Number of records found: 336
Defects in AgCl and AgBr(100) tabular crystals studied by TEM”. van Renterghem W, Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Verrept P, Bollen D, van Roost C, de Keyzer R, , 6 (1998)
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Defect related growth of tabular AgCl(100) crystals: a TEM study”. van Renterghem W, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, van Roost C, , 389 (1998)
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Conventional and HREM study of structural defects in nanostructured silver halides”. Schryvers D, Goessens C, van Renterghem W, van Landuyt J, de Keyzer R, , 1 (1998)
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HRTEM study of austenite and martensite in splat-cooled and nanoscale thin film Ni-Al”. Schryvers D, Yandouzi M, Holland-Moritz D, Toth L, Journal de physique: 4 C5, 203 (1997).
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Electron microscopy studies of martensite microstructures”. Schryvers D, Journal de physique: 4 C5, 109 (1997).
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Defect structures in CuZr martensite, studies by CTEM and HRTEM”. Seo JW, Schryvers D, Journal de physique: 4 C5, 149 (1997).
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Landscape roughness at an atomic scale”. Van Tendeloo G, De Meulenaere P, Schryvers D, Physica: D : nonlinear phenomena 107, 401 (1997).
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Unit cell determination in CuZr martensite by EM and X-ray diffraction”. Schryvers D, Firstov GS, Seo JW, van Humbeeck J, Koval YN, Scripta materialia 36, 1119 (1997)
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New method to determine the parity of the number of twin planes in tabular silver halide microcrystals from top views”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, de Keyzer R, The journal of imaging science and technology 41, 301 (1997)
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Metals and alloys: 2: phase transformations”. Schryvers D, Van Tendeloo G Vch, Weinheim, page 80 (1997).
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Experimental studies on precursor phenomena in displacive phase transformations”. Schryvers D, Properties Of Complex Inorganic Solids , 321 (1997)
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Electron microscopical investigation of tetrahedral-shaped AgBr microcrystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, de Keyzer R, Journal of crystal growth 172, 426 (1997)
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Decomposition of a metastable bcc phase in rapidly solidified Ni-9 at.% Zr and Ni-8 at.%X alloys”. Chandrasekaran M, Ghosh G, Schryvers D, de Graef M, Delaey L, Van Tendeloo G, Philosophical magazine: A: physics of condensed matter: defects and mechanical properties 75, 677 (1997)
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HREM investigation of martensite precursor effects and stacking sequences in Ni-Mn-Ti alloys”. Schryvers D, Lahjouji DE, Slootmaekers B, Potapov PL, Scripta metallurgica et materialia 35, 1235 (1996).
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A comparative investigation of replication techniques used for the study of (S+Au) sensitized AgBr microcrystals”. Buschmann V, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, van Roost C, de Keyzer R, The journal of imaging science and technology 40, 189 (1996)
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Ni2Al versus Ni5Al3 ordering in Ni65Al35 austenite and martensite”. Schryvers D, Toth L, van Humbeeck J, Beyer J, Journal de physique: colloques, suppléments 5, 1029 (1995).
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SAED and HREM results suggest a NiTi B19' based superstructure for CuZr martensite”. Schryvers D, Journal de physique: colloques, suppléments 5, 1047 (1995).
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Nucleation and growth of the Ni5Al3 phase in Ni-Al austenite and martensite”. Schryvers D, Toth L, Ma Y, Tanner L, Journal de physique: 4 T2 –, IIIrd European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 94), SEP 14-16, 1994, BARCELONA, SPAIN 5, 299 (1995).
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Martensitic and related transformations in Ni-Al alloys”. Schryvers D, Journal de physique: 4 T2 –, IIIrd European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 94), SEP 14-16, 1994, BARCELONA, SPAIN 5, 225 (1995).
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Some examples of electron microscopy studies of microstructures and phase transitions in solids”. Schryvers D, Van Tendeloo G, van Landuyt J, Amelinckx S, Meccanica 30, 433 (1995).
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Electron microscopy study of the formation of Ni5Al3 in a Ni62.5Al37.5 B2 alloy: 2: plate crystallography”. Schryvers D, Ma Y, Toth L, Tanner LE, Acta metallurgica et materialia 43, 4057 (1995).
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Electron microscopy study of the formation of Ni5Al3 in a Ni62.5Al37.5 B2 alloy: 1: precipitation and growth”. Schryvers D, Ma Y, Toth L, Tanner LE, Acta metallurgica et materialia 43, 4045 (1995).
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Electron microscopical investigation of AgBr needle crystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Millan A, de Keyzer R, Journal of crystal growth 151, 335 (1995).
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Long period surface ordering of iodine ions in mixed tabular AgBr-AgBrI microcrystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Amelinckx S, de Keyzer R, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces 337, 153 (1995).
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In-situ TEM study of the Ni5Al3 to B2 + L12 decomposition in Ni65Al35”. Schryvers D, Ma Y, Materials letters 23, 105 (1995).
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The growth of Ni5Al3 in L10 martensite studied by in situ transmission electron microscopy and high resolution electron microscopy”. Schryvers D, Ma Y, Journal of alloys and compounds 221, 227 (1995).
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A temperature study of mixed AgBr-AgBrI tabular crystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Geuens I, Gijbels R, Jacob W, de Keyzer R Hawaii, page 70 (1995).
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On the phase-like nature of the 7M structure in Ni-Al”. Schryvers D, Tanner LE, Ecomaterials , 849 (1994).
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Electron-diffraction evidence for ordering of interstitial silver ions in silver bromide microcrystals”. Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Dyck D, van Landuyt J, de Keyzer R, Physica status solidi: A 143, 277 (1994).
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Electron microscopy study of twinning in the Ni5Al3 bainitic phase”. Schryvers D, Ma Y, Toth L, Tanner L, TMS (1994)
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