Number of records found: 160
Thermophilic sludge digestion improves energy balance and nutrient recovery potential in full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants”. De Vrieze J, Smet D, Klok J, Colsen J, Angenent LT, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 218, 1237 (2016).
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High-rate activated sludge communities have a distinctly different structure compared to low-rate sludge communities, and are less sensitive towards environmental and operational variables”. Meerburg FA, Vlaeminck SE, Roume H, Seuntjens D, Pieper DH, Jauregui R, Vilchez-Vargas R, Boon N, Water research 100, 137 (2016).
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Impact of carbon to nitrogen ratio and aeration regime on mainstream deammonification”. Han M, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Bott C, Murthy S, Water science and technology 74, 375 (2016).
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Used water and nutrients : recovery perspectives in a 'panta rhei' context”. Verstraete W, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 215, 199 (2016).
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Growing media constituents determine the microbial nitrogen conversions in organic growing media for horticulture”. Grunert O, Reheul D, Van Labeke M-C, Perneel M, Hernandez-Sanabria E, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Microbial Biotechnology 9, 389 (2016).
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Production of carboxylates from high rate activated sludge through fermentation”. Cagnetta C, Coma M, Vlaeminck SE, Rabaey K, Bioresource technology 217, 165 (2016).
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Nitrification and microalgae cultivation for two-stage biological nutrient valorization from source separated urine”. Coppens J, Lindeboom R, Muys M, Coessens W, Alloul A, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Clauwaert P, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 211, 41 (2016).
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Deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated with thermal hydrolysis : overcoming inhibition through process optimization”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, Applied microbiology and biotechnology 100, 5595 (2016).
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A robust nitrifying community in a bioreactor at 50 degrees C opens up the path for thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Courtens ENP, Spieck E, Vilchez-Vargas R, Bode S, Boeckx P, Schouten S, Jauregui R, Pieper DH, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, The ISME journal : multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology 10, 2293 (2016).
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Energy efficient treatment of A-stage effluent : pilot-scale experiences with short-cut nitrogen removal”. Seuntjens D, Bundervoet BLM, Mollen H, De Mulder C, Wypkema E, Verliefde A, Nopens I, Colsen JGM, Vlaeminck SE, Water science and technology 73, 2150 (2016).
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Empowering a mesophilic inoculum for thermophilic nitrification : growth mode and temperature pattern as critical proliferation factors for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Courtens ENP, Vandekerckhove T, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 92, 94 (2016).
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Transitioning from mesophilic to thermophilic nitrification: shaping a niche for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Vandekerckhove T, Courtens ENP, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 9 p. T2 (2016)
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Towards application of mainstream deammonification on municipal wastewater in warm and cold areas”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, Aussenac J, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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Towards application of mainstream deammonification on municipal wastewater in warm and cold areas”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, aussenac J, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Caligaris M, Graveleau L, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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Struvite solubilisation rates enable direct addition To single cell protein bioreactors”. Muys M, Derese S, Verliefde A, Vlaeminck SE, , 10 p. T2 (2016)
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Solubilization of struvite as a sustainable nutrient source for single cell protein production”. Muys M, Derese S, Verliefde A, Vlaeminck SE, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81, 179 (2016)
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The rise of thermophilic biotechnology for nitrogen removal”. Vandekerckhove TGL, Courtens ENP, Prat D, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 17 p. T2 (2016)
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Overcoming the challenges for mainstream deammonification on municipal wastewater in warm and cold areas”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, Aussenac J, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 3 p. T2 (2016)
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Microbial ecology of high-rate versus conventional activated sludge : environmental and operational parameters shape microbial structure, co-occurrence and functionality”. Seuntjens D, Meerburg FA, Vlaeminck SE, Roume H, Pieper DH, Jauregui R, Vilchez-Vargas R, Boon N, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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Mechanistic understanding of microbial activity inhibition : case study on sidestream deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated by thermal hydrolysis”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Shaw A, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 5 p. T2 (2016)
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The ManureEcoMine Pilot Plant : towards advanced nutrient management in livestock waste treatment”. Pintucci C, Peng L, Prat D, Colica G, Merijn P, Colsen J, Varga S, Sarli J, Benito O, Vlaeminck SE, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Lets settle together? Extending external selection from mainstream deammonification to high-rate activated sludge”. Van Winckel T, De Clippeleir H, Yapuwa H, Wett B, Bott C, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Invigorating the renaissance of single cell protein : safe opportunities for nutrient recovery and reuse as feed ingredient”. Sui Y, Alloul A, Muys M, Makyeme M, Coppens J, Verstraete W, Vlaeminck SE, , 12 p. T2 (2016)
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Inhibition mechanisms affecting deammonification of dewatering filtrate from thermally hydrolyzed digested solid”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 9 p. T2 (2016)
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Impact of temperature on mainstream deammonification performance and microbial community”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 3 p. T2 (2016)
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Free ammonia and/or temperature impact study on temperature-acclimated mainstream nitrification sludge”. Han M, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Vlaeminck SE, Wett B, Murthy S, , 3 p. T2 (2016)
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Fertilizer type influences dynamics of the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere of tomato and impact the nutrient turnover and plant performance”. Grunert O, Robles Aguilar AA, Hernandez-Sanabria E, Reheul D, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Jablonowski ND, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81, 67 (2016)
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Fast and furious : optimization and validation of high-rate contact stabilization (HiCS) for recovery of organics from sewage”. Meerburg FA, Rahman A, Van Winckel T, Pauwels K, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2016)
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Can nitrification bring us to Mars? The role of microbial interactions on nitrogen recovery in Life Support Systems”. Ilgrande C, Christiaens M, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81, 74 (2016)
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Biofilms for one-stage autotrophic nitrogen removal”. Carvajal-Arroyo JM, Vitor Akaboci TR, Ruscalleda M, Colprim J, Courtens E, Vlaeminck SE page 205 (2016).
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