292 (2016).
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TEM and AES investigations of the natural surface nano-oxide layer of an AISI 316L stainless steel microfibre”. Ramachandran D, Egoavil R, Crabbe A, Hauffman T, Abakumov A, Verbeeck J, Vandendael I, Terryn H, Schryvers D, Journal of microscopy 264, 207 (2016).
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Pb2MnTeO6 double perovskite : an antipolar anti-ferromagnet”. Retuerto M, Skiadopoulou S, Li MR, Abakumov AM, Croft M, Ignatov A, Sarkar T, Abbett BM, Pokorný, J, Savinov M, Nuzhnyy D, Prokleška J, Abeykoon M, Stephens PW, Hodges JP, Vaněk P, Fennie CJ, Rabe KM, Kamba S, Greenblatt M;, Inorganic chemistry 55, 4320 (2016).
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Charge-ordering transition in iron oxide Fe4O5 involving competing dimer and trimer formation”. Ovsyannikov SV, Bykov M, Bykova E, Kozlenko DP, Tsirlin AA, Karkin AE, Shchennikov VV, Kichanov SE, Gou H, Abakumov AM, Egoavil R, Verbeeck J, McCammon C, Dyadkin V, Chernyshov D, van Smaalen S, Dubrovinsky LS, Nature chemistry 8, 501 (2016).
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Water electrolysis on La1-xSrxCoO3-\delta perovskite electrocatalysts”. Mefford JT, Rong X, Abakumov AM, Hardin WG, Dai S, Kolpak AM, Johnston KP, Stevenson KJ, Nature communications 7, 11053 (2016).
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UV effect on NO2 sensing properties of nanocrystalline In2O3”. Ilin A, Martyshov M, Forsh E, Forsh P, Rumyantseva M, Abakumov A, Gaskov A, Kashkarov P, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 231, 491 (2016).
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Synthesis, structure and electrochemical properties of LiNaCo0.5Fe0.5PO4F fluoride-phosphate”. Fedotov SS, Kuzovchikov SM, Khasanova NR, Drozhzhin OA, Filimonov DS, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Antipov EV, Journal of solid state chemistry 242, 70 (2016).
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Topochemical nitridation with anion vacancy -assisted N3-/O2- exchange”. Mikita R, Aharen T, Yamamoto T, Takeiri F, Ya T, Yoshimune W, Fujita K, Yoshida S, Tanaka K, Batuk D, Abakumov AM, Brown CM, Kobayashi Y, Kageyama H;, Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 3211 (2016).
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Interface control by chemical and dimensional matching in an oxide heterostructure”. O'Sullivan M, Hadermann J, Dyer MS, Turner S, Alaria J, Manning TD, Abakumov AM, Claridge JB, Rosseinsky MJ, Nature chemistry 8, 347 (2016).
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Insertion compounds and composites made by ball milling for advanced sodium-ion batteries”. Zhang B, Dugas R, Rousse G, Rozier P, Abakumov AM, Tarascon J-M, Nature communications 7, 10308 (2016).
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Switching between solid solution and two-phase regimes in the Li1-xFe1-yMnyPO4 cathode materials during lithium (de)insertion: combined PITT, in situ XRPD and electron diffraction tomography study”. Drozhzhin OA, Sumanov VD, Karakulina OM, Abakumov AM, Hadermann J, Baranov AN, Stevenson KJ, Antipov EV, Electrochimica acta 191, 149 (2016).
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Bi(3n+1)Ti7Fe(3n-3)O(9n+11) Homologous Series: Slicing Perovskite Structure with Planar Interfaces Containing Anatase-like Chains”. Batuk D, Tsirlin AA, Filimonov DS, Zakharov KV, Volkova OS, Vasiliev A, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Inorganic chemistry 55, 1245 (2016).
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AVPO4F (A = Li, K): A 4 V Cathode Material for High-Power Rechargeable Batteries”. Fedotov SS, Khasanova NR, Samarin AS, Drozhzhin OA, Batuk D, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Antipov EV, Chemistry of materials 28, 411 (2016).
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